Typescript 数组:使用混合类型推理


打字稿版本 3.0.3。


type SidebarItems = Array<SimpleSidebarItem | ComplexSidebarItem>;

abstract class SidebarItem {
    title: string;

class SimpleSidebarItem extends SidebarItem {
    url : string;

class ComplexSidebarItem extends SidebarItem {
    subItems: Array<{
        title: string;
        url : string;
  • 如果它是 SimpleSidebarItem,则它必须有 url,但没有 subItems。
  • 它是一个 ComplexSidebarItem,它不应该有 url,但必须有 subItems。

我无法让这个正常工作 - 这不应该是有效的输入,但它显示正常:

const items: SidebarItems = [{title: '', url: '', subItems: [{title: '', url: ''}]}];


const items: SidebarItems = [{title: '', url: ''}, {title: '', subItems: [{title: '', url: ''}]}];
const shouldBeComplexSidebarItem = items[1];

shouldBeComplexSidebarItem 的类型是 SimpleSidebarItem |复杂侧边栏项目。



第一个与工会参与时的过多财产检查有关。你可以阅读这个答案here类似的问题。其要点是,对联合的多余属性检查允许任何成员的任何键出现在对象上。我们可以通过引入 never 类型的额外成员来解决这个问题,以确保具有多余属性的对象不会错误地与特定成员兼容:

type SidebarItems = Array<StrictUnion<SimpleSidebarItem | ComplexSidebarItem>>;

type UnionKeys<T> = T extends any ? keyof T : never;
type StrictUnionHelper<T, TAll> = T extends any ? T & Partial<Record<Exclude<UnionKeys<TAll>, keyof T>, never>> : never;
type StrictUnion<T> = StrictUnionHelper<T, T>

const items2: SidebarItems = [{title: '', url: '', subItems: [{title: '', url: ''}]}]; //error
const items3: SidebarItems = [{title: '', subItems: [{title: '', url: ''}]}]; //ok

第二个问题与以下事实有关:如果您指定变量的类型,TypeScript 不会进行任何额外的推断,因此items[1] is ComplexSidebarItem丢失了,所有打字稿都会知道一个项目可以SimpleSidebarItem | ComplexSidebarItem .


const items: SidebarItems = [{title: '', url: ''}, {title: '', subItems: [{title: '', url: ''}]}];
const shouldBeComplexSidebarItem = items[1];
if(!('url' in shouldBeComplexSidebarItem)){ //type guard
    shouldBeComplexSidebarItem.subItems // is ComplexSidebarItem here 


function createItems<T extends SidebarItems>(...a:T){
    return a;
const items = createItems({title: '', url: ''}, {title: '', subItems: [{title: '', url: ''}]});
const shouldBeComplexSidebarItem = items[1];
shouldBeComplexSidebarItem.subItems // is an object literal compatible with ComplexSidebarItem


const items: [SimpleSidebarItem, ComplexSidebarItem] = [{title: '', url: ''}, {title: '', subItems: [{title: '', url: ''}]}];
const shouldBeComplexSidebarItem = items[1];
shouldBeComplexSidebarItem.subItems // is ComplexSidebarItem

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