

我想替换键的值(即db_host, addons_path) with $$$$.


admin_passwd = abctest
auto_reload = False
csv_internal_sep = ,
db_host =


admin_passwd = abctest
auto_reload = False
csv_internal_sep = ,
db_host = $$$$$


以下函数为我提供了替换特定键的值的正确输出 导入文件输入 从 pprint 导入 pprint 作为 p

replace_with = '7777'
key = 'db_host'

fileref = open('/Files/replace_key/test','r+')

line = fileref.readline()
config = []
while line:
     split_line = line.split('=')
     if len(split_line ) == 2:
        config.append( ( split_line[0].strip(' \n'),split_line[1].strip(' \n') ) )

     print line
     line = fileref.readline()

config = dict(config)
print config




如果您想使用 Python 执行此操作,可以使用以下函数:

def replace_in_file(filename, key, new_value):
    f = open(filename, "r")
    lines = f.readlines()
    for i, line in enumerate(lines):
        if line.split('=')[0].strip(' \n') == key:
            lines[i] = key + ' = ' + new_value + '\n'
    f = open(filename, "w")

replace_in_file("file.txt", 'db_host', "7777")

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