如何在 VSCode 中包含 F# 的 Akka.net 框架


我正在尝试使用我在互联网上找到的这个示例在 VSCode 中使用 Akka.NET for F#。


// ActorSayHello.fsx
#time "on"
// #load "Bootstrap.fsx"

open System
open Akka.Actor
open Akka.Configuration
open Akka.FSharp
open Akka.TestKit

// #Using Actor
// Actors are one of Akka's concurrent models.
// An Actor is a like a thread instance with a mailbox. 
// It can be created with system.ActorOf: use receive to get a message, and <! to send a message.
// This example is an EchoServer which can receive messages then print them.

let system = ActorSystem.Create("FSharp")

type EchoServer =
    inherit Actor

    override x.OnReceive message =
        match message with
        | :? string as msg -> printfn "Hello %s" msg
        | _ ->  failwith "unknown message"

let echoServer = system.ActorOf(Props(typedefof<EchoServer>, Array.empty))

echoServer <! "F#!"


但我收到这个错误ActorSayHello.fsx(6,6): error FS0039: The namespace or module 'Akka' is not defined.

我已经在 VScode 中配置了 ionide 插件,并且能够在没有 Akka.NET 的情况下运行 F#。我使用以下命令安装了 Akka.NET

dotnet add package Akka.FSharp --version 1.4.10


Command Output


由于您使用的是脚本文件,因此它不包含任何项目引用。 相反,您可以直接从脚本使用 nuget 引用!

#r "nuget: Akka.FSharp" 
#r "nuget: Akka.TestKit" 

另一个可能发生的警告是 F# 交互需要--langversion:preview标记为能够使用 nuget 引用。环境"FSharp.fsiExtraParameters": ["--langversion:preview"]在 VSCode 中settings.json为我成功了。

我必须更改以使其编译的最后一点是替换system.Shutdown() with system.Terminate()因为Shutdown方法已被弃用并删除。


// ActorSayHello.fsx
#time "on"
#r "nuget: Akka.FSharp" 
#r "nuget: Akka.TestKit" 
// #load "Bootstrap.fsx"

open System
open Akka.Actor
open Akka.Configuration
open Akka.FSharp
open Akka.TestKit

// #Using Actor
// Actors are one of Akka's concurrent models.
// An Actor is a like a thread instance with a mailbox. 
// It can be created with system.ActorOf: use receive to get a message, and <! to send a message.
// This example is an EchoServer which can receive messages then print them.

let system = ActorSystem.Create("FSharp")

type EchoServer =
    inherit Actor

    override x.OnReceive message =
        match message with
        | :? string as msg -> printfn "Hello %s" msg
        | _ ->  failwith "unknown message"

let echoServer = system.ActorOf(Props(typedefof<EchoServer>, Array.empty))

echoServer <! "F#!"



Real: 00:00:00.000, ЦП: 00:00:00.000, GC gen0: 0, gen1: 0, gen2: 0
namespace FSI_0012.Project

Hello F#!
Real: 00:00:00.007, ЦП: 00:00:00.000, GC gen0: 1, gen1: 0, gen2: 0
val system : ActorSystem = akka://FSharp
type EchoServer =
    inherit Actor
    override OnReceive : message:obj -> unit
val echoServer : IActorRef = [akka://FSharp/user/$a#989929929]
val it : Threading.Tasks.Task

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