

我正在尝试将压力传感器 (MS5803-14BA) 与我的板 (NUCLEO-STM32L073RZ) 连接。

根据(第 3 页),压力传感器需要几毫秒才能准备好读取测量值。对于我的项目,我对需要大约 10 毫秒来转换原始数据的最高分辨率感兴趣。


我不喜欢我当前的解决方案,因为在这 10 毫秒内,我可以让 MCU 处理其他事情(我的板上连接了其他几个传感器),但没有任何中断引脚,我不确定是什么解决这个问题的最好方法。

我想到了另一个解决方案:使用一个计时器,每隔 20 毫秒触发一次并执行以下操作:

1.a Read the current value stored in the registers (discarding the first value)
1.b Ask for a new value


我不喜欢的是我的测量结果总是 20 毫秒。在延迟保持 20 毫秒之前,应该还可以,但如果我需要降低速率,我的解决方案的读数“年龄”就会增加。






First, the datasheet shows you need to wait up to 9.04 ms, or 9040 us. enter image description here


  1. 发送命令告诉设备进行 ADC 转换(即:进行模拟测量),然后配置硬件定时器在 9040 us 后准确中断您。然后,您可以在 ISR 中设置一个标志来告诉主循环发送读取命令来读取结果,或者您可以直接在 ISR 内部发送读取命令。

  2. 在主循环中使用基于非阻塞时间戳的协作多任务处理。这可能需要一个基本的状态机。发送转换命令,然后继续,做其他事情。当您的时间戳表明它已经足够长时,发送读取命令以从传感器读取转换后的结果。

上面的第 1 种方法是我处理时间紧迫的任务时首选的方法。然而,这对时间要求不高,一点点抖动不会产生任何影响,因此上面的第 2 种方法是我在一般裸机协作多任务处理中的首选方法,所以让我们这样做。


  1. 请求数据样本(在外部传感器中启动 ADC 转换)
  2. 等待 9040 us 才能完成转换
  3. 从外部传感器读取数据样本(现在 ADC 转换已完成)


enum sensorState_t 

int main(void)
    configureHardwareTimer(); // required for getMicros() to work

    while (1)
        // COOPERATIVE TASK #1
        // Read the under-water pressure sensor as fast as permitted by the datasheet
        static sensorState_t sensorState = SENSOR_START_CONVERSION; // initialize state machine
        static uint32_t task1_tStart; // us; start time
        static uint32_t sensorVal; // the sensor value you are trying to obtain 
        static bool newSensorVal = false; // set to true whenever a new value arrives
        switch (sensorState)
                startConversion(); // send command to sensor to start ADC conversion
                task1_tStart = getMicros(); // get a microsecond time stamp
                sensorState = SENSOR_WAIT; // next state 
            case SENSOR_WAIT:
                const uint32_t DESIRED_WAIT_TIME = 9040; // us
                uint32_t tNow = getMicros();
                if (tNow - task1_tStart >= DESIRED_WAIT_TIME)
                    sensorState = SENSOR_GET_CONVERSION; // next state
            case SENSOR_GET_CONVERSION:
                sensorVal = readConvertedResult(); // send command to read value from the sensor
                newSensorVal = true;
                sensorState = SENSOR_START_CONVERSION; // next state 

        // COOPERATIVE TASK #2
        // use the under-water pressure sensor data right when it comes in (this will be an event-based task
        // whose running frequency depends on the rate of new data coming in, for example)
        if (newSensorVal == true)
            newSensorVal = false; // reset this flag 

            // use the sensorVal data here now for whatever you need it for

        // COOPERATIVE TASK #3

        // COOPERATIVE TASK #4

        // etc etc

    } // end of while (1)
} // end of main

对于另一个非常简单的基于时间戳的多任务示例,请参见Arduino“无延迟闪烁”示例在这里 https://www.arduino.cc/en/Tutorial/BlinkWithoutDelay.

General 基于时间戳的裸机协作多任务处理架构笔记:

根据您的操作方式,最终您基本上会得到这种类型的代码布局,它只是以固定的时间间隔运行每个任务。每个任务应该是非阻塞以确保它不会与其他任务的运行间隔冲突。裸机上的非阻塞意味着“不要使用浪费时钟的延迟、繁忙循环或其他类型的轮询、重复、计数或繁忙延迟!”。 (这与基于操作系统(OS-based)的系统上的“阻塞”相反,这意味着“将时钟返还给调度程序,让它在该任务‘休眠’时运行另一个线程。”记住:裸机 means 无操作系统!)。相反,如果某些东西还没有完全准备好运行,只需通过状态机保存您的状态,退出该任务的代码(这是“合作”部分,因为您的任务必须通过返回来自愿放弃处理器),然后让另一个任务运行!

