如何忽略 jq 中损坏的 JSON 行?




{"level":"debug","time":"2021-09-24T19:42:47.140+0800","message":"sent send binary to ws server1","pid":41491,"cid":"32likw","num":1,"count":5120}
{"level":"debug","time":"2021-09-24T19:42:47.305+0800","message":"sent send binary to ws server2","pid":41491,"cid":"32likw","num":1,"count":5120}
{"level":"debug","time":"2021-09-24T19:42:47.469+0800","message":"sent send binary to ws server3","pid":41491,"cid":"32likw","num":1,"count":5120}
{"level":"debug","time":"2021-09-24T19:42:47.499+0800","message":"sent send binary to ws server4","pid":41491,"cid":"32likw","num":1,"count":5120}
{"level":"debug","time":"2021-09-24T19:42:47.581+0800","message":"sent send binary to ws server5","pid":41491,"cid":"32likw","num":1,"count":5120}

jq 处理得很好:

< snippet1.json jq -C -r '.message'
sent send binary to ws server1
sent send binary to ws server2
sent send binary to ws server3
sent send binary to ws server4
sent send binary to ws server5

损坏的(第 3 行的最后一部分丢失):

{"level":"debug","time":"2021-09-24T19:42:47.140+0800","message":"sent send binary to ws server1","pid":41491,"cid":"32likw","num":1,"count":5120}
{"level":"debug","time":"2021-09-24T19:42:47.305+0800","message":"sent send binary to ws server2","pid":41491,"cid":"32likw","num":1,"count":5120}
{"level":"debug","time":"2021-09-24T19:42:47.469+0800","message":"sent send binary to ws server3","pi
{"level":"debug","time":"2021-09-24T19:42:47.499+0800","message":"sent send binary to ws server4","pid":41491,"cid":"32likw","num":1,"count":5120}
{"level":"debug","time":"2021-09-24T19:42:47.581+0800","message":"sent send binary to ws server5","pid":41491,"cid":"32likw","num":1,"count":5120}


< snippet2.json jq -C -r '.message'
sent send binary to ws server1
sent send binary to ws server2
parse error: Invalid string: control characters from U+0000 through U+001F must be escaped at line 4, column 2


< snippet2.json jq -C -r '.message'
sent send binary to ws server1
sent send binary to ws server2
sent send binary to ws server4
sent send binary to ws server5

我尝试使用-R中提到的另一个帖子 https://stackoverflow.com/questions/41599314/ignore-unparseable-json-with-jq,这对这个案子没有帮助。

< snippet2.json jq -C -R -r '.message'
jq: error (at <stdin>:1): Cannot index string with string "message"
jq: error (at <stdin>:2): Cannot index string with string "message"
jq: error (at <stdin>:3): Cannot index string with string "message"
jq: error (at <stdin>:4): Cannot index string with string "message"
jq: error (at <stdin>:5): Cannot index string with string "message"



jq -Rr 'fromjson? | .message'


jq -R '. as $line | try fromjson catch $line'


????:有没有办法让 jq 在输入文件中遇到错误后继续运行? jq 可以处理损坏的 JSON 吗?

in the jq FAQ https://github.com/stedolan/jq/wiki/FAQ.


如何忽略 jq 中损坏的 JSON 行? 的相关文章
