

c++ 11 之后有了标准的线程库:

C++ 11发布之前,C++并没有对多线程编程的专门支持,C++ 11通过标准库引入了对多线程的支持,大大方便了程序员的工作,本篇我们对这部分进行简要的介绍。需要说明的是,C++ 11标准库内部包裹了pthread库,因此,编译程序的时候需要加上-lpthread连接选项.

#include <thread>
#include <condition_variable>
#include <mutex>


1 std::thread


a. C++ 11中创建线程非常简单,使用std::thread类就可以,thread类定义于thread头文件,构造thread对象时传入一个可调用对象作为参数(如果可调用对象有参数,把参数同时传入),这样构造完成后,新的线程马上被创建,同时执行该可调用对象;

b. 用std::thread默认的构造函数构造的对象不关联任何线程;判断一个thread对象是否关联某个线程,使用joinable()接口,如果返回true,表明该对象关联着某个线程(即使该线程已经执行结束);

c. "joinable"的对象析构前,必须调用join()接口等待线程结束,或者调用detach()接口解除与线程的关联,否则会抛异常;

d. 正在执行的线程从关联的对象detach后会自主执行直至结束,对应的对象变成不关联任何线程的对象,joinable()将返回false;


e. std::thread没有拷贝构造函数和拷贝赋值操作符,因此不支持复制操作(但是可以move),也就是说,没有两个 std::thread对象会表示同一执行线程;

f. 容易知道,如下几种情况下,std::thread对象是不关联任何线程的(对这种对象调用join或detach接口会抛异常):



detach 或 join 后的thread对象;




2 std::mutex   (轻松实现互斥)

常做多线程编程的人一定对mutex(互斥)非常熟悉,C++ 11当然也支持mutex,通过mutex可以方便的对临界区域加锁,std::mutex类定义于mutex头文件,是用于保护共享数据避免从多个线程同时访问的同步原语。它提供了lock,try_lock,unlock等几个接口,功能如下:


线程占有mutex时,所有其他线程若试图要求mutex的所有权,则将阻塞(对于 lock 的调用)或收到false返回值(对于 try_lock );

调用方线程在调用 lock 或 try_lock 前必须不占有mutex。








  • std::mutex,最常用,普遍的互斥量(默认属性), 
  • std::recursive_mutex ,允许同一线程使用recursive_mutext多次加锁,然后使用相同次数的解锁操作解锁。mutex多次加锁会造成死锁
  • std::timed_mutex,在mutex上增加了时间的属性。增加了两个成员函数try_lock_for(),try_lock_until(),分别接收一个时间范围,再给定的时间内如果互斥量被锁主了,线程阻塞,超过时间,返回false。
  • std::recursive_timed_mutex,增加递归和时间属性



  • lock(),互斥量加锁,如果互斥量已被加锁,线程阻塞
  • bool try_lock(),尝试加锁,如果互斥量未被加锁,则执行加锁操作,返回true;如果互斥量已被加锁,返回false,线程不阻塞。
  • void unlock(),解锁互斥量

c. mutex RAII式的加锁解锁

  • std::lock_guard,管理mutex的类。对象构建时传入mutex,会自动对mutex加入,直到离开类的作用域,析构时完成解锁。RAII式的栈对象能保证在异常情形下mutex可以在lock_guard对象析构被解锁。
  • std::unique_lock 与 lock_guard功能类似,但是比lock_guard的功能更强大。比如std::unique_lock维护了互斥量的状态,可通过bool owns_lock()访问,当locked时返回true,否则返回false


3 std::lock_guard   (有作用域的mutex ,让 程序更稳定,防止死锁)

很容易想到,mutex的lock和unlock必须成对调用,lock之后忘记调用unlock将是非常严重的错误,再次lock时会造成死锁。有时候一段程序中会有各种出口,如return,continue,break等等语句,在每个出口前记得unlock已经加锁的mutex是有一定负担的,而假如程序段中有抛异常的情况,就更为隐蔽棘手,C++ 11提供了更好的解决方案,对的,RAII,本系列文章多次提到RAII,想必大家应该不陌生。








