

我有一些自动生成的数据被导出到我的 Unity 项目中。为了帮助我,我想为这些资产分配一个自定义图标以清楚地识别它们。这当然可以通过编辑器本身实现,但理想情况下我希望在导入时自动发生。

为此,我编写了一个 AssetPostProcessor 来为我处理这个问题。在下面的示例中(以 MonoScript 为例,但也可以应用于任何类型的资源),所有新导入的脚本都将分配有 MyFancyIcon 图标。此更新在脚本资源本身以及检查器中的 MonoBehaviours 上都可见。

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using System.Reflection;

public class IconAssignmentPostProcessor : AssetPostprocessor
    static void OnPostprocessAllAssets(string[] importedAssets, string[] deletedAssets, string[] movedAssets, string[] movedFromAssetPaths)
        Texture2D icon = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath<Texture2D>("Assets/Iconfolder/MyFancyIcon.png");
        foreach (string asset in importedAssets)
            MonoScript script = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath<MonoScript>(asset);
            if(script != null)
                PropertyInfo inspectorModeInfo = typeof(SerializedObject).GetProperty("inspectorMode", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
                SerializedObject serializedObject = new SerializedObject(script);
                inspectorModeInfo.SetValue(serializedObject, InspectorMode.Debug, null);
                SerializedProperty iconProperty = serializedObject.FindProperty("m_Icon");
                iconProperty.objectReferenceValue = icon;



除了一个问题之外,它工作得很好。关闭项目并重新打开它时不会保存更新。据我所知,要么EditorUtility.SetDirty(script);调用应该解决这个问题,或者至少AssetDatabase.SaveAssets(); call.

然而,看看手动分配图标(有效)和以编程方式分配图标之间的区别,有一个icon与资产关联的元文件中的字段在手动分配图标时会被设置,但在我的脚本案例中不会设置。 (在脚本化的情况下,元文件甚至没有更新)


对该代码进行了实验并得出结论,这是一个错误。已与 Unity 联系,这是他们的回复:

目前,这是一个已提交的错误,我们的开发团队正在 调查它。看来这个错误的发生似乎是因为 AssetDatabes.SaveAssets() 不保存更改。


调用 OnPostprocessAllAssets 时处理和保存数据:

1.创建一个 Json 文件设置,如果该设置不存在,该设置将保存该设置。

2.When OnPostprocessAllAssets被称为,加载旧的 Json 文件设置。




6.检查资产是否importedAssets硬盘上不存在File.Exists。如果不存在,请将其从加载的 Json 文件设置列表中删除,然后保存。

Unity 加载时自动重新应用精美图标:


2调用构造函数时,创建一个 Json 文件设置,如果该设置不存在,则该设置将保存该设置。


4通过循环加载的 Json 文件来重新应用精美的图标。

5检查加载的 Json 文件是否仍有不在驱动器上的资源。如果是这样,请从列表中删除该资产,然后保存它。


using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using System.Reflection;
using System.IO;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System;

public class IconAssignmentPostProcessor : AssetPostprocessor
    // Called when Editor Starts
    static IconAssignmentPostProcessor()

    private static string settingsPath = Application.dataPath + "/FancyIconSettings.text";
    private static string fancyIconPath = "Assets/Iconfolder/MyFancyIcon.png";

    private static bool firstRun = true;

    static void OnPostprocessAllAssets(string[] importedAssets, string[] deletedAssets, string[] movedAssets, string[] movedFromAssetPaths)

        //Load old settings 
        FancyIconSaver savedFancyIconSaver = LoadSettings();

        Texture2D icon = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath<Texture2D>(fancyIconPath);

        for (int j = 0; j < importedAssets.Length; j++)
            string asset = importedAssets[j];

            MonoScript script = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath<MonoScript>(asset);
            if (script != null)
                //Apply fancy Icon
                ApplyIcon(script, icon);

                //Process each asset 
                processFancyIcon(savedFancyIconSaver, fancyIconPath, asset, pathToGUID(asset));


    public static string pathToGUID(string path)
        return AssetDatabase.AssetPathToGUID(path);

    public static string guidToPath(string guid)
        return AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(guid);

    public static void processFancyIcon(FancyIconSaver oldSettings, string fancyIconPath, string scriptPath, string scriptGUID)
        int matchIndex = -1;

        if (oldSettings == null)
            oldSettings = new FancyIconSaver();

        if (oldSettings.fancyIconData == null)
            oldSettings.fancyIconData = new List<FancyIconData>();