这是基本架构,展示了一种简单的基于时间戳的方法,可以让 3 个任务以独立的固定频率运行,而不依赖于任何中断,并且最小抖动,由于我采用彻底且有条理的方法来检查时间戳并在每次运行时更新开始时间。


int main(void)

    while (1)

2、 的定义doTask()功能:

// Task 1: Let's run this one at 100 Hz (every 10ms)
void doTask1(void)
    const uint32_t DT_DESIRED_US = 10000; // 10000us = 10ms, or 100Hz run freq
    static uint32_t t_start_us = getMicros();
    uint32_t t_now_us = getMicros();
    uint32_t dt_us = t_now_us - t_start_us;

    // See if it's time to run this Task
    if (dt_us >= DT_DESIRED_US)
        // 1. Add DT_DESIRED_US to t_start_us rather than setting t_start_us to t_now_us (which many 
        // people do) in order to ***avoid introducing artificial jitter into the timing!***
        t_start_us += DT_DESIRED_US;
        // 2. Handle edge case where it's already time to run again because just completing one of the main
        // "scheduler" loops in the main() function takes longer than DT_DESIRED_US; in other words, here
        // we are seeing that t_start_us is lagging too far behind (more than one DT_DESIRED_US time width
        // from t_now_us), so we are "fast-forwarding" t_start_us up to the point where it is exactly 
        // 1 DT_DESIRED_US time width back now, thereby causing this task to instantly run again the 
        // next time it is called (trying as hard as we can to run at the specified frequency) while 
        // at the same time protecting t_start_us from lagging farther and farther behind, as that would
        // eventually cause buggy and incorrect behavior when the (unsigned) timestamps start to roll over
        // back to zero.
        dt_us = t_now_us - t_start_us; // calculate new time delta with newly-updated t_start_us
        if (dt_us >= DT_DESIRED_US)
            t_start_us = t_now_us - DT_DESIRED_US;



// Task 2: Let's run this one at 1000 Hz (every 1ms)
void doTask2(void)
    const uint32_t DT_DESIRED_US = 1000; // 1000us = 1ms, or 1000Hz run freq
    static uint32_t t_start_us = getMicros();
    uint32_t t_now_us = getMicros();
    uint32_t dt_us = t_now_us - t_start_us;

    // See if it's time to run this Task
    if (dt_us >= DT_DESIRED_US)
        t_start_us += DT_DESIRED_US;
        dt_us = t_now_us - t_start_us; // calculate new time delta with newly-updated t_start_us
        if (dt_us >= DT_DESIRED_US)
            t_start_us = t_now_us - DT_DESIRED_US;



// Task 3: Let's run this one at 10 Hz (every 100ms)
void doTask3(void)
    const uint32_t DT_DESIRED_US = 100000; // 100000us = 100ms, or 10Hz run freq
    static uint32_t t_start_us = getMicros();
    uint32_t t_now_us = getMicros();
    uint32_t dt_us = t_now_us - t_start_us;

    // See if it's time to run this Task
    if (dt_us >= DT_DESIRED_US)
        t_start_us += DT_DESIRED_US;
        dt_us = t_now_us - t_start_us; // calculate new time delta with newly-updated t_start_us
        if (dt_us >= DT_DESIRED_US)
            t_start_us = t_now_us - DT_DESIRED_US;




