Java 泛型在子类化时不兼容类型



    public class SubClass<T> implements SuperIfc<T>  <-- It is straight forward to understand
    public class SubClass<T> implements SuperIfc<Type>

    public class SubClass<Type> implements SuperIfc<T>
    public class SubClass<Type> implements SuperIfc<Type>
    public class SubClass<Type> implements SuperIfc
    public class SubClass implements SuperIfc<Type>
    public class SubClass implements SuperIfc<T>    <--- Hope we cannot declare <T> in his case while initialising SubClass.

    // Bounded type parameter
    public class SubClass<T extends Type> implements SuperIfc<Type>
    public class SubClass<T extends Type> implements SuperIfc<T> <-- Looks <T> at SuperIfc also refers <T extends Type>, and no need to declare it again at SuperIfc.

    // Recursive type bound
    public class SubClass<T extends Comparable<T>>> implements SuperIfc<T>
    public class SubClass<T extends Comparable<T>>> implements SuperIfc<Type>

这样我就可以更清楚地解决问题incompatible types while subclassing


public class Test {

    interface TestIfc {

        public static <T extends TestIfc> T of(int choice) {

            if(choice == 1) {
                return new TestImpl(); <-- PROB_1: incompatible type error 
            } else {
                return new SomeOtherTestImpl(); //incompatible type error

    static class TestImpl implements TestIfc {}
    static class SomeOtherTestImpl<T extends TestIfc> implements TestIfc {

        //The below method also having same error though with declaration
        public T of() {
            return new TestImpl();  <-- PROB_2: incompatible type error

Case_1:PROB_1:返回类型是T extends TestIfc并返回TestImpl implements TestIf那么有什么问题吗?



public interface SuperIfc<T> {
    public T create(Object label);

class Type {

    public static Type of(){
         return new Type();

public class SubClass<Type> implements SuperIfc<Type>{

    public Type create() {
        return Type.of(); <---- PROB_1: cannot resolve method

public class SubClass<T extends Type> implements SuperIfc<Type>{

    public Type create() {
        return Type.of(); <---- PROB_1: is resolved

SuperIfc<Type> object = new SubClass(); <-- PROB_2 Unchecked assignement warning
SuperIfc<Type> object = new SubClass<TypeImpl>(); <-- PROB_3: bound should extend Type
  1. 我想知道如何一起解决Case_2、PROB_1和PROB_2?

  2. 如何用类类型编写泛型超类的子类以及规则是什么?

  3. 变更通用名时应注意什么T去上课Type子类化时?可能是下面和何时使用之间的区别?

     public class SubClass<Type> implements SuperIfc<Type>
     public class SubClass<Type> implements SuperIfc
     public class SubClass implements SuperIfc<Type>
     public class SubClass<T extends Type> implements SuperIfc<Type>
     public class SubClass<T extends Type> implements SuperIfc<T>
     public class SubClass<T> implements SuperIfc<Type>

在第一个of()方法,该方法可以返回实现的任何类型InformationIfc,但你的方法总是返回一个特定的实现 -InformationImpl- 这是不可接受的。


SomeOtherInformationImpl i = InformationImpl.of();


第二of()方法与第一种方法有同样的问题。 如果您使用以下方法实例化您的类:

InformationImpl i = new InformationImpl<SomeOtherInformationImpl>();

the of()方法必须返回一个SomeOtherInformationImpl, not a InformationImpl.


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