wicked_pdf 生产中字体太大


我遇到一个问题,渲染的 PDF 的字体大小为产量较大。在开发中生成的 PDF 中,一切看起来都很棒。


enter image description here


enter image description here


HTML 版本:http://www.hearingtracker.com/tickets/170



  def show
    @ticket = Ticket.find(params[:id])
    respond_to do |format|
      format.html { render :layout => false }
      format.pdf do
        render  :pdf => "HearingTrackerTicket",
                :layout => false,
                :dpi => '300'

Here is pdf.css.scss

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以下是 HTML 输出(与 PDF 的来源相同):

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  <body class="pdf-body">
    <div class="header">
      <h1>Hearing Tracker Survey</h1>
      <span class="code">Code: <strong>a9e78</strong></span>
      <p style="border-bottom:1px solid; padding-bottom:17px;">
        Thank you for taking the time to review your hearing aid(s) and hearing provider. Your responses will be made available to your hearing provider and to the public (anonymously). <strong>It is important that you answer these questions as honestly as possible.</strong> Your answers will help your provider to improve their practice and help provide valuable feedback to hearing aid manufacturers. For more information please visit <strong>hearingtracker.com</strong>
        <i>Please complete the included surveys and return to: </i>
      <strong>Hearing Tracker, Inc <br />
      PO Box 40702 <br />
      Austin, TX 78704</strong>

