Django 克隆递归对象


以前,当我想递归地克隆对象时,我遇到了问题。 我知道克隆对象的简单方法是这样的:

obj = Foo.objects.get(pk=<some_existing_pk>) = None


class Post(TimeStampedModel):
    author = models.ForeignKey(User, related_name='posts',
    title = models.CharField(_('Title'), max_length=200)
    content = models.TextField(_('Content'))


class Comment(TimeStampedModel):
    author = models.ForeignKey(User, related_name='comments',
    post = models.ForeignKey(Post, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
    comment = models.TextField(_('Comment'))


class CommentAttribute(TimeStampedModel):
    comment = models.OneToOneField(Comment, related_name='comment_attribute',
    is_bookmark = models.BooleanField(default=False)


class PostComment(TimeStampedModel):
    post = models.ForeignKey(Post, related_name='post_comments',
    comments = models.ManyToManyField(Comment)


当我从以下位置克隆父对象时Post,孩子的对象就像Comment, CommentAttribute and PostComment也将通过以下新克隆来克隆Post对象。 子模型是动态地。因此,我想通过创建对象克隆器之类的工具来使其变得简单。


from django.db.utils import IntegrityError

class ObjectCloner(object):
    [1]. The simple way with global configuration:
    >>> cloner = ObjectCloner()
    >>> cloner.set_objects = [obj1, obj2]   # or can be queryset
    >>> cloner.include_childs = True
    >>> cloner.max_clones = 1
    >>> cloner.execute()

    [2]. Clone the objects with custom configuration per-each objects.
    >>> cloner = ObjectCloner()
    >>> cloner.set_objects = [
            'object': obj1,
            'include_childs': True,
            'max_clones': 2
            'object': obj2,
            'include_childs': False,
            'max_clones': 1
    >>> cloner.execute()
    set_objects = []            # list/queryset of objects to clone.
    include_childs = True       # include all their childs or not.
    max_clones = 1              # maximum clone per-objects.

    def clone_object(self, object):
        function to clone the object.
        :param `object` is an object to clone, e.g: <Post: object(1)>
        :return new object.
   = None
            return object
        except IntegrityError:
            return None

    def clone_childs(self, object):
        function to clone all childs of current `object`.
        :param `object` is a cloned parent object, e.g: <Post: object(1)>
        # bypass the none object.
        if object is None:

        # find the related objects contains with this current object.
        # e.g: (<ManyToOneRel: app.comment>,)
        related_objects = object._meta.related_objects

        if len(related_objects) > 0:
            for relation in related_objects:
                # find the related field name in the child object, e.g: 'post'
                remote_field_name =

                # find all childs who have the same parent.
                # e.g: childs = Comment.objects.filter(post=object)
                childs = relation.related_model.objects.all()

                for old_child in childs:
                    new_child = self.clone_object(old_child)

                    if new_child is not None:
                        # FIXME: When the child field as M2M field, we gote this error.
                        # "TypeError: Direct assignment to the forward side of a many-to-many set is prohibited. Use comments.set() instead."
                        # how can I clone that M2M values?
                        setattr(new_child, remote_field_name, object)


    def execute(self):
        include_childs = self.include_childs
        max_clones = self.max_clones
        new_objects = []

        for old_object in self.set_objects:
            # custom per-each objects by using dict {}.
            if isinstance(old_object, dict):
                include_childs = old_object.get('include_childs', True)
                max_clones = old_object.get('max_clones', 1)
                old_object = old_object.get('object')  # assigned as object or None.

            for _ in range(max_clones):
                new_object = self.clone_object(old_object)
                if new_object is not None:
                    if include_childs:

        return new_objects

但是,问题是当子字段作为 M2M 字段时,我们收到此错误。

>>> cloner.set_objects = [post]
>>> cloner.execute()
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<console>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/home/agus/envs/env-django-cloner/django-object-cloner/object_cloner_demo/app/", line 114, in execute
  File "/home/agus/envs/env-django-cloner/django-object-cloner/object_cloner_demo/app/", line 79, in clone_childs
  File "/home/agus/envs/env-django-cloner/django-object-cloner/object_cloner_demo/app/", line 76, in clone_childs
    setattr(new_child, remote_field_name, object)
  File "/home/agus/envs/env-django-cloner/lib/python3.7/site-packages/django/db/models/fields/", line 546, in __set__
    % self._get_set_deprecation_msg_params(),
TypeError: Direct assignment to the forward side of a many-to-many set is prohibited. Use comments.set() instead.

错误来自setattr(...), and “改用comments.set()”,但我仍然困惑如何更新该 m2m 值?

new_child = self.clone_object(old_child)

if new_child is not None:
    setattr(new_child, remote_field_name, object)

我也尝试过下面的这段代码,但仍然有一个错误。克隆的 m2m 对象很多且未填充到 m2m 值中。

if new_child is not None:
    # check the object_type
    object_type = getattr(new_child, remote_field_name)

    if hasattr(object_type, 'pk'):
        # this mean is `object_type` as real object.
        # so, we can directly use the `setattr(...)`
        # to update the old relation value with new relation value.
        setattr(new_child, remote_field_name, object)

    elif hasattr(object_type, '_queryset_class'):
        # this mean is `object_type` as m2m queryset (ManyRelatedManager).
        # django.db.models.fields.related_descriptors.\
        # create_forward_many_to_many_manager.<locals>.ManyRelatedManager

        # check the old m2m values, and assign into new object.
        old_m2m_values = getattr(old_child, remote_field_name).all()


我偏离了您原来的解决方案,因为我在遵循 ObjectCloner 逻辑时遇到了一些困难。



def clone_object(obj, attrs={}):

    # we start by building a "flat" clone
    clone = obj._meta.model.objects.get( = None

    # if caller specified some attributes to be overridden, 
    # use them
    for key, value in attrs.items():
        setattr(clone, key, value)

    # save the partial clone to have a valid ID assigned

    # Scan field to further investigate relations
    fields = clone._meta.get_fields()
    for field in fields:

        # Manage M2M fields by replicating all related records 
        # found on parent "obj" into "clone"
        if not field.auto_created and field.many_to_many:
            for row in getattr(obj,

        # Manage 1-N and 1-1 relations by cloning child objects
        if field.auto_created and field.is_relation:
            if field.many_to_many:
                # do nothing
                # provide "clone" object to replace "obj" 
                # on remote field
                attrs = {
                children = field.related_model.objects.filter(**{ obj})
                for child in children:
                    clone_object(child, attrs)

    return clone

使用 Python 3.7.6 和 Django 3.0.6 进行测试的 POC 示例项目已保存在 github 上的公共存储库中:


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