


  • 我想拆分 B 列中的多行单元格并在单独的行中列出,并从第一个空格中删除文本。该值将称为 SESE_ID,并且应具有 C 列中同一行中每个 SESE_ID 的规则。
  • 如果 A 列中有多个由逗号或空格逗号分隔的前缀,则对每个前缀重复上述值。


  1. 所附第一张图片是示例来源:
  1. 以下是宏:

    Sub Complete_sepy_load_macro()
    Dim ws, s1, s2 As Worksheet
    Dim rw, rw2, rw3, col1, count1, w, x, y, z, cw As Integer
    Dim text1 As String
    Dim xwalk As String
    Dim TOSes As Variant

    Application.DisplayAlerts = False
    For Each ws In Sheets
        If ws.Name = "CMC_SEPY_SE_PYMT" Then Sheets("CMC_SEPY_SE_PYMT").Delete
    Application.DisplayAlerts = True

    Set s2 = ActiveSheet
    g = s2.Name
    Sheets.Add.Name = "CMC_SEPY_SE_PYMT"

    Set s1 = Sheets("CMC_SEPY_SE_PYMT")

    s1.Cells(1, 1) = "SEPY_PFX"
    s1.Cells(1, 2) = "SEPY_EFF_DT"
    s1.Cells(1, 3) = "SESE_ID"
    s1.Cells(1, 4) = "SEPY_TERM_DT"
    s1.Cells(1, 5) = "SESE_RULE"
    s1.Cells(1, 6) = "SEPY_EXP_CAT"
    s1.Cells(1, 7) = "SEPY_ACCT_CAT"
    s1.Cells(1, 8) = "SEPY_OPTS"
    s1.Cells(1, 9) = "SESE_RULE_ALT"
    s1.Cells(1, 10) = "SESE_RULE_ALT_COND"
    s1.Cells(1, 11) = "SEPY_LOCK_TOKEN"
    s1.Cells(1, 12) = "ATXR_SOURCE_ID"
    s1.Range("A:A").NumberFormat = "@"
    s1.Range("B:B").NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy"
    s1.Range("C:C").NumberFormat = "@"
    s1.Range("D:D").NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy"
    s1.Range("E:E").NumberFormat = "@"
    s1.Range("F:F").NumberFormat = "@"
    s1.Range("G:G").NumberFormat = "@"
    s1.Range("H:H").NumberFormat = "@"
    s1.Range("I:I").NumberFormat = "@"
    s1.Range("J:J").NumberFormat = "@"
    s1.Range("K:K").NumberFormat = "0"
    s1.Range("L:L").NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy"

    rw2 = 2

    x = 1
    y = 1
    z = 1
    'service id column
        y = y + 1
    Loop Until s2.Cells(1, y) = "Service ID"

    'Rule column
        w = w + 1
    Loop Until Left(s2.Cells(1, w), 4) = "Rule"

    'Crosswalk column
        cw = cw + 1
    Loop Until Left(s2.Cells(1, cw).Value, 9) = "Crosswalk"

    'Alt rule column (location derived from rule column)
    'counts # of cells between "rule" and "alt rule", used as precedent for rest of "alt rule" cells
    ar = w
        ar = ar + 1
    Loop Until Left(s2.Cells(1, ar).Value, 3) = "Alt"
    ar = ar - w

    'prefix row
        x = x + 1
    Loop Until s2.Cells(x, w)  ""

    'first service id row
        z = z + 1
    Loop Until s2.Cells(z, y)  ""

            'change rw = z + 2 to rw = z, was skipping first two rows
            For rw = z To s2.Range("a65536").End(xlUp).Row
                If s2.Cells(rw, y)  "" Then

                    If InStr(1, s2.Cells(rw, y), Chr(10))  0 Then
                        TOSes = Split(s2.Cells(rw, y).Value, Chr(10)) 'Chr(10) is the "new line" character
                        count1 = 0
                            If Trim(TOSes(count1))  "" Then
                                For col1 = w To s2.UsedRange.Columns.Count
                                    If Left(s2.Cells(1, col1), 4) = "Rule" Then
                                        If InStr(1, TOSes(count1), " ") > 0 Then
                                            s1.Cells(rw2, 3) = Trim(Left(TOSes(count1), InStr(1, TOSes(count1), " ")))  'sese
                                            s1.Cells(rw2, 3) = TOSes(count1)
                                        End If