    <div class="content">
      <h3 class="section-header">
        Hearing Aid Outcome Survey
      <p style="margin-top:-10px;">
        <i>Place a check mark in <span class="underline">one box</span> per question.</i>
      <div class="question">
          1) How much does your hearing aid help you to hear speech in quiet environments?
          <li><div></div>Vast improvement with the hearing aid(s)</li>
          <li><div></div>Good improvement with the hearing aid(s)</li>
          <li><div></div>Slight improvement with the hearing aid(s)</li>
          <li><div></div>No improvement with the hearing aid(s)</li>
          <li><div></div>I heard better without the hearing aid(s)</li>
      <div class="question">
          2) How much does your hearing aid help you to hear speech in noisy situations (restaurants, crowds, etc)?
          <li><div></div>Vast improvement with the hearing aid(s)</li>
          <li><div></div>Good improvement with the hearing aid(s)</li>
          <li><div></div>Slight improvement with the hearing aid(s)</li>
          <li><div></div>No improvement with the hearing aid(s)</li>
          <li><div></div>I heard better without the hearing aid(s)</li>
      <div class="question">
          3) How much does your hearing aid help you to hear speech on the phone?
          <li><div></div>Vast improvement with the hearing aid(s)</li>
          <li><div></div>Good improvement with the hearing aid(s)</li>
          <li><div></div>Slight improvement with the hearing aid(s)</li>
          <li><div></div>No improvement with the hearing aid(s)</li>
          <li><div></div>I heard better without the hearing aid(s)</li>
      <div class="question">
          4) How clear and natural does the hearing aid sound?
          <li><div></div>Very clear and natural</li>
          <li><div></div>Somewhat clear and natural</li>
          <li><div></div>Clear or natural, but not both</li>
          <li><div></div>Neither clear nor natural</li>
          <li><div></div>The sound is unbearable</li>
      <div class="question">
          5) How much does your hearing aid improve your hearing for music?
          <li><div></div>Vast improvement with the hearing aid(s)</li>
          <li><div></div>Good improvement with the hearing aid(s)</li>
          <li><div></div>Slight improvement with the hearing aid(s)</li>
          <li><div></div>No improvement with the hearing aid(s)</li>
          <li><div></div>I heard better without the hearing aid(s)</li>
      <div class="question">
          6) How comfortable is the hearing aid?
          <li><div></div>I don't even notice the hearing aid in my ear</li>
          <li><div></div>I can feel the hearing aid in my ear, but it's very comfortable</li>
          <li><div></div>The hearing aid is slightly uncomfortable after a few hours</li>
          <li><div></div>The hearing aid is not comfortable, but I can tolerate it</li>
          <li><div></div>The hearing aid hurts my ear</li>
      <div class="question">
          7) How reliable is the hearing aid?
          <li><div></div>I've had no problems, and expect none in the future</li>
          <li><div></div>I've had no problems, but anticipate there might be some in the future</li>
          <li><div></div>I've had some issues, but nothing I couldn't take care of myself</li>
          <li><div></div>I've had some issues with my hearing aid, but my provider has taken care of it in the clinic</li>
          <li><div></div>My hearing aid has been sent offsite for repair by my audiologist</li>
      <div class="question">
          8) Does the hearing aid do a good job of stopping unwanted feedback (buzzing and whistling)?
          <li><div></div>I never hear feedback from my hearing aid</li>
          <li><div></div>My hearing aid creates feedback very rarely</li>
          <li><div></div>My hearing aid creates feedback occasionally</li>
          <li><div></div>My hearing aid creates feedback often</li>
          <li><div></div>My hearing aid creates feedback frequently</li>
      <div class="question">
          9) How much does the hearing aid improve your hearing?
        <ul class="horizontal-fixed">
          <li><div></div>Vast improvement with the hearing aid(s)</li>
          <li><div></div>Good improvement with the hearing aid(s)</li>
          <li><div></div>Slight improvement with the hearing aid(s)</li>
          <li><div></div>No improvement with the hearing aid(s)</li>
          <li><div></div>The hearing aid hurts my ear</li>
      <div class="question">
        <p style = "clear: both; padding-top: 20px;">
          10) How would you rate the value of your hearing aid?
        <ul class="horizontal">
          <li><div></div>Excellent value</li>
          <li><div></div>Great value</li>
          <li><div></div>Good value</li>
          <li><div></div>Fair value</li>
          <li><div></div>Poor value</li>
      <div class="written">
          What would you tell others about your experience with your hearing aid(s)? Please DO NOT review your provider here.
        <div class="line"></div>
        <div class="line"></div>
        <div class="line"></div>
          More to say? Please continue on the back of this page, or on a separate sheet of paper.
      <h3 class="section-header">
        Provider Survey
      <div class="question">
          The location was easy to access, pleasant, and professional
        <ul class="horizontal">
          <li><div></div>Strongly Agree</li>
          <li><div></div>Strongly Disagree</li>
      <div class="question">
          I was seen in a reasonable amount of time
        <ul class="horizontal">
          <li><div></div>Strongly Agree</li>
          <li><div></div>Strongly Disagree</li>
      <div class="question">
          My provider listened to me
        <ul class="horizontal">
          <li><div></div>Strongly Agree</li>
          <li><div></div>Strongly Disagree</li>
      <div class="question">
          My provider was knowledgable
        <ul class="horizontal">
          <li><div></div>Strongly Agree</li>
          <li><div></div>Strongly Disagree</li>
      <div class="question">
          My provider adequately explained procedures and results
        <ul class="horizontal">
          <li><div></div>Strongly Agree</li>
          <li><div></div>Strongly Disagree</li>
      <div class="question">
          My provider solved or offered solutions for my hearing needs
        <ul class="horizontal">
          <li><div></div>Strongly Agree</li>
          <li><div></div>Strongly Disagree</li>
      <div class="question">
          I am satisfied with the overall experience
          <li><div></div>Strongly Agree</li>
          <li><div></div>Strongly Disagree</li>
      <div class="question">
          I would recommend my provider to a family member or friend
        <ul class="horizontal">
          <li><div></div>Strongly Agree</li>
          <li><div></div>Strongly Disagree</li>

      <div class="written">
          Please provide a short review of your hearing professional.
        <div class="line"></div>
        <div class="line"></div>
        <div class="line"></div>
        <div class="line"></div>
        <div class="line"></div>
          More to say? Please continue on the back of this page, or on a separate sheet of paper.

wkhtmltopdf可以(并且将会)使用系统字体通过其无头 wekbkit 浏览器呈现内容。


如果您对服务器有一定的控制权,您可以尝试安装freetype and fontconfig包以在服务器上获取额外的字体,或者在样式表中将字体作为 OTF 文件提供,如下所示:

# in application.css.erb
@font-face {
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  src: url('<%= font_url('OpenSans.otf') %>');
  font-weight: normal;
  font-style: normal;


body {
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  font-size: 13px;



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