


    • 安装
    • 使用及参数




> 画




sudo apt-get install oneko







使用参数 ,我们可以调整猫的身材,猫的自动退出时间,移动速度,名字等。


       -help  Prints help message on usage.

       -tora  Make cat into "tora-neko", a cat wite tiger-like stripe.

       -dog   Runs a dog instead of a cat.

              Runs Sakura Kinomoto instead of a cat.

              Runs Tomoyo Daidouji instead of a cat.

       -time interval
              Sets interval timer which determine intervals for cat animation.
              Default value is 125000 and unit is micro-second.  Smaller value
              makes cat run faster.

       -speed distance
              Specify  the distance where cat jumps at one move in dot resolu‐
              tion.  Default is 16.

       -idle speed
              Specify the threshold of the speed which ``mouse'' running  away
              to wake cat up.

       -name name
              Specify the window name of cat.

              When  oneko starts with this option, you must select a window by
              cursor.  Then cat appears and starts chasing the window  instead
              of  mouse.   You  can select another running oneko as the target
              window.  If root window is selected, cat chases  mouse  as  usu‐
              ally.   When  the  target window is not in sight and not closed,
              cat chases mouse as usually.  If the target  window  is  closed,
              this program exit.

       -toname name
              Specify  the  window name of target to make cat chase it instead
              of mouse.  You can specify another running oneko as  the  target
              window.   When the target window is not in sight and not closed,
              cat chases mouse as usually.  If the target  window  is  closed,
              this program exit.

              Makes  cat run to and on top of focus window.  When focus window
              is not in sight, cat chases mouse as usually.

       -position geometry
              Specify X and Y offsets in pixels to adjust position of cat rel‐
              ative to mouse pointer.

       -rv    Reverse background color and foreground color.

              Don't use SHAPE extension.

       -fg color
              Foreground color.

       -bg color
              Background color.

       -cursor cursornumber
              Specify  a  cursos number to set when quitting. For example, 132
              is the default root cursor.


Linux/Unix 桌面趣事:桌面上追逐的猫和老鼠



Linux/Unix如何安装一只猫oneko,*inux上有趣的应用,用命令画一只猫儿陪着你。 的相关文章

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