Ninject 到动作过滤器中


我创建了一个自定义操作过滤器,并将其与 Ninject 的 BindFilter 方法绑定:

public class ExtendModelAttribute : FilterAttribute {}

public class ExtendModelFilter : IActionFilter
    private IKernel kernel;
    public ExtendModelFilter(Func<IKernel> kernel)
        this.kernel = kernel;

    public void OnActionExecuted(ActionExecutedContext filterContext)
        // TODO:

    public void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext)


 kernel.BindFilter<ExtendModelFilter>(FilterScope.Action, 0).WhenActionMethodHas<ExtendModelAttribute>();


public ActionResult Index()
    return View(new IndexModel());

我希望 ExtendModel 过滤器做的是确定正在使用的模型类型,然后找到正确的依赖项:

public interface IModelExtender<TModel> {
    void Extend(TModel model);

public class IndexModelExtender : IModelExtender<IndexModel> {
    public void Extend(IndexModel model)
        // extend the model here with anything extra that is required

我不确定如何在操作过滤器中编写代码来获取 IModelExtender 的实例:

public void OnActionExecuted(ActionExecutedContext filterContext)
    // TODO:
    // I Need to look at the filterContext Model to determine which 
    // type of IModelExtender<T> to create:
    // For Example, when [ExtendModel] is applied on the Index() method above
    // then I need it to resolve to IndexModelExtender

也许我想做的事情根本不可能实现?由于我在编译时不知道 T 是什么,有什么办法可以做到我想要的吗?

以下是 ModelExtender 可能执行的操作的示例:

public class IndexModelExtender : IModelExtender<IndexModel>
    public IndexModelExtender(IFooRepository fooRepository, IBarRepository barRepository)
        // ...

     public void Extend(IndexModel model)
         model.SelectList1 = new SelectList(fooRepository.GetFoos(), "Description", "Id");
         model.SelectList2 = new SelectList(barRepository.GetBars(), "Description", "Id");


 public ActionResult Index()
     var model = new IndexModel();
     // populate select lists here
     return View(model);

 public ActionResult Index(IndexModel model)
     if(!ModelState.IsValid ) {
        // populate the same stuff here


public class ExtendModelFilter : IActionFilter
    public void OnActionExecuted(ActionExecutedContext filterContext)
        object model = null;
        if (filterContext.Result is ViewResultBase)
            model = ((ViewResultBase)filterContext.Result).Model;
        else if (filterContext.Result is JsonResult)
            model = ((JsonResult)filterContext.Result).Data;
        // TODO: you could continue with the else if here to take
        // into account some other action results that have the notion of model
        // like for example some custom action results that you might have written

        if (model == null)
            // we have no model => nothing to extend

        var extenderType = typeof(IModelExtender<>).MakeGenericType(model.GetType());
        var extender = DependencyResolver.Current.GetService(extenderType);
        var extend = extenderType.GetMethod("Extend");
        extend.Invoke(extender, new[] { model });

    public void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext)

您还会注意到,我重构了自定义操作过滤器,以便使用当前的依赖项解析器并使其与 NInject 无关。你当然可以保留IKernel如果您愿意的话,可以依赖。


Ninject 到动作过滤器中 的相关文章
