如何向 mypy 指示对象具有某些属性?


我正在使用一些从父类派生的类(Widget);在孩子们中,有些人具有某些属性(posx and posy)但有些则不然。

import enum
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import List

class Color(enum.IntEnum):
    GLOWING_IN_THE_DARK = enum.auto()
    BROWN_WITH_RAINBOW_DOTS = enum.auto()

class Widget:
    """Generic class for widget"""

class Rectangle(Widget):
    """A Color Rectangle"""

    posx: int
    posy: int
    width: int = 500
    height: int = 200
    color: Color = Color.BROWN_WITH_RAINBOW_DOTS

class Group(Widget):
    children: List[Widget]

class Button(Widget):
    """A clickable button"""

    posx: int
    posy: int
    width: int = 200
    height: int = 100
    label: str = "some label"




def some_function_that_does_something(widgets: List[Widget]):
    """A useful docstring that says what the function does"""
    widgets_with_pos = [w for w in widgets if hasattr(w, "posx") and hasattr(w, "posy")]

    if not widgets_with_pos:
        raise AttributeError(f"No widget with position found among list {widgets}")

    first_widget = widgets_with_pos[0]
    pos_x = first_widget.posx
    pos_y = first_widget.posy
    print(f"Widget {first_widget} with position: {(pos_x, pos_y)}")

some_widgets = [Group([Rectangle(0, 0)]), Button(10, 10, label="A button")]

将返回预期的结果:Widget Button(posx=10, posy=10, width=200, height=100, label='A button') with position: (10, 10)

But mypy会抱怨:

__check_pos_and_mypy.py:53: error: "Widget" has no attribute "posx"
        pos_x = first_widget.posx
__check_pos_and_mypy.py:54: error: "Widget" has no attribute "posy"
        pos_y = first_widget.posy
Found 2 errors in 1 file (checked 1 source file)



  • 的子类Widget与位置(例如WidgetWithPos)
  • Rectangle and Button将从这个类派生
  • 我们在函数中指出:widget_with_pos: List[WidgetWithPos] = ...


List comprehension has incompatible type List[Widget]; expected List[WidgetWithPos]

当然,我们可以放一堆# type:ignore但这会使代码变得混乱,我相信有一种更聪明的方法;)


这是 Alex Waygood 的一个小变化answer https://stackoverflow.com/a/69336474/1393162,删除cast。诀窍是把@runtime_checkable https://docs.python.org/3.9/library/typing.html#typing.runtime_checkableProtocol 类上的装饰器。它只是让isinstance() do the hasattr() checks.

import sys
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import List

# Protocol has been added in Python 3.8+
# so this makes the code backwards-compatible
# without adding any dependencies
# (typing_extensions is a MyPy dependency already)

if sys.version_info >= (3, 8):
    from typing import Protocol, runtime_checkable
    from typing_extensions import Protocol, runtime_checkable

class Widget:
    """Generic class for widget"""

class WithPos(Protocol):
    """Minimum interface of all widgets that have a position"""
    posx: int
    posy: int

def some_function_that_does_something(widgets: List[Widget]):
    """A useful docstring that says what the function does"""
    widgets_with_pos = [w for w in widgets if isinstance(w, WithPos)]

    if not widgets_with_pos:
        raise AttributeError(f"No widget with position found among list {widgets}")

    first_widget = widgets_with_pos[0]
    pos_x = first_widget.posx
    pos_y = first_widget.posy
    print(f"Widget {first_widget} with position: {(pos_x, pos_y)}")


w1 = Group([])
w2 = Rectangle(2, 3)
some_function_that_does_something([w1, w2])


作为参考,以下是 Alex 在其答案中包含的一些链接:

  • Python 文档 https://docs.python.org/3/library/typing.html#typing.Protocol for typing.Protocol
  • PEP 544 https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0544/,介绍typing.Protocol并解释结构子类型的概念。
  • MyPy 文档 https://mypy.readthedocs.io/en/stable/protocols.html for Protocols 和结构子类型。

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