解析if-else if语句算法


我正在尝试为 if-else 类型结构创建一个非常简单的解析器,它将构建并执行 SQL 语句。



select column1
#if(VariableA = Case1)
#else if(VariableA = Case2)

如果变量等于情况 1,则结果字符串应为:select column1 from table1

一个更复杂的例子是嵌套的 if 语句:

select column1
#if(VariableA = Case1)
#if(VariableB = Case3)
#else if(VariableA = Case2)

这就是我真正遇到麻烦的地方,我想不出一个好方法来正确识别每个 if-else-end 组。

另外,我不确定有什么好方法来跟踪“else”子句中的字符串是否应计算为 true。



我编写了一个简单的解析器,并根据您提供的示例对其进行了测试。如果您想了解更多有关解析的信息,我建议您阅读编译器构建 https://people.inf.ethz.ch/wirth/CompilerConstruction/index.html来自尼克劳斯·沃斯。



[ and ]附上选项。

{ and }表示重复(零次、一次或多次)。

( and )组表达式(此处未使用)。



LineSequence = { TextLine | IfStatement }.
TextLine     = <string>.
IfStatement  = IfLine LineSequence { ElseIfLine LineSequence } [ ElseLine LineSequence ] EndLine.
IfLine       = "#if" "(" Condition ")".
ElseLine     = "#else".
ElseIfLine   = "#else" "if" "(" Condition ")".
EndLine      = "#end".
Condition    = Identifier "=" Identifier.
Identifier   = <letter_or_underline> { <letter_or_underline> | <digit> }.

解析器严格遵循语法,即重复被转换为循环,替代被转换为 if-else 语句,等等。

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace Example.SqlPreprocessor
    class Parser
        enum Symbol

        List<string> _input; // Raw SQL with preprocessor directives.
        int _currentLineIndex = 0;

        // Simulates variables used in conditions
        Dictionary<string, string> _variableValues = new Dictionary<string, string> { 
            { "VariableA", "Case1" },
            { "VariableB", "CaseX" }

        Symbol _sy; // Current symbol.
        string _string; // Identifier or text line;
        Queue<string> _textQueue = new Queue<string>(); // Buffered text parts of a single line.
        int _lineNo; // Current line number for error messages.
        string _line; // Current line for error messages.

        /// <summary>
        /// Get the next line from the input.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Input line or null if no more lines are available.</returns>
        string GetLine()
            if (_currentLineIndex >= _input.Count) {
                return null;
            _line = _input[_currentLineIndex++];
            _lineNo = _currentLineIndex;
            return _line;

        /// <summary>
        /// Get the next symbol from the input stream and stores it in _sy.
        /// </summary>
        void GetSy()
            string s;
            if (_textQueue.Count > 0) { // Buffered text parts available, use one from these.
                s = _textQueue.Dequeue();
                switch (s.ToLower()) {
                    case "(":
                        _sy = Symbol.LPar;
                    case ")":
                        _sy = Symbol.RPar;
                    case "=":
                        _sy = Symbol.Equals;
                    case "if":
                        _sy = Symbol.If;
                        _sy = Symbol.Identifier;
                        _string = s;

            // Get next line from input.
            s = GetLine();
            if (s == null) {
                _sy = Symbol.None;

            s = s.Trim(' ', '\t');
            if (s[0] == '#') { // We have a preprocessor directive.
                // Split the line in order to be able get its symbols.
                string[] parts = Regex.Split(s, @"\b|[^#_a-zA-Z0-9()=]");
                // parts[0] = #
                // parts[1] = if, else, end
                switch (parts[1].ToLower()) {
                    case "if":
                        _sy = Symbol.NumberIf;
                    case "else":
                        _sy = Symbol.NumberElse;
                    case "end":
                        _sy = Symbol.NumberEnd;
                        Error("Invalid symbol #{0}", parts[1]);

                // Store the remaining parts for later.
                for (int i = 2; i < parts.Length; i++) {
                    string part = parts[i].Trim(' ', '\t');
                    if (part != "") {
            } else { // We have an ordinary SQL text line.
                _sy = Symbol.Text;
                _string = s;

        void Error(string message, params  object[] args)
            // Make sure parsing stops here
            _sy = Symbol.None;

            message = String.Format(message, args) +
                      String.Format(" in line {0}\r\n\r\n{1}", _lineNo, _line);
            MessageBox.Show(message, "Error");