C++11 std::unique_lock与std::lock_guard区别及多线程应用实例





std::mutex mut;  
void insert_data()  
       std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(mut);  
void process_data()  
       std::unqiue_lock<std::mutex> lk(mut);  

std::unique_lock 与std::lock_guard都能实现自动加锁与解锁功能,但是std::unique_lock要比std::lock_guard更灵活,但是更灵活的代价是占用空间相对更大一点且相对更慢一点。


std::unique_lock 的构造函数的数目相对来说比 std::lock_guard 多,其中一方面也是因为 std::unique_lock 更加灵活,从而在构造 std::unique_lock 对象时可以接受额外的参数。总地来说,std::unique_lock 构造函数如下:

default (1)
unique_lock() noexcept;
locking (2)
explicit unique_lock(mutex_type& m);
try-locking (3)
unique_lock(mutex_type& m, try_to_lock_t tag);
deferred (4)
unique_lock(mutex_type& m, defer_lock_t tag) noexcept;
adopting (5)
unique_lock(mutex_type& m, adopt_lock_t tag);
locking for (6)
template <class Rep, class Period>
unique_lock(mutex_type& m, const chrono::duration<Rep,Period>& rel_time);
locking until (7)
template <class Clock, class Duration>
unique_lock(mutex_type& m, const chrono::time_point<Clock,Duration>& abs_time);
copy [deleted] (8)
unique_lock(const unique_lock&) = delete;
move (9)
unique_lock(unique_lock&& x);


(1) 默认构造函数

新创建的 unique_lock 对象不管理任何 Mutex 对象。

(2) locking 初始化

新创建的 unique_lock 对象管理 Mutex 对象 m,并尝试调用 m.lock() 对 Mutex 对象进行上锁,如果此时另外某个 unique_lock 对象已经管理了该 Mutex 对象 m,则当前线程将会被阻塞。

(3) try-locking 初始化

新创建的 unique_lock 对象管理 Mutex 对象 m,并尝试调用 m.try_lock() 对 Mutex 对象进行上锁,但如果上锁不成功,并不会阻塞当前线程。

(4) deferred 初始化

新创建的 unique_lock 对象管理 Mutex 对象 m,但是在初始化的时候并不锁住 Mutex 对象。 m 应该是一个没有当前线程锁住的 Mutex 对象。

(5) adopting 初始化

新创建的 unique_lock 对象管理 Mutex 对象 m, m 应该是一个已经被当前线程锁住的 Mutex 对象。(并且当前新创建的 unique_lock 对象拥有对锁(Lock)的所有权)。

(6) locking 一段时间(duration)

新创建的 unique_lock 对象管理 Mutex 对象 m,并试图通过调用 m.try_lock_for(rel_time) 来锁住 Mutex 对象一段时间(rel_time)。

(7) locking 直到某个时间点(time point)

新创建的 unique_lock 对象管理 Mutex 对象m,并试图通过调用 m.try_lock_until(abs_time) 来在某个时间点(abs_time)之前锁住 Mutex 对象。

(8) 拷贝构造 [被禁用]

unique_lock 对象不能被拷贝构造。

(9) 移动(move)构造

新创建的 unique_lock 对象获得了由 x 所管理的 Mutex 对象的所有权(包括当前 Mutex 的状态)。调用 move 构造之后, x 对象如同通过默认构造函数所创建的,就不再管理任何 Mutex 对象了。

综上所述,由 (2) 和 (5) 创建的 unique_lock 对象通常拥有 Mutex 对象的锁。而通过 (1) 和 (4) 创建的则不会拥有锁。通过 (3),(6) 和 (7) 创建的 unique_lock 对象,则在 lock 成功时获得锁。







std::mutex mtx_syn;
std::condition_variable cv_syn;
std::condition_variable cv_syn_1;
bool ready = false;
void threadA(int id) {
	while (1)
		std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lck(mtx_syn);
		while (!ready) cv_syn.wait(lck);
		// ...
		std::cout << "thread " << id << '\n';
		cv_syn.notify_all();   //cpu 轮询执行 所有被唤醒的线程。
void threadB(int id) {
	while (1)
//新创建的 unique_lock 对象管理 Mutex 对象 m,并尝试调用 m.lock() 对 Mutex 对象进行上锁,如果此时另外某个 unique_lock 对象已经管理了该 Mutex 对象 m,则当前线程将会被阻塞
		std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lck(mtx_syn);
		while (!ready) cv_syn.wait(lck);
		// ...
		std::cout << "thread " << id << '\n';

