第一个与相应的 long 相差 delta 的双精度数是多少?


我想知道从 0d 向上的第一个双精度数,该双精度数偏离“相同值”的长整型某个增量,例如 1e-8。不过我在这里失败了。尽管我通常使用托管语言,但我正在尝试用 C 来执行此操作,以防万一。请帮忙。

#include <stdio.h>
#include <limits.h>
#define DELTA 1e-8

int main() {
    double d = 0; // checked, the literal is fine
    long i;
    for (i = 0L; i < LONG_MAX; i++) {
         d=i; // gcc does the cast right, i checked
         if (d-i > DELTA || d-i < -DELTA) {
              printf("%f", d);

我猜测问题在于 d-i 将 i 转换为 double,因此 d==i 然后差值始终为 0。我还能如何正确检测到这一点 - 我更喜欢有趣的 C 转换而不是比较字符串,这会永远。

ANSWER: 和我们预想的一模一样。根据标准 C/UNIX/POSIX 工具,2^53+1 = 9007199254740993 是第一个差异点。非常感谢 pax 的节目。我想数学又赢了。

Doubles in IEE-754 have a precision of 52 bits which means they can store numbers accurately up to (at least) 251.

If your longs are 32-bit, they will only have the (positive) range 0 .. 231 - 1 so there is no 32-bit long that cannot be represented exactly as a double. For a 64-bit long, it will be (roughly) 252 so I'd be starting around there, not at zero.

您可以使用以下程序来检测故障开始发生的位置。在早期版本中,我依赖于这样一个事实:连续加倍的数字的最后一位数字遵循序列 {2,4,8,6}。然而,我最终选择使用已知的可信工具(bc)用于检查整个数字,而不仅仅是最后一位数字。

Keep in mind that this may be affected by the actions of sprintf() rather than the real accuracy of doubles (I don't think so personally since it had no troubles with certain numbers up to 2143).


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

int main() {
    FILE *fin;
    double d = 3.0; // 2^n + 1 to avoid exact powers of 2.
    int i = 1;
    char ds[1000];
    char tst[1000];

    // Loop forever, rely on break to finish.

    while (1) {
        // Get C version of the double.

        sprintf (ds, "%.0f", d);

        // Get bc version of the double.

        sprintf (tst, "echo '2^%d - 1' | bc >tmpfile", i);
        fin = fopen ("tmpfile", "r");
        fgets (tst, sizeof (tst), fin);
        fclose (fin);
        tst[strlen (tst) - 1] = '\0';

        // Check them.

        if (strcmp (ds, tst) != 0) {
            printf( "2^%d + 1 <-- bc failure\n", i);
            printf( "   got       [%s]\n", ds);
            printf( "   expected  [%s]\n", tst);

        // Output for status then move to next.

        printf( "2^%d + 1 = %s\n", i, ds);
        d = (d - 1) * 2 + 1;  // Again, 2^n + 1.


2^49 + 1 = 562949953421313
2^50 + 1 = 1125899906842625
2^51 + 1 = 2251799813685249
2^52 + 1 = 4503599627370497
2^53 + 1 <-- bc failure
   got       [9007199254740992]
   expected  [9007199254740993]


As an aside, I originally used numbers of the form 2n but that got me all the way up to:

2^136 = 87112285931760246646623899502532662132736
2^137 = 174224571863520493293247799005065324265472
2^138 = 348449143727040986586495598010130648530944
2^139 = 696898287454081973172991196020261297061888
2^140 = 1393796574908163946345982392040522594123776
2^141 = 2787593149816327892691964784081045188247552
2^142 = 5575186299632655785383929568162090376495104
2^143 <-- bc failure
   got       [11150372599265311570767859136324180752990210]
   expected  [11150372599265311570767859136324180752990208]

with the size of a double being 8 bytes (checked with sizeof). It turned out these numbers were of the binary form 1000...000, which can be represented for far longer with doubles. That's when I switched to using 2n + 1 to get a better bit pattern (one at the start and one at the end).

现在,要明确的是,most可靠的方法是检查每个数字,看看哪个数字首先失败,但这将需要相当长的运行时间。考虑到 IEEE-754 编码的知识,这种方法是最好的方法。


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