        FancyIconData fancyIconData = new FancyIconData();
        fancyIconData.fancyIconPath = fancyIconPath;
        fancyIconData.scriptPath = scriptPath;
        fancyIconData.scriptGUID = scriptGUID;

        //Check if this guid exist in the List already. If so, override it with the match index
        if (containsGUID(oldSettings, scriptGUID, out matchIndex))
            oldSettings.fancyIconData[matchIndex] = fancyIconData;
            //Does not exist, add it to the existing one

        //Save the data

        //If asset does not exist, delete it from the json settings
        for (int i = 0; i < oldSettings.fancyIconData.Count; i++)
            if (!assetExist(scriptPath))
                //Remove it from the List then save the modified List
                Debug.Log("Asset " + scriptPath + " no longer exist. Deleted it from JSON Settings");
                continue; //Continue to the next Settings in the List

    //Re-loads all the fancy icons
    public static void reloadAllFancyIcons()
        if (!firstRun)
            firstRun = false;
            return; //Exit if this is not first run

        //Load old settings 
        FancyIconSaver savedFancyIconSaver = LoadSettings();

        if (savedFancyIconSaver == null || savedFancyIconSaver.fancyIconData == null)
            Debug.Log("No Previous Fancy Icon Settings Found!");

        //Apply Icon Changes
        for (int i = 0; i < savedFancyIconSaver.fancyIconData.Count; i++)
            string asset = savedFancyIconSaver.fancyIconData[i].scriptPath;

            //If asset does not exist, delete it from the json settings
            if (!assetExist(asset))
                //Remove it from the List then save the modified List
                Debug.Log("Asset " + asset + " no longer exist. Deleted it from JSON Settings");
                continue; //Continue to the next Settings in the List

            string tempFancyIconPath = savedFancyIconSaver.fancyIconData[i].fancyIconPath;

            Texture2D icon = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath<Texture2D>(tempFancyIconPath);
            MonoScript script = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath<MonoScript>(asset);
            if (script == null)

            ApplyIcon(script, icon);

    private static void ApplyIcon(MonoScript script, Texture2D icon)
        PropertyInfo inspectorModeInfo = typeof(SerializedObject).GetProperty("inspectorMode", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
        SerializedObject serializedObject = new SerializedObject(script);
        inspectorModeInfo.SetValue(serializedObject, InspectorMode.Debug, null);
        SerializedProperty iconProperty = serializedObject.FindProperty("m_Icon");
        iconProperty.objectReferenceValue = icon;
        Debug.Log("Applied Fancy Icon to: " + script.name);

    //Creates the Settings File if it does not exit yet
    private static void prepareSettingsDir()
        if (!File.Exists(settingsPath))

    public static void SaveSettings(FancyIconSaver fancyIconSaver)
            string jsonData = JsonUtility.ToJson(fancyIconSaver, true);
            Debug.Log("Data: " + jsonData);

            byte[] jsonByte = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(jsonData);
            File.WriteAllBytes(settingsPath, jsonByte);
        catch (Exception e)
            Debug.Log("Settings not Saved: " + e.Message);

    public static FancyIconSaver LoadSettings()
        FancyIconSaver loadedData = null;
            byte[] jsonByte = File.ReadAllBytes(settingsPath);
            string jsonData = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(jsonByte);
            loadedData = JsonUtility.FromJson<FancyIconSaver>(jsonData);
            return loadedData;
        catch (Exception e)
            Debug.Log("No Settings Loaded: " + e.Message);
        return loadedData;

    public static bool containsGUID(FancyIconSaver fancyIconSaver, string guid, out int matchIndex)
        matchIndex = -1;

        if (fancyIconSaver == null || fancyIconSaver.fancyIconData == null)
            Debug.Log("List is null");
            return false;

        for (int i = 0; i < fancyIconSaver.fancyIconData.Count; i++)
            if (fancyIconSaver.fancyIconData[i].scriptGUID == guid)
                matchIndex = i;
                return true;
        return false;

    public static bool assetExist(string path)
        return File.Exists(path);

    public class FancyIconSaver
        public List<FancyIconData> fancyIconData;

    public class FancyIconData
        public string fancyIconPath;
        public string scriptPath;
        public string scriptGUID;

当 Unity 重新启动时,这应该会保留精美的图标。


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