使用 Json.net 反序列化具有接口值的复杂嵌套字典类型


我在尝试使用 Json.net 反序列化具有接口值的相当复杂的嵌套字典类型时遇到问题。代码位于此处“https://dotnetfiddle.net/JSoAug https://dotnetfiddle.net/JSoAug”,有问题的类型是:

public class TypeConverter<T, TSerialized> : CustomCreationConverter<T>
    where TSerialized : T, new()
    public override T Create(Type objectType)
        return new TSerialized();

public interface IValue
    Dictionary<string, IValue> SomeValues { get; set; }

public class Value : IValue
    [JsonProperty(ItemConverterType = typeof(TypeConverter<IValue, Value>))]
    public Dictionary<string, IValue> SomeValues { get; set; }

public interface ISomeAtrributes
    Dictionary<string, object> Attributes { get; set; }

public interface IDataItem : ISomeAtrributes
    IValue Value { get; set; }

public class DataItem : IDataItem
    [JsonProperty(ItemConverterType = typeof(TypeConverter<IValue, Value>))]
    public IValue Value { get; set; }

    public Dictionary<string, object> Attributes { get; set; }

public interface IBlobItem
    TypeXDictionary<IEnumerable<IDataItem>> TypeXDataDictionary { get; set; }

public class BlobItem : IBlobItem
    public BlobItem()
        TypeXDataDictionary = new TypeXDictionary<IEnumerable<IDataItem>>();

    [JsonProperty(ItemConverterType = typeof(TypeConverter<IEnumerable<IDataItem>, List<DataItem>>))]
    public TypeXDictionary<IEnumerable<IDataItem>> TypeXDataDictionary { get; set; }


public class TypeYDictionary<T> : Dictionary<string, T>

public class TypeXDictionary<T> : Dictionary<string, TypeYDictionary<T>>

我有几个嵌套级别的集合或字典,其中包含接口对象(带有BlobItem作为根),并且在每个级别我使用一个子类CustomCreationConverter<T> http://www.newtonsoft.com/json/help/html/T_Newtonsoft_Json_Converters_CustomCreationConverter_1.htm将接口反序列化为已知的具体类型。但是,在这种情况下,当我尝试执行以下操作时:

var blobItem = new BlobItem();
var dataItemDic = new TypeYDictionary<IEnumerable<IDataItem>>();
var objDic = new Dictionary<string, object> {{"key", "object"}};
dataItemDic.Add("dataItemKey", new List<DataItem>() { new DataItem() { Attributes = objDic } });
blobItem.TypeXDataDictionary.Add("typeXKey", dataItemDic );
var ser = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(blobItem);

var deSerialized = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<BlobItem>(ser);


Run-time exception (line 19): Cannot populate JSON object onto type 'System.Collections.Generic.List`1[JsonSerialization.DataItem]'. Path 'TypeXDataDictionary.typeXKey.dataItemKey', line 1, position 50.

Stack Trace:

[Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializationException: Cannot populate JSON object onto type 'System.Collections.Generic.List`1[JsonSerialization.DataItem]'. Path 'TypeXDataDictionary.typeXKey.dataItemKey', line 1, position 50.]
  at JsonSerialization.Program.Main(String[] args): line 19


问题在于你的BlobItem type:

public class BlobItem : IBlobItem
    public BlobItem()
        TypeXDataDictionary = new TypeXDictionary<IEnumerable<IDataItem>>();

    [JsonProperty(ItemConverterType = typeof(TypeConverter<IEnumerable<IDataItem>, List<DataItem>>))]
    public TypeXDictionary<IEnumerable<IDataItem>> TypeXDataDictionary { get; set; }

For TypeXDataDictionary你指定一个ItemConverterType = typeof(TypeConverter<IEnumerable<IDataItem>, List<DataItem>>)指示如何反序列化的值TypeXDataDictionary。然而,这本词典实际上是一本词典的词典:

public class TypeXDictionary<T> : Dictionary<string, TypeYDictionary<T>>

public class TypeYDictionary<T> : Dictionary<string, T>

因此它的值不是类型IEnumerable<IDataItem>,它们属于类型Dictionary<string, IEnumerable<IDataItem>>并且转换器将无法工作。您需要的是一个项目项目的转换器TypeXDictionary,可以定义如下:

public class DictionaryValueTypeConverter<TDictionary, TKey, TValue, TValueSerialized> : JsonConverter
    where TDictionary : class, IDictionary<TKey, TValue>, new()
    where TValueSerialized : TValue
    public override bool CanConvert(Type objectType)
        throw new NotImplementedException();

    public override bool CanWrite { get { return false; } }

    public override void WriteJson(JsonWriter writer, object value, JsonSerializer serializer)
        throw new NotImplementedException();

    public override object ReadJson(JsonReader reader, Type objectType, object existingValue, JsonSerializer serializer)
        if (reader.TokenType == JsonToken.Null)
            return null;
        var surrogate = serializer.Deserialize<Dictionary<TKey, TValueSerialized>>(reader);
        if (surrogate == null)
            return null;
        var dictionary = existingValue as TDictionary ?? new TDictionary();
        foreach (var pair in surrogate)
            dictionary[pair.Key] = pair.Value;
        return dictionary;


public class BlobItem : IBlobItem
    public BlobItem()
        TypeXDataDictionary = new TypeXDictionary<IEnumerable<IDataItem>>();

    [JsonProperty(ItemConverterType = typeof(DictionaryValueTypeConverter<TypeYDictionary<IEnumerable<IDataItem>>, string, IEnumerable<IDataItem>, List<DataItem>>))]
    public TypeXDictionary<IEnumerable<IDataItem>> TypeXDataDictionary { get; set; }


Sample fiddle https://dotnetfiddle.net/dxybGa.


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