C# 和 SIMD:高加速和低加速。怎么了?



我正在尝试加快我正在编写的(2d)光线追踪器的相交代码。我使用 C# 和 System.Numerics 库来提高 SIMD 指令的速度。



  • RayPack 结构是一系列(不同的)光线,包装在 System.Numerics 的向量中。
  • BoundingBoxPack 和 CirclePack 结构是单个 bb / 圆,包装在 System.Numerics 向量中。
  • 使用的 CPU 是 i7-4710HQ (Haswell),具有 SSE 4.2、AVX(2) 和 FMA(3) 指令。
  • 在发布模式下运行(64 位)。该项目在 .Net Framework 472 中运行。未设置其他选项。


我已经尝试查找某些操作是否可能得到正确支持(请注意:这些操作适用于 c++)。https://fgiesen.wordpress.com/2016/04/03/sse-mind-the-gap/ https://fgiesen.wordpress.com/2016/04/03/sse-mind-the-gap/ or http://sci.tuomastonteri.fi/programming/sse http://sci.tuomastonteri.fi/programming/sse),但情况似乎并非如此,因为我使用的笔记本电脑支持 SSE 4.2。


  • 使用更正确的指令(例如,包装分钟)。
  • 没有使用float * vector指令(会导致很多额外的操作,参见原文的汇编)。



Ray 代码 -> BoundingBox

public bool CollidesWith(Ray ray, out float t)
    // https://gamedev.stackexchange.com/questions/18436/most-efficient-aabb-vs-ray-collision-algorithms
    // r.dir is unit direction vector of ray
    float dirfracx = 1.0f / ray.direction.X;
    float dirfracy = 1.0f / ray.direction.Y;
    // lb is the corner of AABB with minimal coordinates - left bottom, rt is maximal corner
    // r.org is origin of ray
    float t1 = (this.rx.min - ray.origin.X) * dirfracx;
    float t2 = (this.rx.max - ray.origin.X) * dirfracx;
    float t3 = (this.ry.min - ray.origin.Y) * dirfracy;
    float t4 = (this.ry.max - ray.origin.Y) * dirfracy;

    float tmin = Math.Max(Math.Min(t1, t2), Math.Min(t3, t4));
    float tmax = Math.Min(Math.Max(t1, t2), Math.Max(t3, t4));

    // if tmax < 0, ray (line) is intersecting AABB, but the whole AABB is behind us
    if (tmax < 0)
        t = tmax;
        return false;

    // if tmin > tmax, ray doesn't intersect AABB
    if (tmin > tmax)
        t = tmax;
        return false;

    t = tmin;
    return true;

RayPak 代码 -> Bounding Box Pack

public Vector<int> CollidesWith(ref RayPack ray, out Vector<float> t)
    // ------------------------------------------------------- \\
    // compute the collision.                                  \\

    Vector<float> dirfracx = Constants.ones / ray.direction.x;
    Vector<float> dirfracy = Constants.ones / ray.direction.y;

    Vector<float> t1 = (this.rx.min - ray.origin.x) * dirfracx;
    Vector<float> t2 = (this.rx.max - ray.origin.x) * dirfracx;
    Vector<float> t3 = (this.ry.min - ray.origin.y) * dirfracy;
    Vector<float> t4 = (this.ry.max - ray.origin.y) * dirfracy;

    Vector<float> tmin = Vector.Max(Vector.Min(t1, t2), Vector.Min(t3, t4));
    Vector<float> tmax = Vector.Min(Vector.Max(t1, t2), Vector.Max(t3, t4));

    Vector<int> lessThanZeroMask = Vector.GreaterThan(tmax, Constants.zeros);
    Vector<int> greaterMask = Vector.LessThan(tmin, tmax);
    Vector<int> combinedMask = Vector.BitwiseOr(lessThanZeroMask, greaterMask);

    // ------------------------------------------------------- \\
    // Keep track of the t's that collided.                    \\

    t = Vector.ConditionalSelect(combinedMask, tmin, Constants.floatMax);

    return combinedMask;

射线代码 -> 圆

public bool Intersect(Circle other)
    // Step 0: Work everything out on paper!

    // Step 1: Gather all the relevant data.
    float ox = this.origin.X;
    float dx = this.direction.X;

    float oy = this.origin.Y;
    float dy = this.direction.Y;

    float x0 = other.origin.X;
    float y0 = other.origin.Y;
    float cr = other.radius;

    // Step 2: compute the substitutions.
    float p = ox - x0;
    float q = oy - y0;

    float r = 2 * p * dx;
    float s = 2 * q * dy;

    // Step 3: compute the substitutions, check if there is a collision.
    float a = dx * dx + dy * dy;
    float b = r + s;
    float c = p * p + q * q - cr * cr;

    float DSqrt = b * b - 4 * a * c;

    // no collision possible! Commented out to make the benchmark more fair
    //if (DSqrt < 0)
    //{ return false; }

    // Step 4: compute the substitutions.
    float D = (float)Math.Sqrt(DSqrt);

    float t0 = (-b + D) / (2 * a);
    float t1 = (-b - D) / (2 * a);

    float ti = Math.Min(t0, t1);
    if(ti > 0 && ti < t)
        t = ti;
        return true;

    return false;

RayPack -> CirclePack 代码 原始的、未经编辑的代码可以在以下位置找到:https://pastebin.com/87nYgZrv https://pastebin.com/87nYgZrv

public Vector<int> Intersect(CirclePack other)
    // ------------------------------------------------------- \\
    // Put all the data on the stack.                          \\

