如何在 ActionScript 2.0 中显示图表中从 +10 到 -10 XY 轴的随机三角形的坐标?


在actionscript 2.0中,我如何在图表中显示随机三角形的坐标,其范围在XY轴上从-10到+10,其中点如A(2,1)等,每个角都有圆弧

好的,到目前为止我们已经完成了带圆弧的三角形, 网格上的三角形, and 带坐标的三角形。现在是时候将所有这些组合成一段代码了。您要求网格大小为 -10 到 +10,但只需多做一点工作即可使其适用于任何大小的网格(好吧,在限制范围内)。

我们需要处理您选择的范围(-10 到 +10)和舞台大小(以像素为单位)之间的转换。这样做的技巧是创建一个 movieClip ('myGraph') 来保存 -10 到 +10 的网格,然后将其放大以适应舞台的大小(我们将在边缘周围留下 20 像素的边距);我们将计算一个矩形('displayRect')来表示我们希望 myGraph 的最大尺寸。我们还希望定位 myGraph,使其原点位于正确的位置,并垂直翻转它,以便 Y 轴随着您在屏幕上向上移动而增加。

完成所有这些后,我们可以使用所需的单位(-10 到 +10)在 myGraph 中进行绘制,而无需进一步转换为像素 - myGraph 的缩放会自动为我们处理这一问题。

接下来,我们在 myGraph 中创建一个“网格”剪辑,并使用 drawGrid() 函数在其中绘制网格。

然后我们在 myGraph 中创建一个“arcTriangle”剪辑,并在其中绘制三角形。我们使用与之前相同的技术,绘制三角形,在每个角绘制一个红色圆圈,然后使用三角形的副本作为蒙版以仅显示圆圈的内部弧。然后我们在每个角创建一个文本字段来显示每个点的坐标(请注意,这些需要缩放回正常大小,否则文本太小而无法阅读!)。

最后,我们向 myGraph 添加一个 onRelease 函数,该函数在单击时绘制一个新的随机 arcTriangle。

alt text
(source: webfactional.com)


import flash.geom.Point;
import flash.geom.Rectangle;

var margin:Number = 20;//leave a margin around the graph...
//...calculate the largest extent (displayRect) that we want our graph to be displayed in:
var displayRect = new Rectangle(margin, margin, Stage.width-margin-60, Stage.height-2*margin);

//make the 'graph' clip:
var myGraph:MovieClip = this.createEmptyMovieClip("myGraph", this.getNextHighestDepth());

myGraph.extents = new Rectangle(-10, -10, 20, 20);//you can change this to set a different size of grid

//calculate the length of one local unit in pixels...
myGraph.unit = Math.min((displayRect.height)/myGraph.extents.height, (displayRect.width)/myGraph.extents.width);

//... and scale the graph clip so it fits inside the displayRect
myGraph._xscale = myGraph.unit*100;
myGraph._yscale = -myGraph.unit*100;// this one is negative, so Y increases upwards

//calculate the origin of myGraph...
myGraph.origin = new Point(displayRect.left-myGraph.unit*myGraph.extents.left, displayRect.top+myGraph.unit*myGraph.extents.bottom);

//... and move myGraph into the correct position
myGraph._x = myGraph.origin.x;
myGraph._y = myGraph.origin.y;

//draw a blank grid
drawGrid(myGraph.createEmptyMovieClip("grid", 0), myGraph.extents);

//draw a random triangle with arcs
arcTriangle(myGraph.createEmptyMovieClip("arcTriangle", 1), myGraph.extents);

//add a function to draw a new triangle when the graph is clicked:
myGraph.onRelease = function() {
arcTriangle(myGraph.createEmptyMovieClip("arcTriangle", 1), myGraph.extents);

// All the functions are defined below:

function drawGrid(mc:MovieClip, rect:Rectangle):Void {
    //this is a function to draw the grid and axes

    //draw a light-grey background
    mc.moveTo(rect.left, rect.bottom);
    mc.lineTo(rect.left, rect.top);
    mc.lineTo(rect.right, rect.top);
    mc.lineTo(rect.right, rect.bottom);
    mc.lineTo(rect.left, rect.bottom);

