使用 matplotlib 设置网络中的动态节点形状


第一次在这里发帖,请大家多多包涵。 :)

我正在尝试在 Networkx 中绘制不同类型的字符网络,并希望为每种类型设置不同的节点形状。例如,我希望角色是圆形,生物是三角形等。我已经尝试了几个小时来解决这个问题并进行了广泛的搜索,但我还没有找到一种方法来实现这一点,除了为每种类型的字符设置不同的node_lists并分别渲染它们,这似乎违反直觉。

问题是我无法从内部访问 node_shape 字典值:

nx.draw_networkx_nodes(G, pos) 




我希望使用该代码作为使用 Python 3.4 和 Django 1.8 开发的 Web 应用程序的附加组件,因此 Graphviz 不是一个选择。



import json
import requests
import networkx as nx
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

personas = 'http://story-chronicles.herokuapp.com/storyobjects/'
target = requests.get(personas)
x = target.json()

story_objects = {}
labels = {}
node_colors = []

for character in x:
    name = character["name"]
    story = character["story"]
    c_type = character["c_type"]
    story_objects[name] = {}
    story_objects[name]['name'] = name
    story_objects[name]['story'] = story
    story_objects[name]['c_type'] = c_type
    story_objects[name]['to_relationships'] = []
    if character['c_type'] == "Character":
        story_objects[name]['node_shape'] = 'o'
        story_objects[name]['node_color'] = 'r'
    elif character['c_type'] == "Organization":
        story_objects[name]['node_shape'] = 'h'
        story_objects[name]['node_color'] = 'b'
    elif character['c_type'] == "Creature":
        story_objects[name]['node_shape'] = '^'
        story_objects[name]['node_color'] = 'g'
    elif character['c_type'] == "Force":
        story_objects[name]['node_shape'] = 'v'
        story_objects[name]['node_color'] = 'c'
    elif character['c_type'] == "Thing":
        story_objects[name]['node_shape'] = 's'
        story_objects[name]['node_color'] = 'y'

    for relationship in character["to_relationships"]:
        break_1 = relationship.find(">>")
        break_2 = relationship.find("weight:")
        sub_1 = relationship[0:break_1].strip()
        context = relationship[break_1:break_2]
        weight = relationship[break_2+8:-1]
        story_objects[name]['to_relationships'].append([sub_1, context, weight])


for sub in story_objects:
    s = story_objects[sub]
    if s['story'] == "http://story-chronicles.herokuapp.com/story/1/":
        G.add_node(s['name'], node_shape=s['node_shape'])
        labels[s['name']] = s['name']


        print("***", s['name'], "***", s['c_type'])
        print("details:", s['node_color'], s['node_shape'])
        for i in s['to_relationships']:
            print('target:', i[0])
            print('context:', i[1])
            print('weight:', i[2])
            G.add_edge(s['name'], i[0], weight=int(i[2]))

node_shapes=nx.get_node_attributes(G, 'node_shape') # Latest attempt at getting this to work
node_shapes = [v for k,v in node_shapes.items()]


nx.draw_networkx_nodes(G, pos, node_color=node_colors, node_shape=node_shapes.pop(0)) # <--- This is where I'm having problems
nx.draw_networkx_edges(G, pos)
nx.draw_networkx_labels(G, pos, labels)



主要思想是使用一个layout http://networkx.lanl.gov/reference/drawing.html#module-networkx.drawing.layout获取节点的位置,然后使用绘制网络x节点 http://networkx.lanl.gov/reference/generated/networkx.drawing.nx_pylab.draw_networkx_nodes.html反复为n不同类别的节点。


import networkx
import pylab

#Build a graph (Node attribute 's' determines the node shape here)
G = networkx.Graph()
G.add_node(0, s="^", b=1)
G.add_node(1, s="^", b=2)

G.add_node(2, s="o", b=3)
G.add_node(3, s="o", b=4)

G.add_node(4, s="v", b=5)
G.add_node(5, s="v", b=6)

networkx.add_path(G, [0,2,5])
networkx.add_path(G, [1,4,3,0])
networkx.add_path(G, [2,4,0,5])

#Drawing the graph
#First obtain the node positions using one of the layouts
nodePos = networkx.layout.spring_layout(G)

#The rest of the code here attempts to automate the whole process by
#first determining how many different node classes (according to
#attribute 's') exist in the node set and then repeatedly calling 
#draw_networkx_node for each. Perhaps this part can be optimised further.

#Get all distinct node classes according to the node shape attribute
nodeShapes = set((aShape[1]["s"] for aShape in G.nodes(data = True)))

#For each node class...
for aShape in nodeShapes:
    #...filter and draw the subset of nodes with the same symbol in the positions that are now known through the use of the layout.
    networkx.draw_networkx_nodes(G,nodePos,node_shape = aShape, nodelist = [sNode[0] for sNode in filter(lambda x: x[1]["s"]==aShape,G.nodes(data = True))])

#Finally, draw the edges between the nodes

#And show the final result




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