使用我自己的语料库而不是 movie_reviews 语料库在 NLTK 中进行分类


我使用以下代码并得到它的形式在 NLTK/Python 中使用电影评论语料库进行分类 https://stackoverflow.com/questions/21107075/classification-using-movie-review-corpus-in-nltk-python

import string
from itertools import chain
from nltk.corpus import movie_reviews as mr
from nltk.corpus import stopwords
from nltk.probability import FreqDist
from nltk.classify import NaiveBayesClassifier as nbc
import nltk

stop = stopwords.words('english')
documents = [([w for w in mr.words(i) if w.lower() not in stop and w.lower() not in string.punctuation], i.split('/')[0]) for i in mr.fileids()]

word_features = FreqDist(chain(*[i for i,j in documents]))
word_features = word_features.keys()[:100]

numtrain = int(len(documents) * 90 / 100)
train_set = [({i:(i in tokens) for i in word_features}, tag) for tokens,tag in documents[:numtrain]]
test_set = [({i:(i in tokens) for i in word_features}, tag) for tokens,tag  in documents[numtrain:]]

classifier = nbc.train(train_set)
print nltk.classify.accuracy(classifier, test_set)


Most Informative Features
                 bad = True              neg : pos    =      2.0 : 1.0
              script = True              neg : pos    =      1.5 : 1.0
               world = True              pos : neg    =      1.5 : 1.0
             nothing = True              neg : pos    =      1.5 : 1.0
                 bad = False             pos : neg    =      1.5 : 1.0


如果您的数据与结构完全相同movie_reviewNLTK 中的语料库,有两种方法可以“破解”您的方式:

1. 将你的语料库目录放入你保存的位置nltk.data

首先检查你在哪里nltk.data saved:

>>> import nltk
>>> nltk.data.find('corpora/movie_reviews')


# Let's make a test corpus like `nltk.corpus.movie_reviews`
~$ mkdir my_movie_reviews
~$ mkdir my_movie_reviews/pos
~$ mkdir my_movie_reviews/neg
~$ echo "This is a great restaurant." > my_movie_reviews/pos/1.txt
~$ echo "Had a great time at chez jerome." > my_movie_reviews/pos/2.txt
~$ echo "Food fit for the ****" > my_movie_reviews/neg/1.txt
~$ echo "Slow service." > my_movie_reviews/neg/2.txt
~$ echo "README please" > my_movie_reviews/README
# Move it to `nltk_data/corpora/`
~$ mv my_movie_reviews/ nltk_data/corpora/


>>> import string
>>> from nltk.corpus import LazyCorpusLoader, CategorizedPlaintextCorpusReader
>>> from nltk.corpus import stopwords
>>> my_movie_reviews = LazyCorpusLoader('my_movie_reviews', CategorizedPlaintextCorpusReader, r'(?!\.).*\.txt', cat_pattern=r'(neg|pos)/.*', encoding='ascii')
>>> mr = my_movie_reviews
>>> stop = stopwords.words('english')
>>> documents = [([w for w in mr.words(i) if w.lower() not in stop and w.lower() not in string.punctuation], i.split('/')[0]) for i in mr.fileids()]
>>> for i in documents:
...     print i
([u'Food', u'fit', u'****'], u'neg')
([u'Slow', u'service'], u'neg')
([u'great', u'restaurant'], u'pos')
([u'great', u'time', u'chez', u'jerome'], u'pos')

(有关更多详细信息,请参阅https://github.com/nltk/nltk/blob/develop/nltk/corpus/util.py#L21 https://github.com/nltk/nltk/blob/develop/nltk/corpus/util.py#L21 and https://github.com/nltk/nltk/blob/develop/nltk/corpus/init.py#L144 https://github.com/nltk/nltk/blob/develop/nltk/corpus/__init__.py#L144)

2. 创建你自己的CategorizedPlaintextCorpusReader


# Let's say that your corpus is saved on `/home/alvas/my_movie_reviews/`

>>> import string; from nltk.corpus import stopwords
>>> from nltk.corpus import CategorizedPlaintextCorpusReader
>>> mr = CategorizedPlaintextCorpusReader('/home/alvas/my_movie_reviews', r'(?!\.).*\.txt', cat_pattern=r'(neg|pos)/.*', encoding='ascii')
>>> stop = stopwords.words('english')
>>> documents = [([w for w in mr.words(i) if w.lower() not in stop and w.lower() not in string.punctuation], i.split('/')[0]) for i in mr.fileids()]
>>> for doc in documents:
...     print doc
([u'Food', u'fit', u'****'], 'neg')
([u'Slow', u'service'], 'neg')
([u'great', u'restaurant'], 'pos')
([u'great', u'time', u'chez', u'jerome'], 'pos')

类似的问题已被问到使用 NLTK 和 Python 创建自定义分类语料库 https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10463898/creating-a-custom-categorized-corpus-in-nltk-and-python and 在Python NLTK中使用我自己的语料库进行类别分类 https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8818265/using-my-own-corpus-for-category-classification-in-python-nltk


import string
from itertools import chain

from nltk.corpus import stopwords
from nltk.probability import FreqDist
from nltk.classify import NaiveBayesClassifier as nbc
from nltk.corpus import CategorizedPlaintextCorpusReader
import nltk

mydir = '/home/alvas/my_movie_reviews'

mr = CategorizedPlaintextCorpusReader(mydir, r'(?!\.).*\.txt', cat_pattern=r'(neg|pos)/.*', encoding='ascii')
stop = stopwords.words('english')
documents = [([w for w in mr.words(i) if w.lower() not in stop and w.lower() not in string.punctuation], i.split('/')[0]) for i in mr.fileids()]

word_features = FreqDist(chain(*[i for i,j in documents]))
word_features = word_features.keys()[:100]

numtrain = int(len(documents) * 90 / 100)
train_set = [({i:(i in tokens) for i in word_features}, tag) for tokens,tag in documents[:numtrain]]
test_set = [({i:(i in tokens) for i in word_features}, tag) for tokens,tag  in documents[numtrain:]]

classifier = nbc.train(train_set)
print nltk.classify.accuracy(classifier, test_set)

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