

我的工作簿中有两张表,每张表都有自己的电子邮件地址列以及其他数据。我将引用 Sheet1 中的 Column1 和 Sheet2 中的 Column2,其中只有 Column1 可能列出了重复的电子邮件地址。

我需要确定 Column1 中的电子邮件地址是否在 Column2 中找到,并且每次都是这样时,必须运行某些代码。

我用两个嵌套的 Do While 循环解决了这个问题,其中外部循环从上到下遍历 Column1 中名为 Cell1 的每个单元格,内部循环也从上到下将 Cell1 与 Column2 中名为 Cell2 的每个单元格进行比较,如果发现相同的值,则提前退出内部循环。

为了提高效率,我想到按升序对每一列进行排序,并且让每个Cell1仅查看Column2,直到Cell2中的字符串值大于Cell1中的字符串值,并且当迭代下一个Cell1时它将从上次循环停止的 Cell2 继续,因为较早的 Cell2 值都小于 Cell1 并且不能具有相等的值。

我想出的代码是一个遍历 Column1 中每个单元格的外部循环,以及一个内部循环,如下所示:

'x1 is the row number of Cell1
'x2 is the row number of Cell2
'below is the code for the internal loop looking through Column2

Do While Sheets(2).Cells(x2, 1).Value <> 0
    If LCase(Sheets(1).Cells(x1, 1).Value) < LCase(Sheets(2).Cells(x2, 1).Value) Then
        Exit Do
    ElseIf LCase(Sheets(1).Cells(x1, 1).Value) = LCase(Sheets(2).Cells(x2, 1).Value) Then

        '... code is run

        Exit Do
    End If
    x2 = x2 + 1

问题是电子邮件地址可以包含连字符 (-) 和撇号 (')。虽然 Excel 在对列进行排序时会忽略它们,但 VBA 在比较字母数字值时不会忽略它们。


     A           B
1  Noemi      Noemi
2  no-reply   no-reply
3  notify     notify

代码将 A1 与 B1 进行比较并查看A1=B1,然后 A2 与 B1 并看到A2<B1然后跳到A3。

我的第一个问题是,我可以强制 Excel 对字母数字文本(包括连字符和撇号)进行排序吗?

如果没有,到目前为止,我只想通过查看 Cell1 和 Cell2 中是否有 - 或 ' 来解决方法,如果其中任何一个为 TRUE,则使用新变量从 Cell1 和 Cell2 中提取不带连字符的文本,撇号,并继续在内部循环中使用这些新值。



Microsoft 认识到 Excel 在排序时会忽略破折号和撇号:

http://office.microsoft.com/en-001/excel-help/default-sort-orders-HP005199669.aspx http://office.microsoft.com/en-001/excel-help/default-sort-orders-HP005199669.aspx http://support.microsoft.com/kb/322067 http://support.microsoft.com/kb/322067

如果昨天有人问我,我会同意 David 对 Excel 排序的预期结果的看法。然而,经过实验,我不得不同意德克的观点。值得注意的是:

撇号 (') 和连字符 (-) 会被忽略,但有一个例外:如果两个文本字符串除了连字符之外都相同,则带有连字符的文本将排在最后。 source http://dmcritchie.mvps.org/excel/sorting.htm

A 列包含我用于测试 Dirk 声明的未排序值。

B 列已进行常规 Excel 排序。正如您所看到的,该列不是 ASCII/Unicode 序列,因为“单引号”应该出现在“连字符”之前,而“连字符”应该出现在“字母 a”之前。

Excel 使用波形符 (~) 作为“查找”的转义字符,因此我想知道它是否也会对“排序”执行相同的操作。AdjustedSort1将“单引号”替换为“波形符单引号”,将“连字符”替换为“波形符连字符”,排序然后恢复“单引号”和“连字符”。结果显示在 C 列中。该序列更好,但不是 ASCII/Unicode,因为“aa-b”位于“aa'c”之前。

D 列使用我几年前编写的 VBA 希尔排序例程。如果您的列表非常大,您可能最好在网上搜索“VBA 快速排序”,但我的排序应该为合理大小的列表提供可接受的性能。

Sub AdjustedSort1()

  With Worksheets("Sheet2").Columns("C")

    .Replace What:="'", Replacement:="~'", LookAt:=xlPart, _
             SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False, _
             SearchFormat:=False, ReplaceFormat:=False
    .Replace What:="-", Replacement:="~-", LookAt:=xlPart, _
             SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False, _
             SearchFormat:=False, ReplaceFormat:=False
    .Sort Key1:=Range("C2"), Order1:=xlAscending, Header:=xlYes, _
          OrderCustom:=1, MatchCase:=False, _
          Orientation:=xlTopToBottom, DataOption1:=xlSortNormal
    .Replace What:="~~-", Replacement:="-", LookAt:=xlPart, _
          SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False, _
          SearchFormat:=False, ReplaceFormat:=False
    .Replace What:="~~'", Replacement:="'", LookAt:=xlPart, _
          SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False, _
          SearchFormat:=False, ReplaceFormat:=False