void threadC(int id) {
	while (1)
		std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lck(mtx_syn);
		while (!ready) cv_syn_1.wait(lck);
		// ...
		std::cout << "thread " << id << '\n';

void go()
	std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lck(mtx_syn);
	ready = true;
	std::thread threads[5];
	// spawn 10 threads:
	//for (int i = 0; i<5; ++i)
	//	threads[i] = std::thread(print_id, i);
	threads[0] = std::thread(threadA, 0);
	threads[1] = std::thread(threadB, 1);
	threads[2] = std::thread(threadC, 2);  //该线程 与 0, 1 无关,不影响 0,1 线程的同步,因为用的不是一个 condition_variable
	std::cout << "2 threads ready to race...\n";
	go();                       // go!

	for (auto& th : threads) th.join();


thread 使用


#include <iostream>

#include <thread>

std::thread::id main_thread_id = std::this_thread::get_id();

void hello()  
    std::cout << "Hello Concurrent World\n";
    if (main_thread_id == std::this_thread::get_id())
        std::cout << "This is the main thread.\n";
        std::cout << "This is not the main thread.\n";

void pause_thread(int n) {
    std::cout << "pause of " << n << " seconds ended\n";

int main() {
    std::thread t(hello);
    std::cout << t.hardware_concurrency() << std::endl;//可以并发执行多少个(不准确)
    std::cout << "native_handle " << t.native_handle() << std::endl;//可以并发执行多少个(不准确)
    std::thread a(hello);
    std::thread threads[5];                         // 默认构造线程

    std::cout << "Spawning 5 threads...\n";
    for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i)
        threads[i] = std::thread(pause_thread, i + 1);   // move-assign threads
    std::cout << "Done spawning threads. Now waiting for them to join:\n";
    for (auto &thread : threads)
    std::cout << "All threads joined!\n";



#include <iostream>
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
#include "../data300w/util/Util.h"
#include "cunpd.hpp"
#include <ctime>
#include <io.h>
#include <direct.h>  
#include <thread>
#include <condition_variable>
#include <mutex>
#include <Windows.h>

using namespace std;
using namespace cv;
using namespace glasssix;

#define ZOOM_ 1.0
#define SIZE 96

extern void  splitString(const string& s, vector<string>& v, const string& c);

template <class Type>
Type stringToNum(const string& str)
	istringstream iss(str);
	Type num;
	iss >> num;
	return num;
void writeHistoFile(std::string filePath, vector<int> & densi_data)
	if (filePath == "" || densi_data.size() == 0)
	ofstream in;
	in.open(filePath, ios::app);   //ios::trunc
	int length = densi_data.size();
	for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
		string dataline = to_string(densi_data[i]);
		in << dataline << "\n";

float getHorizontal(LandMark &landmark)
	float tan_theta = (landmark.points[1].y - landmark.points[0].y) / (landmark.points[1].x - landmark.points[0].x);
	float theta = atan(tan_theta);
	return theta * 180 / 3.1415926;
void showHistogram(vector<float> & hor_data)
	int densi[60] = { 0 };
	int length = hor_data.size();
	for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
		if (floor((hor_data[i] + 30)) >= 0 && floor((hor_data[i] + 30)) < 60)
			densi[(int)floor((hor_data[i] + 30))]++;

		if (floor((hor_data[i] + 30)) < 0)
		else if (floor((hor_data[i] + 30)) >= 60)
	string density_text = "D:\\UMD\\density_text.txt";
	vector<int>density_data(densi, densi + 60);
	writeHistoFile(density_text, density_data);

	Mat histImg;
	histImg.create(1000, 1600, CV_8UC3);
	int offset = 10;
	for (int i = 0; i < 60; i++)
		double tmpCount = densi[i];
		rectangle(histImg, Point2f(offset + i * 25, 1000), Point2f(offset + i * 25, 1000 - tmpCount / 15.0), Scalar::all(255), -1);  //画出直方图  
		putText(histImg, to_string(i - 29), Point2f(offset + i * 25 + 3, 1000 - 3), 0.3, 0.3, Scalar(0, 0, 255));
		Point2f pt0;
		pt0.x = offset + i * 25;
		pt0.y = 1000 - densi[i] / 15.0;

