Outlook 2016 VSTO 文件夹添加事件仅触发一次


正在创建一个 Outlook 插件来跟踪邮箱中的邮件处理。我正在包装文件夹和项目(向其中添加一些事件)并将它们存储在本地列表中,以避免 GC 在首次执行后清除所有事件。但是,文件夹添加事件仍然只触发一次。不确定是什么问题。

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Xml.Linq;
using OutlookNS = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook;
using Office = Microsoft.Office.Core;
using System.Net;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace OutlookAuditor
    public partial class ThisAddIn
        #region private variables

        OutlookNS._NameSpace outNS;
        OutlookNS.Explorer explorer;
        string profileName = string.Empty;
        List<SuperMailFolder> wrappedFolders = new List<SuperMailFolder>();
        Logger logger = new Logger();
        SuperMailFolder folderToWrap;

        private void ThisAddIn_Startup(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
                OutlookNS.Application application = this.Application;

                //Get the MAPI namespace
                outNS = application.GetNamespace("MAPI");
                //Get UserName
                string profileName = outNS.CurrentUser.Name;

                //Create a new outlook application
                //I had to do this because my systems default mail box was ost file other just the below commented line is enough
                //OutlookNS.MAPIFolder inbox = outNS.GetDefaultFolder(OutlookNS.OlDefaultFolders.olFolderInbox) as OutlookNS.MAPIFolder;
                OutlookNS.MAPIFolder inbox;
                OutlookNS.Folders folders = outNS.Folders;
                OutlookNS.MAPIFolder selectedFolder = null;
                if (folders.Count > 1)

                    List<string> folderNames = new List<string>();
                    foreach (OutlookNS.Folder folder in folders)
                    using (selectMailBox frmSelect = new selectMailBox(folderNames))

                        if (DialogResult.OK == frmSelect.ShowDialog())
                            selectedFolder = folders[frmSelect.SelectedFolder];

                    selectedFolder = folders[1];
                logger.SaveLog("Folder Selected " + selectedFolder.Name);
                inbox = selectedFolder.Folders["Inbox"];//as OutlookNS.MAPIFolder;
                //Create a super mail folder
                folderToWrap = new SuperMailFolder(inbox, profileName);

            catch (Exception ex)


        private void ThisAddIn_Shutdown(object sender, System.EventArgs e)

        #region VSTO generated code

        /// <summary>
        /// Required method for Designer support - do not modify
        /// the contents of this method with the code editor.
        /// </summary>
        private void InternalStartup()
            this.Startup += new System.EventHandler(ThisAddIn_Startup);
            this.Shutdown += new System.EventHandler(ThisAddIn_Shutdown);


    #region SuperMailItem object
    class SuperMailItem
        //local variable for avoiding GC invocation
        OutlookNS.MailItem item;
        string _profileName;
        OutlookAuditor.Common.AuditItem auditItem;
        string parentMailID;
        string _folderName = string.Empty;
        OutlookNS.MailItem replyItem;
        Logger logger = new Logger();
        //constructor that wraps mail item with required events
        internal SuperMailItem(OutlookNS.MailItem MailItemToWrap, string profileName,string folderName)
                item = MailItemToWrap as OutlookNS.MailItem;

                _folderName = folderName;
                if (item is OutlookNS.MailItem)
                    item.PropertyChange += MailItemToWrap_PropertyChange;
                    //item.PropertyChange += new OutlookNS.ItemEvents_10_PropertyChangeEventHandler(MailItemToWrap_PropertyChange);

                    ((OutlookNS.ItemEvents_10_Event)item).Reply += SuperMailItem_Reply;
            catch(Exception ex)
                logger.WriteException(ex,"SuperMailItem Constructor");


        void SuperMailItem_Reply(object Response, ref bool Cancel)
                parentMailID = string.Empty;
                replyItem = Response as OutlookNS.MailItem;
                ((OutlookNS.ItemEvents_10_Event)replyItem).Send += SuperMailItem_Send;
            catch(Exception ex)


        //this event is not firing
        void SuperMailItem_Send(ref bool Cancel)
                if (!Cancel)
                    auditItem.ActionDescription = "REPLY_SENT";
            catch(Exception ex)


        //property change event- fires when any property of a mail item changes
        void MailItemToWrap_PropertyChange(string Name)