  End With

End Sub
Sub AdjustedSort2()

  Dim Inx As Long
  Dim RngValue As Variant
  Dim RowLast As Long
  Dim ColValue() As String

  With Worksheets("Sheet2")

    RowLast = .Cells(Rows.Count, "D").End(xlUp).Row

    ' Load values from column D excluding header
    RngValue = .Range(.Cells(2, "D"), .Cells(RowLast, "D")).Value

    ' Copy values from 2D array to 1D array
    ReDim ColValue(LBound(RngValue, 1) To UBound(RngValue, 1))
    For Inx = LBound(RngValue, 1) To UBound(RngValue, 1)
      ColValue(Inx) = RngValue(Inx, 1)

    ' Sort array
    Call ShellSort(ColValue, UBound(ColValue))

    ' Copy values back to 2D array
    For Inx = LBound(ColValue) To UBound(ColValue)
      RngValue(Inx, 1) = ColValue(Inx)

    ' Copy values back to column D
    .Range(.Cells(2, "D"), .Cells(RowLast, "D")).Value = RngValue

  End With

End Sub
Public Sub ShellSort(arrstgTgt() As String, inxLastToSort As Integer)

  ' Coded 2 March 07
  ' Algorithm and text from Algorithms (Second edition) by Robert Sedgewick

  '   The most basic sort is the insertion sort in which adjacent elements are compared
  ' and swapped as necessary.  This can be very slow if the smallest elements are at
  ' end.  ShellSort is a simple extension which gains speed by allowing exchange of
  ' elements that are far apart.
  '   The idea is to rearrange the file to give it the property that taking every h-th
  ' element (starting anywhere) yields a sorted file.  Such a file is said to be
  ' h-sorted.  Put another way, an h-sorted file is h independent sorted files,
  ' interleaved together.  By h-sorting for large value of H, we can move elements
  ' in the array long distances and thus make it easier to h-sort for smaller values of
  ' h.  Using such a procedure for any sequence of values of h which ends in 1 will
  ' produce a sorted file.
  '   This program uses the increment sequence: ..., 1093, 364, 121, 40, 13, 4, 1.  This
  ' is known to be a good sequence but cannot be proved to be the best.
  '   The code looks faulty but it is not.  The inner loop compares an
  ' entry with the previous in the sequence and if necessary moves it back down the
  ' sequence to its correct position.  It does not continue with the rest of the sequence
  ' giving the impression it only partially sorts a sequence.  However, the code is not
  ' sorting one sequence then the next and so on.  It examines the entries in element
  ' number order.  Having compared an entry against the previous in its sequence, it will
  ' be intH loops before the next entry in the sequence in compared against it.

  Dim intNumRowsToSort          As Integer
  Dim intLBoundAdjust           As Integer
  Dim intH                      As Integer
  Dim inxRowA                   As Integer
  Dim inxRowB                   As Integer
  Dim inxRowC                   As Integer
  Dim stgTemp                   As String

  intNumRowsToSort = inxLastToSort - LBound(arrstgTgt) + 1
  intLBoundAdjust = LBound(arrstgTgt) - 1

  ' Set intH to 1, 4, 13, 40, 121, ..., 3n+1, ... until intH > intNumRowsToSort
  intH = 1
  Do While intH <= intNumRowsToSort
    intH = 3 * intH + 1

  Do While True
    If intH = 1 Then Exit Do
    ' The minimum value on entry to this do-loop will be 4 so there is at least
    ' one repeat of the loop.
    intH = intH \ 3
    For inxRowA = intH + 1 To intNumRowsToSort
      stgTemp = arrstgTgt(inxRowA + intLBoundAdjust)
      inxRowB = inxRowA
      Do While True
        ' The value of element inxRowA has been saved.  Now move the element intH back
        ' from row inxRowA into this row if it is smaller than the saved value.  Repeat
        ' this for earlier elements until one is found that is larger than the saved
        ' value which is placed in the gap.
        inxRowC = inxRowB - intH
        If arrstgTgt(inxRowC + intLBoundAdjust) <= stgTemp Then Exit Do
        arrstgTgt(inxRowB + intLBoundAdjust) = arrstgTgt(inxRowC + intLBoundAdjust)
        inxRowB = inxRowC
        If inxRowB <= intH Then Exit Do
      arrstgTgt(inxRowB + intLBoundAdjust) = stgTemp

End Sub

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