		Point2f pt1;
		pt1.x = offset + (i + 1) * 25;
		pt1.y = 1000 - densi[i + 1] / 15.0;
		line(histImg, pt0, pt1, Scalar(255, 0, 0), 1); //连接直方图的顶点  
	imshow("hist", histImg);
void getDatahor(string file1, vector<float> & hor_data)
	int mark_num = 5;
	DataPrepareUtil dpu;
	vector<LandMark> data;
	dpu.readFileData(file1, data, mark_num);
	int length = data.size();
	for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
		float hor = getHorizontal(data[i]);

void rotation(float theta, Mat &img, Mat &dst, Size img_size, LandMark &landmark, int mark_num)
	Mat mat = img;
	Point2f center(img_size.width / 2, img_size.height / 2);
	double angle = theta;

	Mat rot = getRotationMatrix2D(center, angle, 1);
	Rect bbox = RotatedRect(center, mat.size(), angle).boundingRect();

	cv::warpAffine(mat, dst, rot, bbox.size());

	for (int j = 0; j < mark_num; j++)
		float theta = -3.1415926 / (180 / angle);
		float x1 = landmark.points[j].x - rot.at<double>(1, 2);
		float y1 = landmark.points[j].y - rot.at<double>(0, 2);
		landmark.points[j].x = x1 * cos(theta) - y1 * sin(theta);
		landmark.points[j].y = x1 * sin(theta) + y1 * cos(theta);

		//circle(dst, Point(x, y), 2, Scalar(255, 0, 0));
	//cv::imshow("dst", dst);

void augment_data(string img_path, string img_text, string result_path, string result_text)
	DataPrepareUtil dpu;
	int mark_num = 5;

	vector<LandMark> data;
	dpu.readFileData(img_text, data, mark_num);

	vector<LandMark> rotation_data;
	vector<float> hor_data;
	getDatahor(img_text, hor_data);
	int length = hor_data.size();
	for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
		if (hor_data[i] > 0 && hor_data[i] < 3)
			Mat dst;
			Mat img = imread(img_path + data[i].fileName);
			LandMark landmark(data[i]);
			rotation(25, img, dst, Size(96, 96), landmark, mark_num);


bool getFaceRect(cunpd &pd, int model_id, Mat &dstImg, LandMark & landmark, Rect & rect)
	const int widths = dstImg.cols;
	const int heights = dstImg.rows;
	vector<FaceInfomation>  face = pd.detect(dstImg, model_id, 48);
	int length = face.size();
	if (length == 0)
		cout << "not found face ." << endl;
	for (int j = 0; j < length; j++)
		if (face[j].score > 15)
			rect = face[j].rect;

			if (landmark.points[0].x > rect.x && landmark.points[0].x < rect.x + rect.width
				&& landmark.points[0].y > rect.y && landmark.points[0].y < rect.y + rect.height
				&&landmark.points[12].x > rect.x && landmark.points[12].x < rect.x + rect.width
				&& landmark.points[12].y > rect.y && landmark.points[12].y < rect.y + rect.height
				&&landmark.points[16].x > rect.x && landmark.points[16].x < rect.x + rect.width
				&& landmark.points[16].y > rect.y && landmark.points[16].y < rect.y + rect.height
				&&landmark.points[20].x > rect.x && landmark.points[20].x < rect.x + rect.width
				&& landmark.points[20].y > rect.y && landmark.points[20].y < rect.y + rect.height
				&& (abs(landmark.points[7].y - landmark.points[17].y) > (rect.height / 6.0)))
				int rect_w = rect.width;
				int rect_h = rect.height;
				rect.width = rect_w * ZOOM_;
				rect.height = rect_h * ZOOM_;
				rect.x = max(rect.x - (ZOOM_ - 1.0) * rect_w / 2.0, 0.0);
				rect.y = max(rect.y - (ZOOM_ - 1.0) * rect_h / 2.0, 0.0);

				if (rect.x + rect.width > widths)
					rect.width = widths - rect.x;
				if (rect.y + rect.height > heights)
					rect.height = heights - rect.y;
				return true;
	return false;


void getoffsetRect(Rect & rect, vector<Rect> & all_rect, int cols, int rows, int max_offset)
	Rect rect0(rect), rect1(rect);
	int offsetx = rand() % max_offset + 1;
	int offsety = rand() % max_offset + 1;

