


我决定迭代工作量小于 maxWork 的可能科目,为了找到在任何给定回合中哪个科目是最佳选择,我将我最近的科目与我们尚未使用的所有其他科目进行了比较。

def greedyAdvisor(subjects, maxWork, comparator):
    Returns a dictionary mapping subject name to (value, work) which includes
    subjects selected by the algorithm, such that the total work of subjects in
    the dictionary is not greater than maxWork.  The subjects are chosen using
    a greedy algorithm.  The subjects dictionary should not be mutated.

    subjects: dictionary mapping subject name to (value, work)
    maxWork: int >= 0
    comparator: function taking two tuples and returning a bool
    returns: dictionary mapping subject name to (value, work)

    optimal = {}
    while maxWork > 0:
        new_subjects = dict((k,v) for k,v in subjects.items() if v[1] < maxWork)
        key_list = new_subjects.keys()
        for name in new_subjects:
            #create a truncated dictionary
            new_subjects = dict((name, new_subjects.get(name)) for name in key_list)
            #compare over the entire dictionary
            if reduce(comparator,new_subjects.values())==True:
                #insert this name into the optimal dictionary
                optimal[name] = new_subjects[name]
                #update maxWork
                maxWork = maxWork - subjects[name][1]
                #and restart the while loop with maxWork updated
    return optimal  

问题是我不知道为什么这是错误的。我收到错误,我不知道我的代码哪里错了(即使在抛出 print 语句之后)。非常感谢您的帮助,谢谢!

与 OPT 相比,使用简单的贪心算法不会对解决方案的质量提供任何限制。

这是背包的完全多项式时间 (1 - epsilon) * OPT 近似伪代码:

items = [...]  # items
profit = {...} # this needs to be the profit for each item
sizes = {...}  # this needs to be the sizes of each item
epsilon = 0.1  # you can adjust this to be arbitrarily small
P = max(items) # maximum profit of the list of items
K = (epsilon * P) / float(len(items))
for item in items:
    profit[item] = math.floor(profit[item] / K)
return _most_prof_set(items, sizes, profit, P)


如果 P 是集合中利润最高的商品,n 是我们拥有的商品数量,那么 nP 显然是允许利润的一个微不足道的上限。对于 {1,...,n} 中的每个 i 和 {1,...,nP} 中的 p,我们让 Sip 表示总利润为的项目子集exactlyp 且其总大小被最小化。然后我们让 A(i,p) 表示集合 Sip 的大小(如果不存在则无穷大)。我们可以很容易地证明 A(1,p) 对于 {1,...,nP} 中 p 的所有值都是已知的。我们将定义一个递归来计算 A(i,p),我们将其用作动态规划问题,以返回近似解。

A(i + 1, p) = min {A(i,p), size(item at i + 1 position) + A(i, p - profit(item at i + 1 position))} if profit(item at i + 1) < p otherwise A(i,p)


def _most_prof_set(items, sizes, profit, P):
    A = {...}
    for i in range(len(items) - 1):
        item = items[i+1]
        oitem = items[i]
        for p in [P * k for k in range(1,i+1)]:
            if profit[item] < p:
                A[(item,p)] = min([A[(oitem,p)], \
                                     sizes[item] + A[(item, p - profit[item])]])
                A[(item,p)] = A[(oitem,p)] if (oitem,p) in A else sys.maxint
    return max(A) 

Source https://rads.stackoverflow.com/amzn/click/com/3540653678


背包问题(经典) 的相关文章
