PowerShell Tee-Object 未捕获文件中的调试行


我有一个通过自动化运行的 PowerShell 脚本,因此我需要将脚本的输出捕获到文件中,但我还想捕获运行的命令,为输出提供一些上下文(我会使用set -x在 Linux shell 脚本中)。不过,我不知道如何将这些命令捕获到 Windows 中的输出文件中;任何帮助深表感谢!

# script.ps1

Set-PSDebug -Trace 1
Write-Host "Hello, World!"


$ powershell -command "./script.ps1 *>&1 | Tee-Object -FilePath ./output.txt"


DEBUG:    2+  >>>> Write-Host "Hello, World!"
Hello, World!

输出.txt 文件内容:

Hello, World!


请注意,PowerShell 5.1 是我安装的版本。

Unfortunately, PowerShell's tracing output (activated via Set-PSDebug) operates outside PowerShell's system of output streams, so such output cannot be captured from inside a PowerShell session.[1]

However, an outside caller of PowerShell's CLI[2], such as cmd.exe in your case, does receive tracing output via stdout (the standard output stream)[3], so you can use cmd.exe's redirection to capture everything in a file and print it to the console afterwards.


C:\>powershell -c "Set-PSDebug -Trace 1; Write-Host 'Hello, World!'" > output.txt & type output.txt

DEBUG:    1+ Set-PSDebug -Trace 1;  >>>> Write-Host 'Hello, World!'
Hello, World!

[1] Perhaps surprisingly, despite the word "Debug" in the cmdlet name, tracing output does not go through stream number 5, the debugging stream, the way that Write-Debug output does.

[2] Note that you can use this technique of calling the CLI, invariably as a child process, from inside an existing PowerShell session as well, in which case that existing session acts as the outside caller. However, note that passing the command to execute via a script block ({ ... }), which is normally preferable, would not work in this case, because a script block-based invocation uses PowerShell's remoting infrastructure behind the scenes, which preserves the PowerShell-specific output streams (and also type fidelity, with limitations), so that the tracing output again goes straight to the console.

[3] Perhaps surprisingly, all of PowerShell's output streams - as well as to-console-only output such as produced by tracing - are by default mapped to an outside caller's stdout stream - including errors. While you can at least separate out errors on demand via a stderr redirection - 2> - on the caller side, all remaining streams are invariably sent to stdout - see the bottom section of this answer and GitHub issue #7989 for more information.


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