	if (rect.x > offsetx && rect.y > offsety)
		rect0.x = rect.x - offsetx;
		rect0.y = rect.y - offsety;

	offsetx = rand() % max_offset + 1;
	offsety = rand() % max_offset + 1;

	if (rect.x + rect.width + offsetx < cols && rect.y + rect.height + offsety < rows)
		rect1.x = rect.x + offsetx;
		rect1.y = rect.y + offsety;

const int five_points[5] = { 7, 10, 14, 17, 19 };
string search_base = "H:\\UMD\\";
string search_dir_[] = { search_base + "umdfaces_batch1", search_base + "umdfaces_batch2", search_base + "umdfaces_batch3" };

string text_file[] = { search_base + "umdfaces_batch1\\umdfaces_batch1_ultraface.csv", search_base + "umdfaces_batch2\\umdfaces_batch2_ultraface.csv", search_base + "umdfaces_batch3\\umdfaces_batch3_ultraface.csv" };
string text_pre[] = { "batch1_aug_", "batch2_aug_", "batch3_aug_" };
string tail_[] = { ".jpg", ".jpg" , ".jpg" };

string base = search_base + "landmark_5\\augment_img\\";
string result_img = base + "result_img_" + to_string(SIZE) + "\\";
string result_txt = base + "landmark_" + to_string(SIZE) + "_5.txt";
const int theta_offset = 5;
const int theta_max = 20;
vector<LandMark> rotation_point;
int countNum = 0;
bool ready = false;
std::mutex mtx_syn;
std::condition_variable cv_syn;
void roll_yaw_pitch_data(LandMark result_mark, int temp, cunpd &pd, int model_id, DataPrepareUtil &dpu)

	float roll = result_mark.direct[2];

	string img_path = search_dir_[temp] + "\\" + result_mark.fileName;
	if (_access(img_path.c_str(), 0) == -1)
		cout << "coun't found filename" << img_path << endl;
	Mat img = imread(img_path);
	Mat dstImg; //dstImg.create(heights, widths, CV_8UC1);
	cvtColor(img, dstImg, CV_BGR2GRAY);
	//yaw 增强 pitch 增强
	for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++)
		if (result_mark.direct[j] > -theta_offset && result_mark.direct[j] < theta_offset)
			Rect rect;
			LandMark landmark(result_mark);
			bool success = getFaceRect(pd, model_id, dstImg, landmark, rect);
			if (success)
				vector<Rect> all_rect;
				getoffsetRect(rect, all_rect, img.cols, img.rows, 4);
				for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
					LandMark dst_landmark;
					//vector<string> filenames;
					//splitString(landmark.fileName, filenames, "/");
					//string filename = filenames[filenames.size()-1];
					std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lck(mtx_syn);
					dst_landmark.fileName = text_pre[temp] + to_string(countNum++) + ".png";
					//cout << img.rows << " " << rotat_img.cols << " " << rect.x << " " << rect.y << " " << rect.width << " " << rect.height << endl;

					Mat roi_face = img(all_rect[i]);
					cv::resize(roi_face, roi_face, Size(SIZE, SIZE));
					for (int k = 0; k < 5; k++)
						dst_landmark.visible[k] = landmark.visible[five_points[k]];
						dst_landmark.points[k].x = ((float)SIZE / all_rect[i].width) * (landmark.points[five_points[k]].x - all_rect[i].x);
						dst_landmark.points[k].y = ((float)SIZE / all_rect[i].height) * (landmark.points[five_points[k]].y - all_rect[i].y);
					imwrite(result_img + dst_landmark.fileName, roi_face);

					std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lck1(mtx_syn);

	// roll 增强
	if (roll > -theta_offset && roll < theta_offset)
		for (int i = -1; i < 2; i = i + 2)
			Mat rotat_img;
			LandMark landmark(result_mark);
			int theta = (rand() % theta_max + theta_offset) * i;
			rotation(theta, img, rotat_img, Size(SIZE, SIZE), landmark, CURRENT_LANDMARK);

			Mat dstImg; //dstImg.create(heights, widths, CV_8UC1);
			cvtColor(rotat_img, dstImg, CV_BGR2GRAY);