                //We are interested in UnRead property, if this property changes audit.
                if (Name == "UnRead")
                    if (!item.UnRead)
                        auditItem.ActionDescription = "MAIL_READ";
                        auditItem.ActionDescription = "MAIL_UNREAD";
            catch(Exception ex)

        void createAuditItem()
            auditItem = new Common.AuditItem();
            auditItem.ActionTimestamp = DateTime.Now;
            auditItem.EntryID = item.EntryID;
            auditItem.ProfileName = _profileName;
            auditItem.ReceivedTimestamp = item.ReceivedTime;
            auditItem.SystemIP = Helper.SystemIP();
            auditItem.UserName = Helper.UserID();
            auditItem.OriginalMailSentBy = item.Sender.Name;
            auditItem.FolderName = _folderName;
            auditItem.Subject = item.Subject;

        void SaveLog()
            Logger logger = new Logger();


    #region SuperMailFolder object
    class SuperMailFolder
        #region private variables
        OutlookNS.MAPIFolder _wrappedFolder;
        string _profileName;
        List<SuperMailItem> wrappedItems = new List<SuperMailItem>();
        public List<SuperMailFolder> wrappedSubFolders = new List<SuperMailFolder>();
        string folderName = string.Empty;
        Logger logger = new Logger();

        #region constructor
        internal SuperMailFolder(OutlookNS.MAPIFolder folder, string profileName)
                //assign it to local private master
                _wrappedFolder = folder;
                folderName = folder.Name;
                _profileName = profileName;
                //assign event handlers for the folder
                _wrappedFolder.Items.ItemAdd +=Items_ItemAdd;
                _wrappedFolder.Items.ItemRemove += Items_ItemRemove;


                //Go through all the subfolders and wrap them as well
                foreach (OutlookNS.MAPIFolder tmpFolder in _wrappedFolder.Folders)
                    logger.SaveLog("Wrapping folder " + tmpFolder.Name);
                    SuperMailFolder tmpWrapFolder = new SuperMailFolder(tmpFolder, _profileName);

            catch(Exception ex)

        void Items_ItemRemove()

        #region Handler of addition item into a folder
        void Items_ItemAdd(object Item)
                if (Item is OutlookNS.MailItem)

                    OutlookNS.MailItem item = Item as OutlookNS.MailItem;

                    wrappedItems.Add(new SuperMailItem(item, _profileName, folderName));
                    logger.SaveLog("Adding new item. New collection count:" + wrappedItems.Count.ToString());
                    OutlookAuditor.Common.AuditItem auditItem = new Common.AuditItem();
                    auditItem.ActionTimestamp = DateTime.Now;
                    auditItem.EntryID = item.EntryID;
                    auditItem.ProfileName = _profileName;
                    auditItem.ReceivedTimestamp = item.ReceivedTime;
                    auditItem.SystemIP = Helper.SystemIP();
                    auditItem.UserName = Helper.UserID();
                    auditItem.ActionDescription = "FOLDER_ADD";
                    auditItem.FolderName = folderName;
                    auditItem.OriginalMailSentBy = item.Sender.Name;
                    auditItem.Subject = item.Subject;
            catch(Exception ex)

        void refreshItemList()

                wrappedItems = new List<SuperMailItem>();
                logger.SaveLog("Wrapping items in " + folderName);
                //Go through all the items and wrap it.
                foreach (OutlookNS.MailItem item in _wrappedFolder.Items)
                        if (item is OutlookNS.MailItem)
                            OutlookNS.MailItem mailItem = item as OutlookNS.MailItem;
                            SuperMailItem wrappedItem = new SuperMailItem(mailItem, _profileName, folderName);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                logger.SaveLog("Wrapped items in " + folderName + ":" + wrappedItems.Count.ToString());
            catch(Exception ex)

    static class Helper
        public static string SystemIP()
            string hostName = Dns.GetHostName();
            string hostAddress = Dns.GetHostByName(hostName).AddressList[0].ToString();
            return hostAddress;

        public static string UserID()
            return System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().Name;


        _wrappedFolder.Items.ItemAdd +=Items_ItemAdd;
        _wrappedFolder.Items.ItemRemove += Items_ItemRemove;

触发事件的对象必须处于活动状态 - 在您的情况下,您在从 _wrappedFolder.Items 属性返回的隐式变量上设置事件处理程序 - 一旦 GC 释放该隐式变量,就不会触发任何事件。在类级别声明 Items 对象,以确保它保持被引用和活动状态。


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