SkiaSharp Tiff 支持


目前,SkiaSharp 不支持 tiff 图像。 (它支持 jpg、gif、bmp、png 和其他一些格式。)

如何将 tiff 图像转换为 SKBitmap 对象?

一个想法:也许有一种有效的方法来转换 tiff 流 > png 流 > SKBitmap 对象?我不知道System.Drawing可以有效地处理 tiff>png 流。另一种可能的选择是LibTiff.Net,但需要一个如何将 tiff 流转换为 png 流的示例。

另一个想法:访问 tiff 像素并将其直接绘制到 SKCanvas 上?




我注意到您正在创建 3 个内存块,每个内存块的总大小为 (w*h*4 字节):

// the int[]
raster = new int[width * height];

// the SKColor[]
pixels = new SKColor[width * height];

// the bitmap
bitmap = new SKBitmap(width, height)


// decode the TIFF (first copy)
tifImg.ReadRGBAImageOriented(width, height, raster, Orientation.TOPLEFT)

// convert to SKColor (second copy)
pixels[arrayOffset] = new SKColor(...);

// set bitmap pixels (third copy)
bitmap.Pixels = pixels;


public static SKBitmap OpenTiff(Stream tiffStream)
    // open a TIFF stored in the stream
    using (var tifImg = Tiff.ClientOpen("in-memory", "r", tiffStream, new TiffStream()))
        // read the dimensions
        var width = tifImg.GetField(TiffTag.IMAGEWIDTH)[0].ToInt();
        var height = tifImg.GetField(TiffTag.IMAGELENGTH)[0].ToInt();

        // create the bitmap
        var bitmap = new SKBitmap();
        var info = new SKImageInfo(width, height);

        // create the buffer that will hold the pixels
        var raster = new int[width * height];

        // get a pointer to the buffer, and give it to the bitmap
        var ptr = GCHandle.Alloc(raster, GCHandleType.Pinned);
        bitmap.InstallPixels(info, ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject(), info.RowBytes, null, (addr, ctx) => ptr.Free(), null);

        // read the image into the memory buffer
        if (!tifImg.ReadRGBAImageOriented(width, height, raster, Orientation.TOPLEFT))
            // not a valid TIF image.
            return null;

        // swap the red and blue because SkiaSharp may differ from the tiff
        if (SKImageInfo.PlatformColorType == SKColorType.Bgra8888)
            SKSwizzle.SwapRedBlue(ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject(), raster.Length);

        return bitmap;


让我解释一下代码...我基本上正在创建int[]就像你一样,但然后将其传递给SKBitmap并让它接管。我将其固定为SKBitmap存在于非托管内存中,GC 可能会移动它,但我确信在释放位图时会取消固定它。


// this does not actually allocate anything
//  - the size is 0x0 / 0 bytes of pixels
var bitmap = new SKBitmap();

// I create the only buffer for pixel data
var raster = new int[width * height];

// pin the managed array so it can be passed to unmanaged memory
var ptr = GCHandle.Alloc(raster, GCHandleType.Pinned);

// pass the pointer of the array to the bitmap
// making sure to free the pinned memory in the dispose delegate
//  - this is also not an allocation, as the memory already exists
bitmap.InstallPixels(info, ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject(), info.RowBytes, null, (addr, ctx) => ptr.Free(), null);

// the first and only copy from the TIFF stream into memory
tifImg.ReadRGBAImageOriented(width, height, raster, Orientation.TOPLEFT)

// an unfortunate extra memory operation for some platforms
//  - this is usually just for Windows as it uses a BGR color format
//  - Linux, macOS, iOS, Android all are RGB, so no swizzle is needed
SKSwizzle.SwapRedBlue(ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject(), raster.Length);

仅就调试会话中的一些原始统计数据而言,您的代码对于我的一张图像大约需要 500 毫秒,但我的代码只需要 20 毫秒。



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