如果是嵌套元素,则后代 Until()


在我之前的问题中:link https://stackoverflow.com/questions/75957548/xdocument-descendants-cannot-distinguish-between-parent-child-elements,



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
        <Sections xmlns="http://www.siemens.com/automation/Openness/SW/Interface/v4">
            <Section Name="Static">
                <Member Name="3bool1" Datatype="&quot;3bool&quot;" Remanence="NonRetain" Accessibility="Public">
                        <BooleanAttribute Name="ExternalAccessible" SystemDefined="true">true</BooleanAttribute>
                        <BooleanAttribute Name="ExternalVisible" SystemDefined="true">true</BooleanAttribute>
                        <BooleanAttribute Name="ExternalWritable" SystemDefined="true">true</BooleanAttribute>
                        <BooleanAttribute Name="SetPoint" SystemDefined="true">false</BooleanAttribute>
                        <Section Name="None">
                            <Member Name="bool1" Datatype="Bool" />
                            <Member Name="bool2" Datatype="Bool" />
                            <Member Name="bool3" Datatype="Bool" />
                            <Member Name="3bool1" Datatype="&quot;3bool&quot;" Remanence="NonRetain" Accessibility="Public">
                                    <BooleanAttribute Name="ExternalAccessible" SystemDefined="true">true</BooleanAttribute>
                                    <BooleanAttribute Name="ExternalVisible" SystemDefined="true">true</BooleanAttribute>
                                    <BooleanAttribute Name="ExternalWritable" SystemDefined="true">true</BooleanAttribute>
                                    <BooleanAttribute Name="SetPoint" SystemDefined="true">false</BooleanAttribute>
                                    <Section Name="None">
                                        <Member Name="bool1" Datatype="Bool" />
                                        <Member Name="bool2" Datatype="Bool" />
                                        <Member Name="bool3" Datatype="Bool" />
                <Member Name="int7" Datatype="Int" Remanence="NonRetain" Accessibility="Public">
                        <BooleanAttribute Name="ExternalAccessible" SystemDefined="true">true</BooleanAttribute>
                        <BooleanAttribute Name="ExternalVisible" SystemDefined="true">true</BooleanAttribute>
                        <BooleanAttribute Name="ExternalWritable" SystemDefined="true">true</BooleanAttribute>
                        <BooleanAttribute Name="SetPoint" SystemDefined="true">true</BooleanAttribute>

通过使用 DescendantsUntil() 扩展方法,我可以轻松过滤父级和子级

string path = ("C:\\Users\\");
XDocument doc = XDocument.Load(path + "File.xml");
XNamespace ns = "http://www.siemens.com/automation/Openness/SW/Interface/v4";
XName name = ns + "Member";

var memb = doc
    .Root.DescendantsUntil(e => e.Name == name)
    .Select(e => (Parent: e, Children: e.DescendantsUntil(c => c.Name == name).ToList()))
    //.Where(i => i.Children.Count > 0); // Uncomment to filter out <Member> elements with no child members.

现在,我如何使用 DescendantsUntil() 来提取 Parent、Children、Nephews 元素,以及一般来说,只要存在另一个嵌套元素,如何提取所有后代?


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Xml;
using System.Xml.Linq;

namespace ConsoleApplication52
    class Program
        const string FILENAME = @"c:\temp\test.xml";
        static void Main(string[] args)
            XDocument doc = XDocument.Load(FILENAME);
            XElement xSections = doc.Descendants().Where(x => x.Name.LocalName == "Sections").FirstOrDefault();
            XNamespace ns = xSections.GetDefaultNamespace();
            Sections root = new Sections();
            root.ParseSections(xSections, ns);
    public class Sections
        public List<Section> sections { get; set; }

        public void ParseSections(XElement xSections, XNamespace ns)
            List<XElement> sections = xSections.Elements(ns + "Section").ToList();
            foreach (XElement section in sections)
                if (this.sections == null) this.sections = new List<Section>();
                Section childSection = new Section();
                childSection.ParseSection(section, ns);
    public class Section
        public string name { get; set; }
        public List<Member> members { get; set; }

        public void ParseSection(XElement xSection, XNamespace ns)
            this.name = (string)xSection.Attribute("Name");
            foreach (XElement xMember in xSection.Elements(ns + "Member"))
                if (this.members == null) this.members = new List<Member>();
                Member member = new Member();
                member.ParseMember(xMember, ns);

    public class Member
        public string name { get; set; }
        public string remanence { get; set; }
        public string accessibility { get; set; }
        public Dictionary<string, Boolean> attributes { get; set; }
        public Sections sections { get; set; }

        public void ParseMember(XElement member, XNamespace ns)
            this.name = (string)member.Attribute("Name");
            this.remanence = (string)member.Attribute("Remanence");
            this.accessibility = (string)member.Attribute("Accessibility");
            XElement attributeList = member.Element(ns + "AttributeList");
            if (attributeList != null)
                foreach (XElement attribute in attributeList.Descendants(ns + "BooleanAttribute"))
                    if (attributes == null) attributes = new Dictionary<string, bool>();
                    string attributeName = (string)attribute.Attribute("Name");
                    Boolean attributeValue = (Boolean)attribute;
                    attributes.Add(attributeName, attributeValue);
            XElement xSections = member.Element(ns + "Sections");
            if (xSections != null)
                Sections childSections = new Sections();
                this.sections = childSections;
                childSections.ParseSections(xSections, ns);

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    在我之前的问题中 link https stackoverflow com questions 75957548 xdocument descendants cannot distinguish between parent child e