

我应该做什么来分配内存空间pNode->data,我想在其中放入一个字符,例如pNode->data = "c"。但它表明分段故障和内存地址pNode->data is 0x1这是超出范围的。


typedef struct node {
    char* data;
    int weight;
    bool end_of_key;
    struct node* left;
    struct node* equal;
    struct node* right;
} node_t;

typedef struct listnode{
    char* data;
    int weight;
    struct listnode* next;
} listnode_t;

node_t* insert(node_t* pNode, char* word, int weight) {
    if(pNode == NULL) {
         * Create a new pNode, and save a character from word
        pNode = (node_t*) malloc(sizeof(*pNode));

        pNode->left = NULL;
        pNode->equal = NULL;
        pNode->right = NULL;
        strcpy(pNode->data, word);


    if(*word < *(pNode->data)) {
        * Insert the character on the left branch
        pNode->left = insert(pNode->left, word, weight);
    else if(*word == *(pNode->data)) {
        if(*(word+1) == '\0') {
            *set pNode end_of_key_flag to true and assign weight
            pNode->end_of_key = true;
            pNode->weight = weight;
        else {
            * If the word contains more characters, try to insert them
            * under the equal branch
            pNode->equal = insert(pNode->equal, word+1, weight);
    else {
        * If current char in word is greater than char in pData
        * Insert the character on the right branch
        pNode->right = insert(pNode->right, word, weight);

    return pNode;


typedef struct node {
char data;
int weight;
bool  end_of_key;
struct node * left;
struct node * equal;
struct node * right;} node_t;

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