Python 类继承属性错误 - 为什么?怎么修?


SO 上的类似问题包括:this one and this。我还阅读了我能找到的所有在线文档,但我仍然很困惑。我将非常感谢你的帮助。

我想在我的 CastSpell 类 lumus 方法中使用 Wand 类 .wandtype 属性。但我不断收到错误“AttributeError:‘CastSpell’对象没有属性‘wandtype’。”


class Wand(object):
    def __init__(self, wandtype, length):
        self.length = length 
        self.wandtype = wandtype

    def fulldesc(self):
        print "This is a %s wand and it is a %s long" % (self.wandtype, self.length) 

class CastSpell(object):
    def __init__(self, spell, thing):
        self.spell = spell 
        self.thing = thing

    def lumus(self):
        print "You cast the spell %s with your wand at %s" %(self.spell, self.thing) 

    def wingardium_leviosa(self): 
        print "You cast the levitation spell."

my_wand = Wand('Phoenix-feather', '12 inches') 
cast_spell = CastSpell('lumus', 'door') 


class Wand(object):
    def __init__(self, wandtype, length):
        self.length = length 
        self.wandtype = wandtype

    def fulldesc(self):
        print "This is a %s wand and it is a %s long" % (self.wandtype, self.length) 

class CastSpell(Wand):
    def __init__(self, spell, thing):
        self.spell = spell 
        self.thing = thing

    def lumus(self):
        print "You cast the spell %s with your %s wand at %s" %(self.spell, self.wandtype, self.thing)   #This line causes the AttributeError! 
        print "The room lights up."

    def wingardium_leviosa(self): 
        print "You cast the levitation spell."

my_wand = Wand('Phoenix-feather', '12 inches') 
cast_spell = CastSpell('lumus', 'door') 

我尝试使用 super() 方法但无济于事。我非常感谢您帮助理解 a) 为什么类继承在这种情况下不起作用,b) 如何让它工作。


不管你怎么做,你都必须以某种方式通过length and wandtype to CastSpell。一种方法是将它们直接包含到CastSpell.__init__:

class CastSpell(Wand):
    def __init__(self, spell, thing, length, wandtype):
        self.spell = spell 
        self.thing = thing
        self.length = length
        self.wandtype = wandtype


class CastSpell(Wand):
    def __init__(self, spell, thing, length, wandtype):
        self.spell = spell 
        self.thing = thing
        super(CastSpell, self).__init__(length, wandtype)

另一种方法是停止制作CastSpell继承自Wand (is CastSpell一种Wand?或某事Wand吗?),而是让每根魔杖都能够拥有一些CastSpell其中 s:而不是“is-a”(aCastSpell是一种Wand),尝试“has-a”(aWand has Spells).


class Wand(object):
    def __init__(self, wandtype, length):
        self.length = length
        self.wandtype = wandtype
        self.spells = {} # Our container for spells. 
        # You can add directly too: my_wand.spells['accio'] = Spell("aguamenti", "fire")

    def fulldesc(self):
        print "This is a %s wand and it is a %s long" % (self.wandtype, self.length)

    def addspell(self, spell):
        self.spells[] = spell

    def cast(self, spellname):
        """Check if requested spell exists, then call its "cast" method if it does."""
        if spellname in self.spells: # Check existence by name
            spell = self.spells[spellname] # Retrieve spell that was added before, name it "spell"
            spell.cast(self.wandtype) # Call that spell's cast method, passing wandtype as argument
            print "This wand doesn't have the %s spell." % spellname
            print "Available spells:"
            print "\n".join(sorted(self.spells.keys()))

class Spell(object):
    def __init__(self, name, target): = name = target

    def cast(self, wandtype=""):
        print "You cast the spell %s with your %s wand at %s." % (
     , wandtype,
        if == "lumus":
            print "The room lights up."
        elif == "wingardium leviosa":
            print "You cast the levitation spell.",
            print "The %s starts to float!" %

    def __repr__(self):

my_wand = Wand('Phoenix-feather', '12 inches')
lumus = Spell('lumus', 'door')
wingardium = Spell("wingardium leviosa", "enemy")

lumus.cast() # Not from a Wand! I.e., we're calling Spell.cast directly
print "\n\n"

my_wand.addspell(lumus) # Same as my_wand.spells["lumus"] = lumus
print "\n\n"

my_wand.cast("lumus") # Same as my_wand.spells["lumus"].cast(my_wand.wandtype)
print "\n\n"
my_wand.cast("wingardium leviosa")
print "\n\n"
my_wand.cast("avada kadavra") # The check in Wand.cast fails, print spell list instead
print "\n\n"

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