



# SphereFace
class SphereProduct(nn.Module):
    r"""Implement of large margin cosine distance: :
        in_features: size of each input sample
        out_features: size of each output sample
        m: margin

    def __init__(self, in_features, out_features, m=4):
        super(SphereProduct, self).__init__()
        self.in_features = in_features
        self.out_features = out_features
        self.m = m
        self.base = 1000.0
        self.gamma = 0.12
        self.power = 1
        self.LambdaMin = 5.0
        self.iter = 0
        self.weight = Parameter(torch.FloatTensor(out_features, in_features))

        # duplication formula
        # 将x\in[-1,1]范围的重复index次映射到y\[-1,1]上
        self.mlambda = [
            lambda x: x ** 0,
            lambda x: x ** 1,
            lambda x: 2 * x ** 2 - 1,
            lambda x: 4 * x ** 3 - 3 * x,
            lambda x: 8 * x ** 4 - 8 * x ** 2 + 1,
            lambda x: 16 * x ** 5 - 20 * x ** 3 + 5 * x
        import matplotlib.pyplot as  plt

        mlambda = [
            lambda x: x ** 0,
            lambda x: x ** 1,
            lambda x: 2 * x ** 2 - 1,
            lambda x: 4 * x ** 3 - 3 * x,
            lambda x: 8 * x ** 4 - 8 * x ** 2 + 1,
            lambda x: 16 * x ** 5 - 20 * x ** 3 + 5 * x
        x = [0.01 * i for i in range(-100, 101)]
        for f in mlambda:
            plt.plot(x,[f(i) for i in x])

    def forward(self, input, label):
        # lambda = max(lambda_min,base*(1+gamma*iteration)^(-power))
        self.iter += 1
        self.lamb = max(self.LambdaMin, self.base * (1 + self.gamma * self.iter) ** (-1 * self.power))

        # --------------------------- cos(theta) & phi(theta) ---------------------------
        cos_theta = F.linear(F.normalize(input), F.normalize(self.weight))
        cos_theta = cos_theta.clamp(-1, 1)
        cos_m_theta = self.mlambda[self.m](cos_theta)
        theta = cos_theta.data.acos()
        k = (self.m * theta / 3.14159265).floor()
        phi_theta = ((-1.0) ** k) * cos_m_theta - 2 * k
        NormOfFeature = torch.norm(input, 2, 1)

        # --------------------------- convert label to one-hot ---------------------------
        one_hot = torch.zeros(cos_theta.size())
        one_hot = one_hot.cuda() if cos_theta.is_cuda else one_hot
        one_hot.scatter_(1, label.view(-1, 1), 1)

        # --------------------------- Calculate output ---------------------------
        output = (one_hot * (phi_theta - cos_theta) / (1 + self.lamb)) + cos_theta
        output *= NormOfFeature.view(-1, 1)

        return output

    def __repr__(self):
        return self.__class__.__name__ + '(' \
               + 'in_features=' + str(self.in_features) \
               + ', out_features=' + str(self.out_features) \
               + ', m=' + str(self.m) + ')'


# CosFace
class AddMarginProduct(nn.Module):
    r"""Implement of large margin cosine distance: :
        in_features: size of each input sample
        out_features: size of each output sample
        s: norm of input feature
        m: margin
        cos(theta) - m

    def __init__(self, in_features, out_features, s=30.0, m=0.40):
        super(AddMarginProduct, self).__init__()
        self.in_features = in_features
        self.out_features = out_features
        self.s = s
        self.m = m
        self.weight = Parameter(torch.FloatTensor(out_features, in_features))

    def forward(self, input, label):
        # --------------------------- cos(theta) & phi(theta) ---------------------------
        cosine = F.linear(F.normalize(input), F.normalize(self.weight))
        phi = cosine - self.m
        # --------------------------- convert label to one-hot ---------------------------
        one_hot = torch.zeros(cosine.size(), device='cuda')
        # one_hot = one_hot.cuda() if cosine.is_cuda else one_hot
        one_hot.scatter_(1, label.view(-1, 1).long(), 1)
        # -------------torch.where(out_i = {x_i if condition_i else y_i) -------------
        output = (one_hot * phi) + ((1.0 - one_hot) * cosine)
        # you can use torch.where if your torch.__version__ is 0.4
        output *= self.s
        # print(output)

        return output

    def __repr__(self):
        return self.__class__.__name__ + '(' \
               + 'in_features=' + str(self.in_features) \
               + ', out_features=' + str(self.out_features) \
               + ', s=' + str(self.s) \
               + ', m=' + str(self.m) + ')'



# ArcFace
class ArcMarginProduct(nn.Module):
    r"""Implement of large margin arc distance: :
            in_features: size of each input sample
            out_features: size of each output sample
            s: norm of input feature
            m: margin

            cos(theta + m)

    def __init__(self, in_features, out_features, s=30.0, m=0.50, easy_margin=False):
        super(ArcMarginProduct, self).__init__()
        self.in_features = in_features
        self.out_features = out_features
        self.s = s
        self.m = m
        # Parameter 的用途:
        # 将一个不可训练的类型Tensor转换成可以训练的类型parameter
        # 并将这个parameter绑定到这个module里面
        # net.parameter()中就有这个绑定的parameter,所以在参数优化的时候可以进行优化的
        # https://www.jianshu.com/p/d8b77cc02410
        # 初始化权重
        self.weight = Parameter(torch.FloatTensor(out_features, in_features))

        self.easy_margin = easy_margin
        self.cos_m = math.cos(m)
        self.sin_m = math.sin(m)
        self.th = math.cos(math.pi - m)
        self.mm = math.sin(math.pi - m) * m

    def forward(self, input, label):
        # --------------------------- cos(theta) & phi(theta) ---------------------------
        # torch.nn.functional.linear(input, weight, bias=None)
        # y=x*W^T+b
        cosine = F.linear(F.normalize(input), F.normalize(self.weight))
        sine = torch.sqrt(1.0 - torch.pow(cosine, 2))
        # cos(a+b)=cos(a)*cos(b)-size(a)*sin(b)
        phi = cosine * self.cos_m - sine * self.sin_m
        if self.easy_margin:
            # torch.where(condition, x, y) → Tensor
            # condition (ByteTensor) – When True (nonzero), yield x, otherwise yield y
            # x (Tensor) – values selected at indices where condition is True
            # y (Tensor) – values selected at indices where condition is False
            # return:
            # A tensor of shape equal to the broadcasted shape of condition, x, y
            # cosine>0 means two class is similar, thus use the phi which make it
            phi = torch.where(cosine > 0, phi, cosine)
            phi = torch.where(cosine > self.th, phi, cosine - self.mm)
        # --------------------------- convert label to one-hot ---------------------------
        # one_hot = torch.zeros(cosine.size(), requires_grad=True, device='cuda')
        # 将cos(\theta + m)更新到tensor相应的位置中
        one_hot = torch.zeros(cosine.size(), device='cuda')
        # scatter_(dim, index, src)
        one_hot.scatter_(1, label.view(-1, 1).long(), 1)
        # -------------torch.where(out_i = {x_i if condition_i else y_i) -------------
        output = (one_hot * phi) + ((1.0 - one_hot) * cosine)
        # you can use torch.where if your torch.__version__ is 0.4
        output *= self.s
        # print(output)

        return output


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