放大一条曲线,使其可以沿着 R 图中的另一条曲线显示


我有一个 R 图,我想在其中展示IF the "red" curve(现在位于图的底部,未正确显示)乘以一个常数, 它可以match the "blue" curve目前显示。

我想知道我怎样才能最好scale up the “红”曲线以便它准确地matches the “蓝色”曲线?


这是我的 R 代码:

SIGMA = 2                  # Population SIGMA known
observations = seq(1, 30)  # observations drawn
n = length(observations)   # number of observations
x_bar = mean(observations) # mean of observations
SE = SIGMA / sqrt(n)       # 'S'tandard 'E'rror of the mean
x.min = x_bar - 4*SE
x.max = x_bar + 4*SE

Like = function(x) sapply(lapply(x, dnorm, x = observations, SIGMA), prod) # multiplication of densities to obtain Likelihood values

curve(dnorm(x, x_bar, SE), from = x.min, to = x.max, col = 'blue', lwd = 3, lty = 2 ) # Sampling Distribution of x_bar
curve(Like, from = x.min, to = x.max, col = 'red', lwd = 3, add = T) # Likelihood function of MU


# Sampling Distribution of x_bar
cc1 = curve(dnorm(x, x_bar, SE), from = x.min, to = x.max, col = 'blue', lwd = 3, lty = 2 )

# Likelihood function of MU
cc2 = curve(Like, from = x.min, to = x.max, col = 'red', lwd = 3, add = T)

scale_factor = mean(rescale(cc2$y, range(cc1$y)) / cc2$y) #APPROXIMATE

plot(cc1, type = "l")
lines(cc2$x, cc2$y * scale_factor, col = "red")


rescale2 = function (x, to = c(0, 1))
    (x - min(x))/diff(range(x)) * diff(to) + to[1]

放大一条曲线,使其可以沿着 R 图中的另一条曲线显示 的相关文章