        /// <summary>
        /// Writes the processed line to a (simulated) output stream.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="line">Line to be written to output</param>
        void Output(string line)

        /// <summary>
        /// Starts the parsing process.
        /// </summary>
        public void Parse()
            // Simulate an input stream.
            _input = new List<string> {
                "select column1",
                "#if(VariableA = Case1)",
                "    #if(VariableB = Case3)",
                "        table3",
                "    #else",
                "        table4",
                "    #end",
                "#else if(VariableA = Case2)",
                "    table2",
                "    defaultTable",

            // Clear previous parsing
            _currentLineIndex = 0;

            // Get first symbol and start parsing
            if (LineSequence(true)) { // Finished parsing successfully.
                //TODO: Do something with the generated SQL
            } else { // Error encountered.
                Output("*** ABORTED ***");

        // The following methods parse according the the EBNF syntax.

        bool LineSequence(bool writeOutput)
            // EBNF:  LineSequence = { TextLine | IfStatement }.
            while (_sy == Symbol.Text || _sy == Symbol.NumberIf) {
                if (_sy == Symbol.Text) {
                    if (!TextLine(writeOutput)) {
                        return false;
                } else { // _sy == Symbol.NumberIf
                    if (!IfStatement(writeOutput)) {
                        return false;
            return true;

        bool TextLine(bool writeOutput)
            // EBNF:  TextLine = <string>.
            if (writeOutput) {
            return true;

        bool IfStatement(bool writeOutput)
            // EBNF:  IfStatement = IfLine LineSequence { ElseIfLine LineSequence } [ ElseLine LineSequence ] EndLine.
            bool result;
            if (IfLine(out result) && LineSequence(writeOutput && result)) {
                writeOutput &= !result; // Only one section can produce an output.
                while (_sy == Symbol.NumberElse) {
                    if (_sy == Symbol.If) { // We have an #else if
                        if (!ElseIfLine(out result)) {
                            return false;
                        if (!LineSequence(writeOutput && result)) {
                            return false;
                        writeOutput &= !result; // Only one section can produce an output.
                    } else { // We have a simple #else
                        if (!LineSequence(writeOutput)) {
                            return false;
                        break; // We can have only one #else statement.
                if (_sy != Symbol.NumberEnd) {
                    Error("'#end' expected");
                    return false;
                return true;
            return false;

        bool IfLine(out bool result)
            // EBNF:  IfLine = "#if" "(" Condition ")".
            result = false;
            if (_sy != Symbol.LPar) {
                Error("'(' expected");
                return false;
            if (!Condition(out result)) {
                return false;
            if (_sy != Symbol.RPar) {
                Error("')' expected");
                return false;
            return true;

        private bool Condition(out bool result)
            // EBNF:  Condition = Identifier "=" Identifier.
            string variable;
            string expectedValue;
            string variableValue;

            result = false;
            // Identifier "=" Identifier
            if (_sy != Symbol.Identifier) {
                Error("Identifier expected");
                return false;
            variable = _string; // The first identifier is a variable.
            if (_sy != Symbol.Equals) {
                Error("'=' expected");
                return false;
            if (_sy != Symbol.Identifier) {
                Error("Value expected");
                return false;
            expectedValue = _string;  // The second identifier is a value.

            // Search the variable
            if (_variableValues.TryGetValue(variable, out variableValue)) {
                result = variableValue == expectedValue; // Perform the comparison.
            } else {
                Error("Variable '{0}' not found", variable);
                return false;

            return true;

        bool ElseIfLine(out bool result)
            // EBNF:  ElseIfLine = "#else" "if" "(" Condition ")".
            result = false;
            GetSy(); // "#else" already processed here, we are only called if the symbol is "if"
            if (_sy != Symbol.LPar) {
                Error("'(' expected");
                return false;
            if (!Condition(out result)) {
                return false;
            if (_sy != Symbol.RPar) {
                Error("')' expected");
                return false;
            return true;

请注意,嵌套的 if 语句会以非常自然的方式自动处理。首先,语法是递归表达的。 ALineSequence可以包含IfStatments and IfStatments 包含LineSequences。其次,这导致语法处理方法以递归方式相互调用。因此,语法元素的嵌套被转换为递归方法调用。


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