Win32 和 Win64 机器中的 SendInput 按键


我在 xp 32 位下使用 sendInput() 使用 web 服务来推送当前焦点窗口的 F​​5。现在在 Vista win64 下我无法获得这个结果。有些文章指出使用 4 位或 8 位的 uint 问题,但这并不能通过差异编译和 FieldOffset(4) 或 (8) 解决 vista 下的问题。其他人谈到使用此 SendInput() 方法在 Vista 屏幕和窗口之间不再有交互。有人可以指出在 win32 和 win64 机器上按 F5 的解决方案吗?谢谢。

uint intReturn = 0;
NativeWIN32.INPUT structInput;
structInput = new NativeWIN32.INPUT();
structInput.type = (uint)1; = 0; = 0; = 0; = IntPtr.Zero; 

// Key down the actual key-code = (ushort)NativeWIN32.VK.F5;
intReturn = NativeWIN32.SendInput((uint)1, ref structInput, Marshal.SizeOf(structInput));
// Key up the actual key-code = NativeWIN32.KEYEVENTF_KEYUP; = (ushort)NativeWIN32.VK.F5;
intReturn = NativeWIN32.SendInput((uint)1, ref structInput, Marshal.SizeOf(structInput));

public class NativeWIN32
    public const ushort KEYEVENTF_KEYUP = 0x0002; 
    public enum VK : ushort 
        F5                   = 0x74,  

    public struct KEYBDINPUT 
        public ushort wVk;  
        public ushort wScan;  
        public uint dwFlags;  
        public long time;  
        public uint dwExtraInfo; 
    public struct INPUT 
        public uint type;
        #if x86 
        public KEYBDINPUT ki; 

    public static extern uint SendInput(uint nInputs, ref INPUT pInputs, int cbSize);


我在 XP 上使用 32/64 时遇到了这个问题,这是我想出的解决方案。我不是 pInvoke 专家,因此可能有更优雅的解决方案。

根本原因似乎是两种架构之间的字长不同。这会导致从外部调用中使用的数据结构中解析出一些复杂的数据。我必须为 64 位和 32 位声明两组独立的结构和外部调用。

internal static class SendInputExternalCalls
    // This SendInput call uses the 32bit input structure.
    [DllImport("user32.dll", SetLastError = true, EntryPoint = "SendInput")]
    public static extern UInt32 SendInput(
        UInt32 numInputs,
        [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray, SizeConst = 1)]
        SEND_INPUT_FOR_32_BIT[] sendInputsFor,
        Int32 cbSize);

    // This SendInput call uses the 64bit input structure.
    [DllImport("user32.dll", SetLastError = true, EntryPoint = "SendInput")]
    public static extern UInt32 SendInput(
        UInt32 numInputs,
        [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray, SizeConst = 1)] 
        SEND_INPUT_FOR_64_BIT[] sendInputsFor,
        Int32 cbSize);

// This is the basic structure for 32 bit input.  SendInput allows for other input   
// types, but I was only concerned with keyboard input, so I harcoded my strucs that way.
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit, Pack = 1)]
internal struct SEND_INPUT_FOR_32_BIT
    public uint InputType;  
    public KEYBOARD_INPUT_FOR_32_BIT KeyboardInputStruct; 

// Here is the structure for keyboard input.  The key code, scan code, and flags
// are what's important.  The other variables are place holders so that the structure
// maintains the correct size when compared to the other possible input structure types.  
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 1)]
internal struct KEYBOARD_INPUT_FOR_32_BIT
    public ushort VirtualKeyCode;
    public ushort ScanCode;
    public uint Flags;
    public uint Time;
    public uint ExtraInfo;
    public uint Padding1;
    public uint Padding2;

// Here's the corresponding 64 bit structure.  Notice that the field offset are larger. 
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit, Pack = 1)]
internal struct SEND_INPUT_FOR_64_BIT
    public uint InputType;
    public KEYBOARD_INPUT_FOR_64_BIT KeyboardInputStruct;

// Here's the keyboard 64 bit structure.  Notice that the field offset are again larger.
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit, Pack = 1)]
internal struct KEYBOARD_INPUT_FOR_64_BIT
    public ushort VirtualKeyCode;
    public ushort ScanCode;
    public uint Flags;
    public uint Time;
    public uint Padding1;
    public uint Padding2;

这是稍微有点笨拙的部分。使用哪种结构取决于应用程序运行的架构。您可以针对 32 位或 64 位目标进行编译,但仍然可以在 64 位 Windows 上运行 32 位编译的应用程序。如果您希望 32 位编译的应用程序在 64 位计算机上使用 SendInput,则必须弄清楚在运行时要使用哪个结构。我通过在调用发送输入的公共方法时检查字长来做到这一点。

    public static void SendInput( ushort charUnicode )
        // In 32 bit the IntPtr should be 4; it's 8 in 64 bit.
        if (Marshal.SizeOf(new IntPtr()) == 8)

我没有在 Vista 中尝试过此操作,但它可以在 32/64 位 Windows XP 和 32/64 位 Windows 7 中运行。


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