    Vector<float> zeros = Constants.zeros;
    Vector<float> twos = Constants.twos;
    Vector<float> fours = Constants.fours;

    // ------------------------------------------------------- \\
    // Compute whether the ray collides with the circle. This  \\
    // is stored in the 'mask' vector.                         \\

    Vector<float> p = this.origin.x - other.origin.x; ;
    Vector<float> q = this.origin.y - other.origin.y;

    Vector<float> r = twos * p * this.direction.x;
    Vector<float> s = twos * q * this.direction.y; ;

    Vector<float> a = this.direction.x * this.direction.x + this.direction.y * this.direction.y;
    Vector<float> b = r + s;
    Vector<float> c = p * p + q * q - other.radius * other.radius;

    Vector<float> DSqrt = b * b - fours * a * c;

    Vector<int> maskCollision = Vector.GreaterThan(DSqrt, zeros);

    // Commented out to make the benchmark more fair.
    //if (Vector.Dot(maskCollision, maskCollision) == 0)
    //{ return maskCollision; }

    // ------------------------------------------------------- \\
    // Update t if and only if there is a collision. Take      \\
    // note of the conditional where we compute t.             \\

    Vector<float> D = Vector.SquareRoot(DSqrt);

    Vector<float> bMinus = Vector.Negate(b);
    Vector<float> twoA = twos * a;
    Vector<float> t0 = (bMinus + D) / twoA;
    Vector<float> t1 = (bMinus - D) / twoA;
    Vector<float> tm = Vector.ConditionalSelect(Vector.LessThan(t1, t0), t1, t0);

    Vector<int> maskBiggerThanZero = Vector.GreaterThan(tm, zeros);
    Vector<int> maskSmallerThanT = Vector.LessThan(tm, this.t);

    Vector<int> mask = Vector.BitwiseAnd(

    this.t = Vector.ConditionalSelect(
        mask,                                                           // the bit mask that allows us to choose.
        tm,                                                             // the smallest of the t's.
        t);                                                             // if the bit mask is false (0), then we get our original t.

    return mask;



  • 边界框(包):https://pastebin.com/RYMQdZMh https://pastebin.com/RYMQdZMh
  • 圆(包)调整:https://pastebin.com/YZHjc1vY https://pastebin.com/YZHjc1vY
  • 圆(包)原图:https://pastebin.com/87nYgZrv https://pastebin.com/87nYgZrv


我一直在使用 BenchmarkDotNet 对情况进行基准测试。

Circle / CirclePack 的结果(更新):

Method Mean Error StdDev
Intersection 9.710 ms 0.0540 ms 0.0505 ms
IntersectionPacked 3.296 ms 0.0055 ms 0.0051 ms


Method Mean Error StdDev
Intersection 24.269 ms 0.2663 ms 0.2491 ms
IntersectionPacked 1.152 ms 0.0229 ms 0.0264 ms

由于 AVX,预计加速大约为 6 倍到 8 倍。边界框的加速比为重要的,而圆的加速比相当低。


关于 Peter Cordes 的编辑(评论)

  • 使基准测试更加公平:一旦光线不再发生碰撞,单光线版本就不会提前分支。现在加速大约是 2.5 倍。
  • 添加汇编代码作为单独的标头。
  • 关于平方根:这确实有影响,但没有看起来那么大。去除向量平方根可将总时间减少约 0.3ms。单射线代码现在也始终执行平方根。
  • 关于 C# 中的 FMA(融合乘加)的问题。我认为它适用于标量(参见C# 可以使用乘加融合吗? https://stackoverflow.com/questions/37443569/can-c-sharp-make-use-of-fused-multiply-add),但我没有在 System.Numerics.Vector 结构中找到类似的操作。
  • 关于压缩 min 的 C# 指令:是的,确实如此。愚蠢的我。我什至已经用过它了。

我不会尝试回答有关 SIMD 加速的问题,而是提供一些关于标量版本中的不良编码的详细评论,这些编码会延续到矢量版本,以一种不适合 SO 评论的方式。


// Step 3: compute the substitutions, check if there is a collision.
float a = dx * dx + dy * dy;

平方和 ->a保证非负

float b = r + s;
float c = p * p + q * q - cr * cr;

float DSqrt = b * b - 4 * a * c;

这不是 D 的平方根,而是 D 的平方。

// no collision possible! Commented out to make the benchmark more fair
//if (DSqrt < 0)
//{ return false; }

// Step 4: compute the substitutions.
float D = (float)Math.Sqrt(DSqrt);

sqrt具有有限的域。避免对负输入的调用不仅可以节省平方根的平均成本,还可以使您不必处理非常非常慢的 NaN。

Also, D是非负的,因为Math.Sqrt返回正分支或 NaN。

float t0 = (-b + D) / (2 * a);
float t1 = (-b - D) / (2 * a);

这两者之间的区别是t0 - t1 = D / a。两个非负变量的比率也是非负的。所以t1永远不会更大。

float ti = Math.Min(t0, t1);


if(ti > 0 && ti < t)
    t = ti;
    return true;

回想起来ti总是t1, and a是非负的,第一个测试相当于-b - D > 0 or b < -D.

在SIMD版本中,Vector.SquareRoot文档没有描述输入为负时的行为。和Vector.LessThan没有描述输入为 NaN 时的行为。


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