    //draw a light-blue grid
    var unit:Number = 1;
    mc.lineStyle(1, 0x0000FF, 20, true, "none", "round", "round");
    var i:Number = rect.x;
    do {
        i = i+unit;
        mc.moveTo(i, rect.bottom);
        mc.lineTo(i, rect.top);
    } while (i<rect.right);
    i = rect.bottom;
    do {
        i = i-unit;
        mc.moveTo(rect.left, i);
        mc.lineTo(rect.right, i);
    } while (i>rect.top);

    //draw the X-axis and Y-axis in dark grey
    mc.lineStyle(2, 0x808080, 100, true, "none", "round", "round");
    mc.moveTo(rect.left, 0);
    mc.lineTo(rect.right, 0);
    mc.moveTo(0, rect.bottom);
    mc.lineTo(0, rect.top);

function randomPoint(rect:Rectangle):Point {
    //this is a function which returns a random point within a given rectangle
    var p:Point = new Point(rect.x+Math.floor(Math.random()*rect.width), rect.y+Math.floor(Math.random()*rect.height));
    return p;

function drawTriangle(mc:MovieClip, q1:Point, q2:Point, q3:Point):Void {
    //this function draws a triangle through 3 points
    var stroke = 2; //(line weight of triangle)
    mc.lineStyle(stroke, 0x000000, 100, true, "none", "round", "round");
    mc.moveTo(q1.x, q1.y);
    mc.lineTo(q2.x, q2.y);
    mc.lineTo(q3.x, q3.y);
    mc.lineTo(q1.x, q1.y);

function drawCircle(mc:MovieClip, x:Number, y:Number):Void {
    //this draws a red circle, centred on (x,y)

    //we want the circle to always appear the same size,
    //independently of our scaling of myGraph,
    //so we need to set the radius accordingly:
    var radius:Number = 18/mc._parent._parent.unit;

    //AS2 has no direct way of drawing a circle, 
    //so we need to construct one out of 8 bezier curves:
    var k1:Number = Math.tan(Math.PI/8)*radius;
    var k2:Number = Math.sin(Math.PI/4)*radius;
    with (mc) {
        lineStyle(2, 0xFF0000, 100, true, "none", "round", "round");
        moveTo(x+radius, y);
        curveTo(radius+x, k1+y, k2+x, k2+y);
        curveTo(k1+x, radius+y, x, radius+y);
        curveTo(-k1+x, radius+y, -k2+x, k2+y);
        curveTo(-radius+x, k1+y, -radius+x, y);
        curveTo(-radius+x, -k1+y, -k2+x, -k2+y);
        curveTo(-k1+x, -radius+y, x, -radius+y);
        curveTo(k1+x, -radius+y, k2+x, -k2+y);
        curveTo(radius+x, -k1+y, radius+x, y);

function arcTriangle(t:MovieClip, rect:Rectangle):MovieClip {
    //main function to draw a triangle with corner arcs

    //define 3 random points (stored as properties of t)
    t.p=new Array(3);
    t.p[0] = randomPoint(rect);
    t.p[1] = randomPoint(rect);
    t.p[2] = randomPoint(rect);

    //draw a triangle
    t.createEmptyMovieClip("triangle", 0);
    drawTriangle(t.triangle, t.p[0], t.p[1], t.p[2]);

    //draw a filled triangle to use as a mask
    t.createEmptyMovieClip("mask", 1);
    drawTriangle(t.mask, t.p[0], t.p[1], t.p[2]);
    t.mask._alpha = 0;

    //add a red circle to each corner
    t.createEmptyMovieClip("arcHolder", 2);
    drawCircle(t.arcHolder, t.p[0].x, t.p[0].y);
    drawCircle(t.arcHolder, t.p[1].x, t.p[1].y);
    drawCircle(t.arcHolder, t.p[2].x, t.p[2].y);

    //mask the circles so only the interior arcs are visible

    //show the coordinates for each point
    var tf:TextField;
    for (var i = 0; i<3; i++) {
        tf = t.createTextField("text"+i, i+3, t.p[i].x, t.p[i].y, 1, 1);
        tf.autoSize = true;
        tf._xscale = 10000/t._parent._xscale;
        tf._yscale = 10000/t._parent._yscale;
            //use unicode values to get "A", "B" and "C":
        tf.text = String.fromCharCode(65+i)+"("+t.p[i].x+", "+t.p[i].y+")";

    return t;

Remember: you can accept a favourite answer to each of your questions by clicking the big tick-mark (tick ) on the left-hand side. Thank you.


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