在 WPF DataGrid 中使用 Enter 键作为 Tab


我有一个DataGrid in WPF.

I want to move to the NextCell when i hit Enter and when the LastColumn is reached it should have the default Enter function of creating or moving to the next row.

I dont want to use Tab

我怎样才能在 WPF 中做到这一点。


//datagrid gotfocus event
private void dataGrid1_GotFocus(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    DependencyObject dep = (DependencyObject)e.OriginalSource;
    //here we just find the cell got focused ...
    //then we can use the cell key down or key up
    // iteratively traverse the visual tree
    while ((dep != null) && !(dep is DataGridCell) && !(dep is DataGridColumnHeader))
        dep = VisualTreeHelper.GetParent(dep);

    if (dep == null)

    if (dep is DataGridCell)
        DataGridCell cell = dep as DataGridCell;
        //raise key down event of cell
        cell.IsSelected = true;
        cell.KeyDown += new KeyEventHandler(cell_KeyDown);

void cell_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
    DataGridCell cell = sender as DataGridCell;
    if (e.Key == Key.Enter)
        cell.MoveFocus(new TraversalRequest(FocusNavigationDirection.Next));
        cell.IsSelected = false;
        e.Handled = true;
        cell.KeyDown -= cell_KeyDown;

在此代码中,当一个单元格获得焦点并且用户按下下一个单元格时将获得焦点。 祝你好运希望这对你有帮助。


将此函数设置为 datagrid PreviewKeyDown 事件。

private void maindg_PreviewKeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)

            //just accept enter key
            if (e.Key != Key.Enter) return;

        DependencyObject dep = (DependencyObject)e.OriginalSource;
        //here we just find the cell got focused ...
        //then we can use the cell key down or key up
        // iteratively traverse the visual tree
        while ((dep != null) && !(dep is DataGridCell) && !(dep is DataGridColumnHeader))
            dep = VisualTreeHelper.GetParent(dep);

        if (dep == null)

        if (dep is DataGridCell)
            //cancel if datagrid in edit mode
            //get current cell
            DataGridCell cell = dep as DataGridCell;
            //deselect current cell
            cell.IsSelected = false;
            //find next right cell
            var nextCell = cell.PredictFocus(FocusNavigationDirection.Right);
            //if next right cell null go for find next ro first cell
            if (nextCell == null)
                DependencyObject nextRowCell;
                nextRowCell = cell.PredictFocus(FocusNavigationDirection.Down);
                //if next row is null so we have no more row Return;
                if (nextRowCell == null) return;
                //we do this because we cant use FocusNavigationDirection.Next for function PredictFocus
                //so we have to find it this way
                while ((nextRowCell as DataGridCell).PredictFocus(FocusNavigationDirection.Left) != null)
                    nextRowCell = (nextRowCell as DataGridCell).PredictFocus(FocusNavigationDirection.Left);
                //set new cell as next cell
                nextCell = nextRowCell;
            //change current cell
            maindg.CurrentCell = new DataGridCellInfo(nextCell as DataGridCell);
            //change selected cell
            (nextCell as DataGridCell).IsSelected = true;
            // start edit mode
        //handl the default action of keydown
        e.Handled = true;

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