WebStorm 将重构范围限制为仅当前文件


编辑:这是我创建的问题的链接[https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/WEB-21956 https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/WEB-21956 ]

是否可以将 WebStorm 的重构范围限制为您发出重构的文件(默认情况下)?

在本例中,我正在编辑一个文件,并且我想重构(重命名)一个变量。然后,WebStorm 对整个项目中的所有文件进行搜索。我在网上搜索过这个,只能找到特定文件夹的范围限制。我希望我不会为每个文件创建范围。

P.S.我发现这个相关问题(https://stackoverflow.com/questions/33197566/pycharm-limit-refactor-renaming-to-current-file https://stackoverflow.com/questions/33197566/pycharm-limit-refactor-renaming-to-current-file)。虽然我无法对此发表评论,因为我还没有 50 名代表(可惜)。如果它不在 PyCharm 中,那么它很可能不在 WebStorm 中(它们共享代码),因此这更多的是双重检查。如果事实证明它确实不存在,我将添加一个功能请求的链接,我将发布到 WebStorm 问题。

从 WebStorm 2016.1.3 开始,似乎无法更改default的行为Rename Refactoring。唯一可用的选项是在一个limited scope https://stackoverflow.com/a/37687689/3079302,在这种情况下,您可以启用或禁用就地模式(see docs https://www.jetbrains.com/help/webstorm/2016.1/rename-refactorings.html).

以下是两种可能的工作流程。我将使用 PC 键盘快捷键给出说明,但您也可以通过上下文菜单实现相同的目的。


  1. 将插入符号移至您要重命名的符号
  2. Select the word with Ctrl + W
  3. Open Replace dialog with Ctrl + R
  4. Hit Tab and type the new name
  5. Alt + P to replace current occurrence or Alt + A to replace all occurrences


  1. Open Rename Refactoring tool with Shift + F6
  2. 输入新名称
  3. 调整过滤器Search in comments and strings并为Search for text occurrences(默认开启)
  4. Preview the refactoring (Alt + P)
  5. The Find Refactoring Preview pane will show up (Alt + 3 to focus), listing all the occurrences found
  6. In this list, you can select in which files the refactoring will take place; for instance, you can exclude all files by pressing Delete in the parent group, and then pressing Insert only in the target file

In this (stupid) example I am renaming require to require2. Several occurrences are found. I excluded all of them by excluding the main group, then just included one file. I could have excluded the remaining groups as well, or selected all with Ctrl + A and then Delete to exclude.

See also

  • 限制 Webstorm 中的重构范围 https://stackoverflow.com/questions/19404829/limit-refactoring-scope-in-webstorm
  • 有没有办法告诉 IntelliJ IDEA 在搜索/替换或重构期间不要查看文件? https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5682451/is-there-any-way-to-tell-intellij-idea-not-to-look-at-files-during-a-search-repl

WebStorm 将重构范围限制为仅当前文件 的相关文章
