R 在空行上分割文本



"Ach! Hans, Run!" 
At the beginning of your upkeep, you may say "Ach! Hans, run! It's the . . ." and name a creature card. If you do, search your library for the named card, put it into play, then shuffle your library. That creature has haste. Remove it from the game at end of turn.

A Display of My Dark Power
When you set this scheme in motion, until your next turn, whenever a player taps a land for mana, that player adds one mana to his or her mana pool of any type that land produced.

AErathi Berserker
Creature -- Human Berserker
Rampage 3 (Whenever this creature becomes blocked, it gets +3/+3 until end of turn for each creature blocking it beyond the first.)

AEther Adept
Creature -- Human Wizard
When AEther Adept enters the battlefield, return target creature to its owner's hand.
M11-C, M12-C, DDM-C


我想将此文件加载到 data.frame 或向量“oracle”中,按每个空行(实际上是一个空格和一个换行符)分割,以便



"Ach! Hans, Run!" 2RRGG Enchantment At the beginning of your upkeep, you may say "Ach! Hans, run! It's the . . ." and name a creature card. If you do, search your library for the named card, put it into play, then shuffle your library. That creature has haste. Remove it from the game at end of turn. UNH-R


oracle <- read.table(file = "All Sets.txt", quote = "", sep="\n")

以及 scan(),但是





oracle <- readLines("BenYoung2.txt")
nvec <- length(oracle)
breaks <- which(! nzchar(oracle))
nbreaks <- length(breaks)
if (breaks[nbreaks] < nvec) {
  breaks <- c(breaks, nvec + 1L)
  nbreaks <- nbreaks + 1L
if (nbreaks > 0L) {
  oracle <- mapply(function(a,b) paste(oracle[a:b], collapse = " "),
                   c(1L, 1L + breaks[-nbreaks]),
                   breaks - 1L)

# [1] "\"Ach! Hans, Run!\"  2RRGG Enchantment At the beginning of your upkeep, you may say \"Ach! Hans, run! It's the . . .\" and name a creature card. If you do, search your library for the named card, put it into play, then shuffle your library. That creature has haste. Remove it from the game at end of turn. UNH-R"


breaks <- which(grepl("^[[:space:]]*$", oracle))



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