JPA 搜索字符串、长整型和布尔型


我有一个 Spring Boot 应用程序。有一个实体:

@Table(name = "user")
public class User {
    private Long id;
    private String name;
    private Long schoolId;
    private Boolean isActive;
    // getters and setters


public interface UserRepositoryPageable extends PagingAndSortingRepository<User, Long> {



@Query("SELECT u FROM User u " +
        "WHERE u.schoolId = :schoolId AND (" +
        " like %:searchVal% OR " +
        " like %:searchVal% OR " +
        "u.isActive like %:searchVal%)")
Page<User> getUserBySchoolIdWithFilter(@Param("schoolId") Long schoolId,
                                       Pageable pageable,
                                       @Param("searchVal") String searchVal);

但我收到了例外,因为我尝试申请like to Long and Boolean.


java.lang.IllegalArgumentException:参数值 [%testSearchValue%] 与预期类型 [java.lang.Long(不适用)] 不匹配

很遗憾,CAST and CONVERT没有为我工作。




@RequestMapping(path = "users/{schoolId}/search", method = GET)
public ResponseEntity<Page<User>> searchUserBySchoolWithFilter(
                    @PathVariable(value = "schoolId") Long schoolId, Pageable pageable,
                    @RequestParam(value = "searchVal", required = false) String searchVal) {
    return new ResponseEntity<>(userService
                .getUserBySchoolIdWithFilter(schoolId, pageable, searchVal), HttpStatus.OK);

Then in UserService:

public Page<User> getUserBySchoolIdWithFilter(Long schoolId, Pageable pageable, String searchVal) {
    return userRepositoryPageable.getUserBySchoolIdWithFilter(schoolId, pageable, searchVal);


在我看来,这个问题的基本点是代表Long and Boolean as String.
也许更好用nativeQuery?如果是这样,那么你能给我一个关于如何使用的提示吗CAST() or CONVERT() with LIKE clause?


使用规范,您可以动态生成WHERESpring 数据查询的一部分。 为了在 Spring Data JPA 查询中使用规范,您必须扩展界面。所以你的用户存储库可能如下所示:

public interface UserRepository extends JpaRepository<User, Long>, JpaSpecificationExecutor<User> {


public List<User> getAllFilterByString(String text) {

        return userRepository.findAll();

    Specification<User> specification =
            (root, query, cb) -> {
                List<Predicate> predicates = new ArrayList<>();
                predicates.add("name")), "%"+text.toLowerCase()+"%"));

                //check if the text value can be casted to long.
                //if it is possible, then add the check to the query
                try {
                    long longValue = Long.valueOf(text);
                    predicates.add(cb.equal(root.get("id"), longValue));
                catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                    //do nothing, the text is not long

                //check if the text can be casted to boolean
                //if it is possible, then add the check to the query

                Boolean value = "true".equalsIgnoreCase(text) ? Boolean.TRUE :
                        "false".equalsIgnoreCase(text) ? Boolean.FALSE : null;

                if(value != null) {
                    predicates.add(cb.equal(root.get("isActive"), value));

                return cb.or(predicates.toArray(new Predicate[] {}));

    return userRepository.findAll(specification);


首先我们首先添加name LIKE %text%where 表达式的一部分。

接下来,我们检查该值是否text变量可以转换为long。如果可以,那么我们从字符串中获取 long 值并将其添加到 where 查询中。



WHERE name LIKE '%test1%;

如果值text变量是true那么 where 部分将是

WHERE name LIKE '%true%' OR is_active = true;

最后,如果值text变量是12那么 where 部分将是

WHERE name LIKE '%12%' OR id = 12;

Note:我添加了cb.lower(root.get("name")) and text.toLowerCase()到我们按名称搜索时的部分,以使搜索不区分大小写。


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