Spirit.X3 中的递归规则


我想使用 Boost.Spirit x3 解析递归语法,但由于模板实例化深度问题而失败。


value: int | float | char | tuple
int: "int: " int_
float: "float: " real_ 
char: "char: " char_
tuple: "tuple: [" value* "]"


#include <boost/fusion/adapted.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/home/x3.hpp>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <variant>

struct value: std::variant<int,float,std::vector<value>>
    using std::variant<int,float,std::vector<value>>::variant;

    value& operator=(float) { return *this; } 
    value& operator=(int) { return *this; } 
    value& operator=(std::vector<value>) { return *this; } 

using namespace boost::fusion;
namespace x3 = boost::spirit::x3;

using x3::skip;
using x3::int_;
using x3::real_parser;
using x3::char_;

x3::rule<class value_, value> const value_ = "value";
x3::rule<class o_tuple_, std::vector<value>> o_tuple_ = "tuple";

using float_p = real_parser<float, x3::strict_real_policies<float>>;

const auto o_tuple__def = "tuple: " >> skip(boost::spirit::x3::space)["[" >> value_ % "," >> "]"];

const auto value__def
    = ("float: " >> float_p())
    | ("int: " >> int_)
    | o_tuple_


int main()
  std::string str;
  value val;

  using boost::spirit::x3::parse;
  auto first = str.cbegin(), last = str.cend();
  bool r = parse(first, last, value_, val);

如果该行有效| o_tuple_被注释(例如没有递归)。



"float: 3.14",
"int: 3.14",
"tuple: [float: 3.14,int: 3]",


// the following _should_ have compiled with the original skip() configuration:
"tuple: [ float: 3.14,\tint: 3 ]",


// the following would not have parsed with the original skip() configuration:
"tuple:[float: 3.14,int: 3]",
"tuple: [ float:3.14,\tint:3 ]",




  1. 删除了无效的赋值运算符value::operator=(我不知道你为什么拥有它们)

  2. 添加代码以打印任何调试转储value:

    friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, base_type const& v) {
        struct {
            std::ostream& operator()(float const& f) const { return _os << "float:" << f; }
            std::ostream& operator()(int const& i)   const { return _os << "int:" << i; }
            std::ostream& operator()(std::vector<value> const& v) const { 
                _os << "tuple: [";
                for (auto& el : v) _os << el << ",";
                return _os << ']';
            std::ostream& _os;
        } vis { os };
        return std::visit(vis, v);
  3. 删除船长并从中分离出关键字:插补:

    namespace x3 = boost::spirit::x3;
    x3::rule<struct value_class, value> const value_ = "value";
    x3::rule<struct o_tuple_class, std::vector<value> > o_tuple_ = "tuple";
    x3::real_parser<float, x3::strict_real_policies<float> > float_;
    const auto o_tuple__def = "tuple" >> x3::lit(':') >> ("[" >> value_ % "," >> "]");
    const auto value__def
        = "float" >> (':' >> float_)
        | "int" >> (':' >> x3::int_)
        | o_tuple_
    BOOST_SPIRIT_DEFINE(value_, o_tuple_)
  4. 现在crucial步骤:在顶层添加船长:

    const auto entry_point = x3::skip(x3::space) [ value_ ];
  5. 创建优秀的测试驱动程序main():

    int main()
        for (std::string const str : {
                "float: 3.14",
                "int: 3.14",
                "tuple: [float: 3.14,int: 3]",
                // the following _should_ have compiled with the original skip() configuration:
                "tuple: [ float: 3.14,\tint: 3 ]",
                // the following would not have parsed with the original skip() configuration:
                "tuple:[float: 3.14,int: 3]",
                "tuple: [ float:3.14,\tint:3 ]",
                // one final show case for good measure
                tuple: [
                   int  : 4,
                   float: 7e9,
                   tuple: [float: -inf],
                   int: 42
        }) {
            std::cout << "============ '" << str << "'\n";
            //using boost::spirit::x3::parse;
            auto first = str.begin(), last = str.end();
            value val;
            if (parse(first, last, parser::entry_point, val))
                std::cout << "Parsed '" << val << "'\n";
                std::cout << "Parse failed\n";
            if (first != last)
                std::cout << "Remaining input: '" << std::string(first, last) << "'\n";


