自定义节样式在sectionList REACT NATIVE中


你知道如何在React-native的sectionList组件中制作水平部分(特定的)吗?我想让第二部分水平,我尝试使用 flex:1 和 flexDirection: 'row' 修改 renderItem 中的项目样式,但不起作用。任何人都知道如何在部分上设置自定义样式或制作水平部分? (红圈内)

          renderItem={({item, index, section}) => <CellMainNews isFirst={index===0 ? true: false} data={ item } onPress = {item.onPress } />}
          renderSectionHeader={({section: {title}}) => (
            <Text style={{fontWeight: 'bold'}}>{title}</Text>
            {title: 'Top post', data: this.props.featured.top, renderItem: overrideRenderItem },
            // this section
            {title: 'Featured posts', data: this.props.featured.secundary, renderItem: overrideRenderItemTwo },
            {title: 'Stories', data: this.props.stories},
          keyExtractor={(item, index) => item + index}

            {this.props.loading &&
                    <ActivityIndicator size={100} color="red" animating={this.props.loading} />





      renderItem={({item, index, section}) => <CellMainNews isFirst={index===0 ? true: false} data={ item } onPress = {item.onPress } />}
      renderSectionHeader={({section: {title}}) => (
        <Text style={{fontWeight: 'bold'}}>{title}</Text>
        {title: 'Top post', data: this.props.featured.top, renderItem: overrideRenderItem },
        {title: 'Featured posts', data: [this.props.featured.secundary], renderItem: overrideRenderItemTwo }, // Passing here the single element array 
        {title: 'Stories', data: this.props.stories},
      keyExtractor={(item, index) => String(index)}

        {this.props.loading &&
                <ActivityIndicator size={100} color="red" animating={this.props.loading} />

和你的 overrideRenderItemTwo

const overrideRenderItemTwo = ({ item, index, section: { title, data } }) => {
  return (
      keyExtractor={(item, index) => String(index)}
        ({item}) => (<CellMainNews isSecundary={true} isFirst={index===0 ? true: false} data={ item } onPress = {item.onPress } />)



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