                                        s1.Cells(rw2, 1) = s2.Cells(x, col1) 'prefix
                                        s1.Cells(rw2, 5) = s2.Cells(rw, col1) 'rule
                                        'use crosswalk service id to populate alt rule
                                        If s2.Cells(rw, cw).Value  "" Then
                                            If xwalk = "" Then
                                                Match = False
                                                xwalk = Trim(s2.Cells(rw, cw)) & " "
                                                rwcw = z
                                                    If InStr(1, s2.Cells(rwcw, y).Value, xwalk, vbTextCompare) > 0 Then
                                                        'obtain rule and write to alt rule column of current row
                                                        s2.Cells(rw, col1).Offset(0, ar).Value = s2.Cells(rwcw, w).Value
                                                        Match = True
                                                    End If
                                                    rwcw = rwcw + 1
                                                Loop Until Match = True
                                            End If
                                        End If
                                        s1.Cells(rw2, 9) = s2.Cells(rw, col1).Offset(0, ar) 'alt rule
                                        s1.Cells(rw2, 7) = "TBD" 'cac
                                        s1.Cells(rw2, 13) = s2.Name 'file

                                         rw2 = rw2 + 1
                                    End If
                                    xwalk = ""
                                Next col1
                            End If
                            count1 = count1 + 1
                        Loop Until count1 = UBound(TOSes) + 1
                        For col1 = w To s2.UsedRange.Columns.Count
                            If Left(s2.Cells(1, col1), 4) = "Rule" Then
                                If InStr(1, s2.Cells(rw, y), " ") > 0 Then
                                    s1.Cells(rw2, 3) = Trim(Left(s2.Cells(rw, y), 4))  'sese
                                    s1.Cells(rw2, 3) = s2.Cells(rw, y)
                                End If

                                s1.Cells(rw2, 1) = s2.Cells(x, col1) 'prefix
                                s1.Cells(rw2, 5) = s2.Cells(rw, col1) 'rule
                                s1.Cells(rw2, 9) = s2.Cells(rw, col1).Offset(0, ar) 'alt rule
                                s1.Cells(rw2, 7) = "TBD" 'cac
                                s1.Cells(rw2, 13) = s2.Name 'file

                                rw2 = rw2 + 1
                            End If
                        Next col1
                    End If
                ElseIf s2.Cells(rw, y) = "" And Trim(s2.Cells(rw, w))  "" Then
                    If Len(s2.Cells(rw, 1)) >= 10 Then
                        text1 = Left(s2.Cells(rw, 1), 10) & " |row: " & rw 'sese
                        text1 = s2.Cells(rw, 1) & " row: " & rw 'sese
                    End If
                        For col1 = w To s2.UsedRange.Columns.Count
                            If Left(s2.Cells(1, col1), 4) = "Rule" Then
                                s1.Cells(rw2, 3) = text1 'sese
                                s1.Cells(rw2, 3).Interior.ColorIndex = 6
                                s1.Cells(rw2, 1) = s2.Cells(x, col1) 'prefix
                                s1.Cells(rw2, 5) = s2.Cells(rw, col1) 'rule
                                s1.Cells(rw2, 9) = s2.Cells(rw, col1).Offset(0, ar) 'alt rule
                                s1.Cells(rw2, 7) = "TBD" 'cac
                                s1.Cells(rw2, 13) = s2.Name 'file

                                rw2 = rw2 + 1
                            End If
                        Next col1
                End If

        For rw3 = 2 To s1.UsedRange.Rows.Count
            s1.Cells(rw3, 2) = "1/1/2009"
            s1.Cells(rw3, 4) = "12/31/9999"
            s1.Cells(rw3, 11) = 1
            s1.Cells(rw3, 12) = "1/1/1753"
        Next rw3
        Dim wb As Workbook
        Dim wss, wsSepy, wsSID As Worksheet 'SID = Serivce ID Spreadsheet
        Dim sepyRow, sepyCol, acctCol, sidSeseCol, sidAcctCol, j As Long
        Dim cell As Range
        Dim cellRange As Range
        Dim topRow As Range
        Dim sepySese As String

