

我使用两种类型的乌龟,汽车和房屋。两者都是随机放置的。 我的目标是从组合路线向量开始为每辆车获取一条路线,并让每辆车移动并访问分配给它的每个家庭。 首先,我根据组合路线向量为每辆车创建一条路线。 我在下面展示我的代码。 但现在,我试图让汽车遵循各自的路线......

globals [ route-vector ]
breed [carr car]
breed [hous housess]
carr-own [ route ]

to setup

to create-carros
create-carr cars [ set color green ]
ask carr  [
set shape "car"
set size 1.5
setxy random-xcor random-ycor

to create-casas
create-hous house [ set color red ]
ask hous  [
set shape "house"
set size 1.5
setxy random-xcor random-ycor

to make-routes
set route-vector [ 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 0 1 ] ;5 10 15 20 25
let houses sublist route-vector 0 (length route-vector / 2 )
let carlist sublist route-vector (length route-vector / 2 ) (length route-
ask carr [ set route [] ]
(foreach carlist houses
 [ [the-car the-house] ->
  ask carr with [who = the-car] [ set route lput the-house route ]

 to go
  ask carr  [
    ;; if at target, choose a new random target
    ;        if distance route = 0
     ;          [ set route one-of route-vector
     ;            face route ]
    ;        ;; move towards target.  once the distance is less than 1,
     ;        ;; use move-to to land exactly on the target.
    ;        ifelse distance route < 1

    ;let mylist [1 2 3]
     ;foreach route
     face route
     fd 1
;print map last filter first route
    ;    face housess 3
     ;    fd 1

     ;    move-to one-of route
     ;    fd 1

     ; move-to housess 3
       ;fd 1


我想使用路线变量来实际沿着路径移动。 但我不知道如何告知每辆车各自的路线并让他们搬到自己的家。


做: 问车1 [ 面对路线 FD 1 但总是收到错误(“FACE 期望输入是代理,但得到了 改为列出 [4 7]。”) ] 结尾

在这种情况下,我想让 1 号车首先移动到 4 号房屋,然后移动到 7 号房屋,然后回到原来的位置...... 我尝试了多种方法,但找不到解决方案。我尝试单独执行此操作,我从每辆车的“路线”列表中选择了第一项,但我仍然无法..


Using who索引海龟的数字可能会导致问题 - 在这种情况下,您将遇到无法真正动态更新列表的问题,因为hous and carr数字仅基于其创建顺序。如果可能的话,最好将海龟直接存储在列表中。使用您的设置的修改版本查看此示例:

globals [ route-vector ]
breed [carr car]
breed [hous housess]
breed [spawns spawn]
carr-own [ route route-counter spawn-target target]

to setup

to create-carros
  create-carr 3 [ set color green ]
  ask carr  [
    set size 1.5
    setxy random-xcor random-ycor

    ; set up a 'route-counter' to act as an index for a car's route
    set route-counter 0
    set target nobody
    set route []    

  ; hatch a 'spawn-target' turtle that can be used to return
  ; the carr back to their starting position
  ask carr [    
    hatch 1 [
      set breed spawns
    set spawn-target one-of other turtles-here with [ 
      xcor = [xcor] of myself

to create-casas
  create-hous 5 [ set color red ]
  ask hous  [
    set shape "house"
    set size 1.5
    setxy random-xcor random-ycor

现在,不再依赖who数字来索引房屋,直接使用您的房屋列表carr routes:

to make-routes
  ; Just use the car-order 
  let car-order [ 0 1 2 0 1 ] 

  ; Create a list of hous directly by sorting them
  let houses sort hous

  ; Your same foreach procedure, but in this case the carr
  ; are storing the house in the list directly to avoid
  ; indexing problems
  ask carr [  ]
  (foreach car-order houses
    [ [the-car the-house] ->
      ask carr with [who = the-car] [ set route lput the-house route ]


to go 
  ask carr [

    ; If a car has no target, set the target to the
    ; item indexed by 'route-counter'
    if target = nobody [
      set target item route-counter route

    ; Movement chunk
    face target
    ifelse distance target > 1 [
      fd 1
    ] [ 
      move-to target

      ; Only advance the route counter if the current target
      ; was not the original spawn point
      if target != spawn-target [
        set route-counter route-counter + 1
      set target nobody


    ; If the route counter would index outside of the 
    ; list boundaries, reset it to 0
    if route-counter > length route - 1 [
      set route-counter 0
      set target spawn-target




As per 你的评论 如果你must使用who数字,您仍然可以使用“生成目标”示例让海龟返回到其起始位置 - 只需让它在carr and hous已经产生。再说一遍,这绝对不理想,因为如果您不小心生成顺序、数量,您的模型可能会“崩溃”carr / house, etc.

如此基础setup and create-casas程序如上所述,以此作为您的新程序create-carros程序:

to create-carros
  create-carr 3 [ set color green ]
  ask carr  [
    set size 1.5
    setxy random-xcor random-ycor

    ; set up a 'route-counter' to act as an index for a car's route
    set route-counter 0
    set target nobody
    set route []


to make-routes
  set route-vector [4 7 6 3 5 0 1 2 0 1]
  let houses sublist route-vector 0 (length route-vector / 2 )
  let carlist sublist route-vector (length route-vector / 2 ) (length route-vector)

  (foreach carlist houses
    [ [the-car the-house] ->
      ask car the-car [ 
        set route lput ( housess the-house ) route 

  ; hatch a 'spawn-target' turtle that can be used to return
  ; the carr back to their starting position
  ask carr [
    hatch 1 [
      set breed spawns
    set spawn-target one-of other turtles-here with [
      xcor = [xcor] of myself



让你的 carr 停止的一个简单方法是设置一个逻辑标志,以便只有满足特定条件的 carr 才会移动。考虑这个修改car-own and create-carros setup:

carr-own [ route route-counter spawn-target target route-complete? ]

to create-carros
  create-carr 3 [ set color green ]
  ask carr  [
    set size 1.5
    setxy random-xcor random-ycor

    ; set up a 'route-counter' to act as an index for a car's route
    set route-counter 0
    set target nobody
    set route []
    set route-complete? false

在这里,我们现在有一个名为的布尔(逻辑)变量route-complete?,设置为false对于所有新车。现在,您可以将一行添加到go程序说“只有具有route-complete?设置为 false,执行这些操作。”

to go
  ; ask carr with route-complete set to false
  ask carr with [ not route-complete? ] [

    ; If a car has no target, set the target to the
    ; item indexed by 'route-counter'
    if target = nobody [
      set target item route-counter route

    face target
    ifelse distance target > 1 [
      fd 1
    ] [
      move-to target

      ; Only advance the route counter if the current target
      ; was not the original spawn point. ADDITIONALLY,
      ; if the target is the starting target, set route-complete?
      ; to true for that carr
      ifelse target != spawn-target [
        set route-counter route-counter + 1
      ] [
        set route-complete? true
      set target nobody

    ; If the route counter would index outside of the
    ; list boundaries, reset it to 0
    if route-counter > length route - 1 [
      set route-counter 0
      set target spawn-target

你会注意到有一个修改过的位move-to块如果carr正在移回到其起始位置,它也设置了它的route-complete? to true, so that the next timegois called, that卡尔不会动。



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