Spring Data Neo4j - @RelationshipType 问题


当关系类型用 a 注释时,我很难检索关系@RelationshipType field.

这些关系在 Neoclipse 中看起来正确,但我在应用程序中没有检索到任何结果。


public abstract class Entity {

    private Collection<Relationship> relationships;

    public Relationship relatedTo(Entity entity, String type) {
        Relationship relationship = new Relationship(type, this, entity);

        return relationship;



public class Relationship {

    private String type;



@RelationshipEntity(type = "something")
public class Relationship {



完整的测试代码如下。Agency and Item都是子类Entity.

// Create first entity
Agency arnz = agencyRepository.save(new Agency());

// Create second entity
Item r123 = itemRepository.save(new Item());

// Create parent/child relationship between entities
r123.relatedTo(arnz, EntityRelationshipType.PARENT);

// Retrieve entity from database
Entity entity = itemRepository.findByCode("R123");

// Verify that relationship is present
assertThat(entity.getRelationships().iterator().hasNext(), is(true));



附言。我是 Neo4j 的业余爱好者,只是碰巧发现@RelationshipType,所以我很可能正在做一些可笑的错误。但愿如此!

很抱歉让您失望,但在检索过程中,代码现在不查找类型类,而是查找来自的类型@RelatedToVia or @RelationshipEntity或字段名称relationships作为关系类型。但你提出的观点是有道理的,你能在以下问题中提出问题吗?JIRA http://spring.neo4j.org/issues?

你有没有调查过template.getRelationshipsBetween ?



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