Node JS:从树 json 制作平面 json


我正在编写一个 node.js 脚本来组合目录中的所有 json 文件并将结果存储为新的 json 文件。我尝试在很大程度上完成这项工作,但它有一些缺陷。


    "id": "addEmoticon1",
    "description": "Message to greet the user.",
    "defaultMessage": "Hello, {name}!"
    "id": "addPhoto1",
    "description": "How are youu.",
    "defaultMessage": "How are you??"


    "id": "close1",
    "description": "Close it.",
    "defaultMessage": "Close!"



  "addEmoticon1": "Hello, {name}!",
  "addPhoto1": "How are you??",
  "close1": "Close!"


var fs = require('fs');

function readFiles(dirname, onFileContent, onError) {
  fs.readdir(dirname, function(err, filenames) {
    if (err) {
    filenames.forEach(function(filename) {
      fs.readFile(dirname + filename, 'utf-8', function(err, content) {
        if (err) {
        onFileContent(filename, content);

var data = {};
readFiles('C:/node/test/', function(filename, content) {
  data[filename] = content;
  var lines = content.split('\n');
  lines.forEach(function(line) {
    var parts = line.split('"');
    if (parts[1] == 'id') {
      fs.appendFile('result.json', parts[3]+': ', function (err) {});
    if (parts[1] == 'defaultMessage') {
      fs.appendFile('result.json', parts[3]+',\n', function (err) {});
}, function(err) {
  throw err;




addEmoticon1: addPhoto1: Hello, {name}!,
close1: How are you??,


  • 目标 1:将项目用双引号引起来,

  • 目标 2:在顶部和末尾添加花括号

  • 目标 3:最后一个元素末尾没有逗号

  • 目标 4:每次运行脚本时输出相同



  .fmap(data=> JSON.stringify(data, null, '\t'))
  .fmap(writefilep(resolve(__dirname, 'result.json')))
  .then(filename=> console.log('wrote results to %s', filename), err=>console.error(err));


wrote results to /path/to/result.json

result.json(我添加了一个c.json一些数据表明这适用于 2 个以上的文件)

    "addEmoticon1": "Hello, {name}!",
    "addPhoto1": "How are you??",
    "close1": "Close!",
    "somethingelse": "Something!"


I made Promise基于接口readdir and readFile and writeFile

import {readdir, readFile, writeFile} from 'fs';

const readdirp = dir=>
  new Promise((pass,fail)=>
    readdir(dir, (err, filenames) =>
      err ? fail(err) : pass(mapResolve (dir) (filenames))));

const readfilep = path=>
  new Promise((pass,fail)=>
    readFile(path, 'utf8', (err,data)=>
      err ? fail(err) : pass(data)));

const writefilep = path=> data=>
  new Promise((pass,fail)=>
    writeFile(path, data, err=>
      err ? fail(err) : pass(path)));

为了将函数映射到我们的 Promise,我们需要一个fmap公用事业。注意我们如何注意冒泡错误。

Promise.prototype.fmap = function fmap(f) {
  return new Promise((pass,fail) =>
    this.then(x=> pass(f(x)), fail));


const fmap = f=> x=> x.fmap(f);
const mapResolve = dir=> map(x=>resolve(dir,x));
const map = f=> xs=>> f(x));
const filter = f=> xs=> xs.filter(x=> f(x));
const match = re=> s=> re.test(s);
const concatp = xs=> Promise.all(xs);
const reduce = f=> y=> xs=> xs.reduce((y,x)=> f(y)(x), y);
const flatten = reduce(y=> x=> y.concat(Array.isArray(x) ? flatten (x) : x)) ([]);


const createMap = map=> ({id, defaultMessage})=>
  Object.assign(map, {[id]: defaultMessage});


    "id": "somethingelse",
    "description": "something",
    "defaultMessage": "Something!"



将所有这些与此处给出的其他答案进行比较; @BlazeSahlen 特别是。这有 60 多行代码,基本上只能用于解决这一特定问题。它甚至不会过滤掉非 JSON 文件。因此,下次您需要创建一系列读/写文件的操作时,您每次都必须重写这 60 行中的大部分。由于样板文件耗尽,它会产生大量重复的代码和难以发现的错误。以及所有手动错误处理...哇,现在就杀了我吧。他/她认为回调地狱很糟糕?哈哈,他/她刚刚又自己创造了另一个地狱圈。



import {readdir, readFile, writeFile} from 'fs';
import {resolve} from 'path';

// logp: Promise<Value> -> Void
const logp = p=> p.then(x=> console.log(x), x=> console.err(x));

// fmap : Promise<a> -> (a->b) -> Promise<b>
Promise.prototype.fmap = function fmap(f) {
  return new Promise((pass,fail) =>
    this.then(x=> pass(f(x)), fail));

// fmap : (a->b) -> F<a> -> F<b>
const fmap = f=> x=> x.fmap(f);