			//for (int j = 0; j < CURRENT_LANDMARK; j++)
			//	circle(rotat_img, Point(landmark.points[j]), 2, Scalar(255, 0, 0));
			//imshow("img", rotat_img);

			LandMark dst_landmark;

			//vector<string> filenames;
			//splitString(landmark.fileName, filenames, "/");
			//string filename = filenames[filenames.size()-1];
			std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lck(mtx_syn);
			dst_landmark.fileName = text_pre[temp] + to_string(countNum++) + ".png";
			Rect rect;
			bool success = getFaceRect(pd, model_id, dstImg, landmark, rect);
			if (success)
				//cout << rotat_img.rows << " " << rotat_img.cols << " " << rect.x << " " << rect.y << " " << rect.width << " " << rect.height << endl;
				Mat roi_face = rotat_img(rect);
				cv::resize(roi_face, roi_face, Size(SIZE, SIZE));
				for (int k = 0; k < 5; k++)
					dst_landmark.visible[k] = landmark.visible[five_points[k]];
					dst_landmark.points[k].x = ((float)SIZE / rect.width) * (landmark.points[five_points[k]].x - rect.x);
					dst_landmark.points[k].y = ((float)SIZE / rect.height) * (landmark.points[five_points[k]].y - rect.y);
				imwrite(result_img + dst_landmark.fileName, roi_face);

				std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lck(mtx_syn);

				if (rotation_point.size() > 500)
					dpu.writePointVisibletoFile(result_txt, rotation_point, NEED_LANDMARK);
				if (countNum % 500 == 0)
					cout << "prepare data:" << countNum << endl;


vector<LandMark> result_point;   //注意 使用多线程 时共同处理的 变量用 全局变量。
void deal_thread(int temp, int model_id, DataPrepareUtil &dpu, cunpd &pd)
	while (true)
		std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lck(mtx_syn);
		while (!ready) {
		auto itor = result_point.begin();
		auto itor2 = result_point.end();
		if (itor == itor2)
		LandMark landmark(result_point[0]);
//		cout << "landmark.fileName is:"<<landmark.fileName<< "thread id"<< this_thread::get_id()<< endl;

		roll_yaw_pitch_data(landmark, temp, pd, model_id, dpu);


void go()
	std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lck(mtx_syn);
	ready = true;

int main()

	cunpd pd;
	int model_id = pd.AddNpdModel(0);

	/*string img_path = "D:\\UMD\\result_img_96\\";
	string result_path = "D:\\UMD\\arguement_data\\";
	string img_text = img_path + "shutter_96_5_train.txt";
	string result_text = result_path + "augment_96_5_train.txt";
	augment_data(img_path, img_text, result_path, result_text);*/

	string base_dir = base;
	if (_access(base_dir.c_str(), 0) == -1)
	string dir = result_img;
	if (_access(dir.c_str(), 0) == -1)

	DataPrepareUtil dpUtil;


	long count = 0;

	vector<LandMark> rotation_point;
	for (int temp = 0; temp < 3; temp++)
		long countNum = 0;
		//vector<LandMark> result_point;

		dpUtil.readFileData(text_file[temp], result_point, CURRENT_LANDMARK);

		std::thread threads[4];
		for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
			threads[i] = std::thread(deal_thread, temp, model_id, dpUtil, pd);
			//threads[i] = std::thread(threadA, i, result_point, temp, model_id, dpUtil, pd);
		cout << "temp start:" << temp << endl;
		for (auto &th : threads) {
		cout << "temp end:" << temp << endl;
		if (rotation_point.size() > 0)
			dpUtil.writePointVisibletoFile(result_txt, rotation_point, NEED_LANDMARK);
		return 0;



void test_thread() {
    std::thread t(foo, "hello");

    std::packaged_task<int(int)> task([](int a) {std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::seconds(1)); std::cout << "my task" << std::endl; return a; });
    std::future<int> result = task.get_future();
    std::thread(std::move(task), 2).detach();
    std::cout << "Waiting...." << std::endl;

    std::cout << "Done  result is:" << result.get() << std::endl;

    std::packaged_task<string(string)> task1(foo);
    std::future<string> result1 = task1.get_future();
    string str = "liu";
    std::thread(std::move(task1), str).detach();
    std::cout << "task1:" << result1.get() << std::endl;



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