

我是 Unity 和构建游戏的新手,我使用 2 个按钮(IncreaseButton、DecreaseButton),我遇到的问题是按钮回调函数仅在用户单击按钮时调用一次,但在按住按钮时不会调用。如何让按钮在按住时重复调用?


    public void IncreaseBPM()
    if (speed < 12) 
        speed += 0.05f;
        bpmText.GetComponent<BeatTextControl> ().beats += 1;
        PlayerPrefs.SetFloat ("savedBPM", speed);

public void DecreaseBPM()
    if (speed > 1.5)
        speed -= 0.05f;
        bpmText.GetComponent<BeatTextControl> ().beats -= 1;
        PlayerPrefs.SetFloat ("savedBPM", speed);

Unity's Button组件确实not内置了此功能。您必须使用以下功能推出自己的功能Image组件作为Button。实施IPointerDownHandler and IPointerUpHandler接口然后覆盖OnPointerDown and OnPointerUp功能。

When OnPointerDown被称为,使用struct存储哪个对象/体积Image被点击并且当前点击pointerId in a List。 然后您可以检查哪个Image被点击在Update功能。

If the OnPointerUp被调用,你必须检查哪个pointerId被释放然后检查是否pointerId存在于List如果有,请将其删除。


public class ButtonTest : MonoBehaviour
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        //Register to Button events
        ButtonDownRelease.OnButtonActionChanged += ButtonActionChange;

    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()


    //Un-Register to Button events
    void OnDisable()
        ButtonDownRelease.OnButtonActionChanged -= ButtonActionChange;

    //Will be called when there is a Button action
    void ButtonActionChange(ButtonAction buttonAction)
        //Check for held down
        if (buttonAction == ButtonAction.DecreaseButtonDown)
            Debug.Log("Decrease Button held Down!");

        if (buttonAction == ButtonAction.IncreaseButtonDown)
            Debug.Log("Increase Button held Down!");

        //Check for release
        if (buttonAction == ButtonAction.DecreaseButtonUp)
            Debug.Log("Decrease Button Released!");

        if (buttonAction == ButtonAction.IncreaseButtonUp)
            Debug.Log("Increase Button Released!");

    private void IncreaseBPM()
        if (TempoController.GetComponent<Pendulum>().speed < 12)
            TempoController.GetComponent<Pendulum>().speed += 0.05f;

    private void DecreaseBPM()
        if (TempoController.GetComponent<Pendulum>().speed > 1.5)
            TempoController.GetComponent<Pendulum>().speed -= 0.05f;


创建一个名为的新脚本ButtonDownRelease然后将下面的代码放入其中。附上ButtonDownRelease脚本到Canvas The Canvas这是你的父母Images/ButtonsUI 游戏对象。创建两个Images(增加和减少)。创建两个tags called increase and decrease然后把两个Images在右边tag.


您仍然可以使用Button而不是Image如果您不想使用,则可以使其工作Image成分。只需选择每个Button并将标签更改为increase and decrease,然后选择Text每个下的组件Button并更改他们的标签increase and decrease too. 您必须更改Button's Text如果您想使用,也可以使用标签Button成分用这个脚本。另外,您还必须附上ButtonDownRelease每一个Button不至于Canvas就像你必须做的那样Image成分。

Your ButtonDownRelease script:

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine.EventSystems;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using System.Collections.Generic;

public class ButtonDownRelease : MonoBehaviour, IPointerDownHandler, IPointerUpHandler
    List<ButtonInfo> buttonInfo = new List<ButtonInfo>();

    public delegate void ButtonActionChange(ButtonAction buttonAction);
    public static event ButtonActionChange OnButtonActionChanged;

    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        //Send Held Button Down events
        for (int i = 0; i < buttonInfo.Count; i++)
            if (buttonInfo[i].buttonPresed == ButtonAction.DecreaseButtonDown)

            else if (buttonInfo[i].buttonPresed == ButtonAction.IncreaseButtonDown)

    void dispatchEvent(ButtonAction btAction)
        if (OnButtonActionChanged != null)

    public void OnPointerDown(PointerEventData eventData)
        //Debug.Log("Button Down!");
        ButtonInfo bInfo = new ButtonInfo();
        bInfo.uniqueId = eventData.pointerId;
        if (eventData.pointerCurrentRaycast.gameObject.CompareTag("increase"))
            bInfo.buttonPresed = ButtonAction.IncreaseButtonDown;
        else if (eventData.pointerCurrentRaycast.gameObject.CompareTag("decrease"))
            bInfo.buttonPresed = ButtonAction.DecreaseButtonDown;

    public void OnPointerUp(PointerEventData eventData)
        //Debug.Log("Button Down!" + eventData.pointerCurrentRaycast);

    void addButton(ButtonInfo bInfo)

    void removeButton(int unqID)
        for (int i = 0; i < buttonInfo.Count; i++)
            if (unqID == buttonInfo[i].uniqueId)
                //Send Release Button Up events
                if (buttonInfo[i].buttonPresed == ButtonAction.DecreaseButtonDown)

                else if (buttonInfo[i].buttonPresed == ButtonAction.IncreaseButtonDown)


    public struct ButtonInfo
        public int uniqueId;
        public ButtonAction buttonPresed;

public enum ButtonAction
    IncreaseButtonDown, IncreaseButtonUp,
    DecreaseButtonDown, DecreaseButtonUp



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