        MsgBox "All set, make sure there is no #N/A in SESE_RULE column"
        End Sub

  1. Below image is the output I got: enter image description here

  2. 问题:如果您看到源数据,我在 A 列中有 SEPY_PFX。我希望每个 SEPY 重复每一行。目前,我的代码给了我 RULE 作为 SEPY_PFX,我仍在努力,但如果有人快速帮助我,我会很高兴,它已经超出了我的能力范围。




它的工作原理是使用Class and 收藏,一次创建一个条目,然后将其组合在一起以获得结果。


您应该能够使其适应您的真实数据,但是,如果您不能,我建议您在某些文件共享网站(例如 DropBox)上发布原始数据的“经过净化的”副本,其中包含正确的列等, OneDrive等;并在此处发布链接,以便我们可以看到“真实的东西”

关于类的使用,请参见奇普·皮尔森的网站 http://www.cpearson.com/Excel/Classes.aspx



'Will need to add properties for the additional columns

Option Explicit

Private pSEPY As String
Private pFontColor As Long
Private pSESE As String
Private pRule As String

Public Property Get SEPY() As String
    SEPY = pSEPY
End Property
Public Property Let SEPY(Value As String)
    pSEPY = Value
End Property

Public Property Get FontColor() As Long
    FontColor = pFontColor
End Property
Public Property Let FontColor(Value As Long)
    pFontColor = Value
End Property

Public Property Get Rule() As String
    Rule = pRule
End Property
Public Property Let Rule(Value As String)
    pRule = Value
End Property

Public Property Get SESE() As String
    SESE = pSESE
End Property
Public Property Let SESE(Value As String)
    pSESE = Value
End Property


Option Explicit
Sub ReformatData()
    Dim wsSrc As Worksheet, wsRes As Worksheet
    Dim rSrc As Range, rRes As Range
    Dim vSrc As Variant, vRes As Variant
    Dim vSEPY As Variant, vSESE As Variant
    Dim cOC As cOfcCode
    Dim colOC As Collection
    Dim lRGB As Long
    Dim I As Long, J As Long, K As Long

'Change Sheet references as needed
Set wsSrc = Worksheets("Sheet2")
Set wsRes = Worksheets("Sheet3")

'Assuming Data is in Columns A:C
With wsSrc
    Set rSrc = .Range("A1", .Cells(.Rows.Count, "C").End(xlUp))
End With
Set rRes = wsRes.Range("A1")

vSrc = rSrc
Set colOC = New Collection  'Collection of each "to be" row
For I = 2 To UBound(vSrc, 1)

    'Split SEPY_PFX into relevant parts
    vSEPY = Split(vSrc(I, 1), ",")
    For J = 0 To UBound(vSEPY)

        'Get the font color from the original cell
        With rSrc(I, 1)
            lRGB = .Characters(InStr(1, .Value, vSEPY(J), vbTextCompare), 1).Font.Color
        End With

        'Split SESE_ID into relevant parts
        vSESE = Split(vSrc(I, 2), vbLf)

        'Iterate through each SESE_ID, picking up the SEPY_PFX, and RULE
        For K = 0 To UBound(vSESE)
            Set cOC = New cOfcCode

            'Will need to adjust for the extra columns
            With cOC
                .FontColor = lRGB
                .Rule = vSrc(I, 3)
                .SEPY = vSEPY(J)
                .SESE = vSESE(K)
                colOC.Add cOC '<-- ADD to the collection
            End With
        Next K
    Next J
Next I

'Put together the Results
ReDim vRes(0 To colOC.Count, 1 To UBound(vSrc, 2))

'Copy the column headings from the source
For I = 1 To UBound(vRes, 2)
    vRes(0, I) = vSrc(1, I)
Next I

'Will need to add entries for the other columns
For I = 1 To colOC.Count
    With colOC(I)
        vRes(I, 1) = .SEPY
        vRes(I, 2) = .SESE
        vRes(I, 3) = .Rule
    End With
Next I

'Clear the results worksheet and write the results
Set rRes = rRes.Resize(UBound(vRes, 1) + 1, UBound(vRes, 2))
rRes = vRes

'Add the correct font color and format
For I = 1 To colOC.Count
    rRes.Rows(I + 1).Font.Color = colOC(I).FontColor
Next I

With rRes.Rows(1)
    .Font.Bold = True
    .HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
End With


End Sub




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