// readdirp : String -> Promise<Array<String>>
const readdirp = dir=>
  new Promise((pass,fail)=>
    readdir(dir, (err, filenames) =>
      err ? fail(err) : pass(mapResolve (dir) (filenames))));

// mapResolve : String -> Array<String> -> Array<String>
const mapResolve = dir=> map(x=>resolve(dir,x));

// map : (a->b) -> Array<a> -> Array<b>
const map = f=> xs=>> f(x));

// filter : (Value -> Boolean) -> Array<Value> -> Array<Value>
const filter = f=> xs=> xs.filter(x=> f(x));

// match : RegExp -> String -> Boolean
const match = re=> s=> re.test(s);

// readfilep : String -> Promise<String>
const readfilep = path=>
  new Promise((pass,fail)=>
    readFile(path, 'utf8', (err,data)=>
      err ? fail(err) : pass(data)));

// concatp : Array<Promise<Value>> -> Array<Value>
const concatp = xs=> Promise.all(xs);

// reduce : (b->a->b) -> b -> Array<a> -> b
const reduce = f=> y=> xs=> xs.reduce((y,x)=> f(y)(x), y);

// flatten : Array<Array<Value>> -> Array<Value>
const flatten = reduce(y=> x=> y.concat(Array.isArray(x) ? flatten (x) : x)) ([]);

// writefilep : String -> Value -> Promise<String>
const writefilep = path=> data=>
  new Promise((pass,fail)=>
    writeFile(path, data, err=>
      err ? fail(err) : pass(path)));

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

// createMap : Object -> Object -> Object
const createMap = map=> ({id, defaultMessage})=>
  Object.assign(map, {[id]: defaultMessage});

// do it !
  .fmap(data=> JSON.stringify(data, null, '\t'))
  .fmap(writefilep(resolve(__dirname, 'result.json')))
  .then(filename=> console.log('wrote results to %s', filename), err=>console.error(err));


一开始要了解这些东西是如何工作的并不容易。这是一个特别奇怪的问题,因为数据嵌套得非常快。值得庆幸的是,这并不意味着我们的代码必须是一大堆嵌套混乱才能解决问题!请注意,即使我们正在处理诸如 JSON Promises 数组的 Promise 之类的事情,代码仍然保持良好且平坦的状态...

// Here we are reading directory '.'
// We will get a Promise<Array<String>>
// Let's say the files are 'a.json', 'b.json', 'c.json', and 'run.js'
// Promise will look like this:
// Promise<['a.json', 'b.json', 'c.json', 'run.js']>

  // Now we're going to strip out any non-JSON files
  // Promise<['a.json', 'b.json', 'c.json']>

  // call `readfilep` on each of the files
  // We will get <Promise<Array<Promise<JSON>>>>
  // Don't freak out, it's not that bad!
  // Promise<[Promise<JSON>, Promise<JSON>. Promise<JSON>]>

  // for each file's Promise, we want to parse the data as JSON
  // JSON.parse returns an object, so the structure will be the same
  // except JSON will be an object!
  // Promise<[Promise<Object>, Promise<Object>, Promise<Object>]>

  // Now we can start collapsing some of the structure
  // `concatp` will convert Array<Promise<Value>> to Array<Value>
  // We will get
  // Promise<[Object, Object, Object]>
  // Remember, we have 3 Objects; one for each parsed JSON file

  // Your particular JSON structures are Arrays, which are also Objects
  // so that means `concatp` will actually return Promise<[Array, Array, Array]
  // but we'd like to flatten that
  // that way each parsed JSON file gets mushed into a single data set
  // after flatten, we will have
  // Promise<Array<Object>>

  // Here's where it all comes together
  // now that we have a single Promise of an Array containing all of your objects ...
  // We can simply reduce the array and create the mapping of key:values that you wish
  // `createMap` is custom tailored for the mapping you need
  // we initialize the `reduce` with an empty object, {}
  // after it runs, we will have Promise<Object>
  // where Object is your result

  // It's all downhill from here
  // We currently have Promise<Object>
  // but before we write that to a file, we need to convert it to JSON
  // JSON.stringify(data, null, '\t') will pretty print the JSON using tab to indent
  // After this, we will have Promise<JSON>
  .fmap(data=> JSON.stringify(data, null, '\t'))

  // Now that we have a JSON, we can easily write this to a file
  // We'll use `writefilep` to write the result to `result.json` in the current working directory
  // I wrote `writefilep` to pass the filename on success
  // so when this finishes, we will have
  // Promise<Path>
  // You could have it return Promise<Void> like writeFile sends void to the callback. up to you.
  .fmap(writefilep(resolve(__dirname, 'result.json')))

  // the grand finale
  // alert the user that everything is done (or if an error occurred)
  // Remember `.then` is like a fork in the road:
  // the code will go to the left function on success, and the right on failure
  // Here, we're using a generic function to say we wrote the file out
  // If a failure happens, we write that to console.error
  .then(filename=> console.log('wrote results to %s', filename), err=>console.error(err));

全做完了 !


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