JPA OneToOne 关联,其中 2 个实体使用复合主键但使用不同的列名称?


我们正在尝试将 Hibernate 与数据库一起使用,该数据库使用lot复合键的使用一直让我们很头疼。 不幸的是,我们无法更改架构,因此我们必须在字段之间进行大量额外的映射。我们仅限于使用 JPA 1.0 和 Hibernate 3.3。

最大的问题 到目前为止,我们使用 2 个值的复合键来处理两个实体之间的一对一关联,其中表具有不同的名称 对于这些列(数据库的命名约定是在每列上都有特定于表的前缀。)


Caused by: org.hibernate.TypeMismatchException Provided id of the wrong type for class  
Expected: class, got class; 

这些表的两个类 InvestorIssuerEntity 和 InvestorIssuerEmailEntity 有一个可选的 @OneToOne 关联 (某些情况下 InvestorIssuer 在 InvestorIssuerEmail 中没有匹配记录):

@Table(name = "T090_INVESTOR_ISSUER")
    @Column(name = "T090_091_INVESTOR_ID", nullable = false, insertable = true, 
updatable = true, length = 18, precision = 0)
    private Long investorId;

    @Column(name = "T090_102_ISSUER_ID", nullable = false, insertable = true, 
updatable = true, length = 18, precision = 0)
    private Long issuerId;

(other fields omitted)

    @OneToOne(optional = true)
    @JoinColumns(value = {
            @JoinColumn(name="T090_091_INVESTOR_ID", referencedColumnName = "T284_INVESTOR_ID", nullable = false, insertable = false, updatable = false),
            @JoinColumn(name = "T090_102_ISSUER_ID", referencedColumnName = "T284_ISSUER_ID", nullable = false, insertable = false, updatable = false)
    @NotFound(action = NotFoundAction.IGNORE)
    private InvestorIssuerEmailEntity investorIssuerEmail;


    @Column(name = "T090_091_INVESTOR_ID", nullable = false, insertable = true, 
updatable = true, length = 18, precision = 0)
    private Long investorId;

    @Column(name = "T090_102_ISSUER_ID", nullable = false, insertable = true, 
updatable = true, length = 18, precision = 0)
    private Long issuerId;


@Table(name = "T284_INVESTOR_ISSUER_EMAIL")
    @Column(name = "T284_INVESTOR_ID", nullable = false, insertable = true, 
updatable = true, length = 18, precision = 0)
    private Long investorId;

    @Column(name = "T284_ISSUER_ID", nullable = false, insertable = true, 
updatable = true, length = 18, precision = 0)
    private Long issuerId;



    @Column(name = "T284_INVESTOR_ID", nullable = false, insertable = true, 
updatable = true, length = 18, precision = 0)
    private Long investorId;

    @Column(name = "T284_ISSUER_ID", nullable = false, insertable = true, 
updatable = true, length = 18, precision = 0)
    private Long issuerId;  

我尝试通过使用与两个实体的 @EmbeddableId 相同的类,然后使用 @AttributeOverrides 来解决类型不匹配问题,如下所示:

        @AttributeOverride(name = "investorId",
                column = @Column(name = "T284_INVESTOR_ID", nullable = false, insertable = true, updatable = true, length = 18, precision = 0)),
        @AttributeOverride(name = "issuerId",
                column = @Column(name = "T284_ISSUER_ID", nullable = false, insertable = true, updatable = true, length = 18, precision = 0))
private InvestorIssuerId investorIssuerId;

我只对这两个实体进行了更改,但仍然对其他实体使用 @IdClass 方法(是否是仅对您的实体使用 @IdClass 或 @EmbeddableId,而不是两者都使用的情况?)


有没有人有任何解决方案来解决这个问题?我查看了 StackOverflow,但没有遇到关联中使用的复合键具有不同名称的情况。

Note:即使尝试下面的建议后,我们仍然收到此错误:org.hibernate.MappingException:实体映射中的重复列列:T090_091_INVESTOR_ID(应使用 insert="false" update="false 进行映射”)

我什至从 InvestorIssuerEntity 中删除了所有关联,并且still遇到了同样的问题。当我删除复合键类中的 @Column 注释时,该错误才消失。当然,查询不起作用,因为投资者 ID 没有映射!我不明白whereHibernate 正在查找“映射中的重复列”,因为除了复合键之外,我已经删除了所有提到的 T090_091_INVESTOR_ID 。

我们在 InvestorIssuerEntity 中还有其他关联,它们对相同的主键进行联接,但关联实体的组合键中也有附加列。一旦使用@EmbeddedId,您是否应该将它们用于所有实体?我们仍然对其他类使用@IdClass。但这是如何导致任何地方出现“重复列”的呢?


public class InvestorIssuerEntity {
    private InvestorIssuerEntityPK investorIssuerEntityPK;

    @OneToOne(optional=true, mappedBy="investorIssuerEntity")
    private InvestorIssuerEmailEntity investorIssuerEmailEntity;

public class InvestorIssuerEmailEntity {
    @EmbeddedId @AttributeOverrides({
        @AttributeOverride(name="investorId", column=@Column(name="T02_INV_ID")),
        @AttributeOverride(name="issuerId", column=@Column(name="T02_ISS_ID"))
    private InvestorIssuerEntityPK investorIssuerEntityPK;

    @OneToOne(optional=true) @PrimaryKeyJoinColumns({
        @PrimaryKeyJoinColumn(name="T02_ISS_ID", referencedColumnName="T01_ISS_ID"), 
        @PrimaryKeyJoinColumn(name="T02_INV_ID", referencedColumnName="T01_INV_ID")
    private InvestorIssuerEntity investorIssuerEntity;

public class InvestorIssuerEntityPK implements Serializable {
    private static final long serialVersionUID = -1176248537673293674L;

    private Long investorId;

    private Long issuerId;

它生成以下 DDL,这似乎就是您正在寻找的内容:

create table InvestorIssuerEmailEntity (
    T02_INV_ID bigint not null,
    T02_ISS_ID bigint not null,
    primary key (T02_INV_ID, T02_ISS_ID)

create table InvestorIssuerEntity (
    T01_INV_ID bigint not null,
    T01_ISS_ID bigint not null,
    primary key (T01_INV_ID, T01_ISS_ID)

alter table InvestorIssuerEmailEntity 
    add constraint FKC2FBCC4E1E26612E 
    foreign key (T02_INV_ID, T02_ISS_ID) 
    references InvestorIssuerEntity

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