See it Live On Coliru

#include <iostream>
#include <boost/fusion/adapted.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/home/x3.hpp>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <variant>

struct value: std::variant<int,float,std::vector<value>>
    using base_type = std::variant<int,float,std::vector<value>>;
    using base_type::variant;

    friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, base_type const& v) {
        struct {
            std::ostream& operator()(float const& f) const { return _os << "float:" << f; }
            std::ostream& operator()(int const& i)   const { return _os << "int:" << i; }
            std::ostream& operator()(std::vector<value> const& v) const { 
                _os << "tuple: [";
                for (auto& el : v) _os << el << ",";
                return _os << ']';
            std::ostream& _os;
        } vis { os };

        return std::visit(vis, v);

namespace parser {
    namespace x3 = boost::spirit::x3;

    x3::rule<struct value_class, value> const value_ = "value";
    x3::rule<struct o_tuple_class, std::vector<value> > o_tuple_ = "tuple";

    x3::real_parser<float, x3::strict_real_policies<float> > float_;

    const auto o_tuple__def = "tuple" >> x3::lit(':') >> ("[" >> value_ % "," >> "]");

    const auto value__def
        = "float" >> (':' >> float_)
        | "int" >> (':' >> x3::int_)
        | o_tuple_

    BOOST_SPIRIT_DEFINE(value_, o_tuple_)

    const auto entry_point = x3::skip(x3::space) [ value_ ];

int main()
    for (std::string const str : {
            "float: 3.14",
            "int: 3.14",
            "tuple: [float: 3.14,int: 3]",
            // the following _should_ have compiled with the original skip() configuration:
            "tuple: [ float: 3.14,\tint: 3 ]",
            // the following would not have parsed with the original skip() configuration:
            "tuple:[float: 3.14,int: 3]",
            "tuple: [ float:3.14,\tint:3 ]",
            // one final show case for good measure
            tuple: [
               int  : 4,
               float: 7e9,
               tuple: [float: -inf],

               int: 42
    }) {
        std::cout << "============ '" << str << "'\n";

        //using boost::spirit::x3::parse;
        auto first = str.begin(), last = str.end();
        value val;

        if (parse(first, last, parser::entry_point, val))
            std::cout << "Parsed '" << val << "'\n";
            std::cout << "Parse failed\n";

        if (first != last)
            std::cout << "Remaining input: '" << std::string(first, last) << "'\n";


============ ''
Parse failed
============ 'float: 3.14'
Parsed 'float:3.14'
============ 'int: 3.14'
Parsed 'int:3'
Remaining input: '.14'
============ 'tuple: [float: 3.14,int: 3]'
Parsed 'tuple: [float:3.14,int:3,]'
============ 'tuple: [ float: 3.14, int: 3 ]'
Parsed 'tuple: [float:3.14,int:3,]'
============ 'float:3.14'
Parsed 'float:3.14'
============ 'int:3.14'
Parsed 'int:3'
Remaining input: '.14'
============ 'tuple:[float: 3.14,int: 3]'
Parsed 'tuple: [float:3.14,int:3,]'
============ 'tuple:[float:3.14,int:3]'
Parsed 'tuple: [float:3.14,int:3,]'
============ 'tuple: [ float:3.14,  int:3 ]'
Parsed 'tuple: [float:3.14,int:3,]'
============ '
            tuple: [
               int  : 4,
               float: 7e9,
               tuple: [float: -inf],

               int: 42
Parsed 'tuple: [int:4,float:7e+09,tuple: [float:-inf,],int:42,]'

¹ 其他指令也是如此,例如x3::with<>。问题是上下文变得extended在每个实例化级别上,而不是“修改”以恢复原始上下文类型,并结束实例化周期。


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