/// @brief      A function-like macro to get a certain set of events to run at a desired, fixed 
///             interval period or frequency.
/// @details    This is a timestamp-based time polling technique frequently used in bare-metal
///             programming as a basic means of achieving cooperative multi-tasking. Note 
///             that getting the timing details right is difficult, hence one reason this macro 
///             is so useful. The other reason is that this maro significantly reduces the number of
///             lines of code you need to write to introduce a new timestamp-based cooperative
///             task. The technique used herein achieves a perfect desired period (or freq) 
///             on average, as it centers the jitter inherent in any polling technique around 
///             the desired time delta set-point, rather than always lagging as many other 
///             approaches do.
///             USAGE EX:
///             ```
///             // Create a task timer to run at 500 Hz (every 2000 us, or 2 ms; 1/0.002 sec = 500 Hz)
///             const uint32_t PERIOD_US = 2000; // 2000 us pd --> 500 Hz freq
///             bool time_to_run;
///             CREATE_TASK_TIMER(PERIOD_US, time_to_run);
///             if (time_to_run)
///             {
///                 run_task_2();
///             }
///             ```
///             Source: Gabriel Staples 
///             https://stackoverflow.com/questions/50028821/best-way-to-read-from-a-sensors-that-doesnt-have-interrupt-pin-and-require-some/50032992#50032992
/// @param[in]  dt_desired_us   The desired delta time period, in microseconds; note: pd = 1/freq;
///                             the type must be `uint32_t`
/// @param[out] time_to_run     A `bool` whose scope will enter *into* the brace-based scope block
///                             below; used as an *output* flag to the caller: this variable will 
///                             be set to true if it is time to run your code, according to the 
///                             timestamps, and will be set to false otherwise
/// @return     NA--this is not a true function
#define CREATE_TASK_TIMER(dt_desired_us, time_to_run)                                                                  \
{ /* Use scoping braces to allow multiple calls of this macro all in one outer scope while */                          \
  /* allowing each variable created below to be treated as unique to its own scope */                                  \
    time_to_run = false;                                                                                               \
    /* set the desired run pd / freq */                                                                                \
    const uint32_t DT_DESIRED_US = dt_desired_us;                                                                      \
    static uint32_t t_start_us = getMicros();                                                                          \
    uint32_t t_now_us = getMicros();                                                                                   \
    uint32_t dt_us = t_now_us - t_start_us;                                                                            \
    /* See if it's time to run this Task */                                                                            \
    if (dt_us >= DT_DESIRED_US)                                                                                        \
    {                                                                                                                  \
        /* 1. Add DT_DESIRED_US to t_start_us rather than setting t_start_us to t_now_us (which many */                \
        /* people do) in order to ***avoid introducing artificial jitter into the timing!*** */                        \
        t_start_us += DT_DESIRED_US;                                                                                   \
        /* 2. Handle edge case where it's already time to run again because just completing one of the main */         \
        /* "scheduler" loops in the main() function takes longer than DT_DESIRED_US; in other words, here */           \
        /* we are seeing that t_start_us is lagging too far behind (more than one DT_DESIRED_US time width */          \
        /* from t_now_us), so we are "fast-forwarding" t_start_us up to the point where it is exactly */               \
        /* 1 DT_DESIRED_US time width back now, thereby causing this task to instantly run again the */                \
        /* next time it is called (trying as hard as we can to run at the specified frequency) while */                \
        /* at the same time protecting t_start_us from lagging farther and farther behind, as that would */            \
        /* eventually cause buggy and incorrect behavior when the (unsigned) timestamps start to roll over */          \
        /* back to zero. */                                                                                            \
        dt_us = t_now_us - t_start_us; /* calculate new time delta with newly-updated t_start_us */                    \
        if (dt_us >= DT_DESIRED_US)                                                                                    \
        {                                                                                                              \
            t_start_us = t_now_us - DT_DESIRED_US;                                                                     \
        }                                                                                                              \
        time_to_run = true;                                                                                            \
    }                                                                                                                  \


int main(void)

    while (1)


// Task 1: Let's run this one at 100 Hz (every 10ms, or 10000us)
void doTask1(void)
    bool time_to_run;
    const uint32_t DT_DESIRED_US = 10000; // 10000us = 10ms, or 100Hz run freq
    if (time_to_run)

// Task 2: Let's run this one at 1000 Hz (every 1ms)
void doTask2(void)
    bool time_to_run;
    const uint32_t DT_DESIRED_US = 1000; // 1000us = 1ms, or 1000Hz run freq
    if (time_to_run)

// Task 3: Let's run this one at 10 Hz (every 100ms)
void doTask3(void)
    bool time_to_run;
    const uint32_t DT_DESIRED_US = 100000; // 100000us = 100ms, or 10Hz run freq
    if (time_to_run)


#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>

#define TASK1_PD_US (10000)     // 10ms pd, or 100 Hz run freq 
#define TASK2_PD_US (1000)      // 1ms pd, or 1000 Hz run freq 
#define TASK3_PD_US (100000)    // 100ms pd, or 10 Hz run freq 

// Task 1: Let's run this one at 100 Hz (every 10ms, or 10000us)
void doTask1(void)

// Task 2: Let's run this one at 1000 Hz (every 1ms)
void doTask2(void)

// Task 3: Let's run this one at 10 Hz (every 100ms)
void doTask3(void)

int main(void)

    while (1)
        bool time_to_run;

        CREATE_TASK_TIMER(TASK1_PD_US, time_to_run);
        if (time_to_run)

        CREATE_TASK_TIMER(TASK2_PD_US, time_to_run);
        if (time_to_run)

        CREATE_TASK_TIMER(TASK3_PD_US, time_to_run);
        if (time_to_run)


下面是如何配置定时器以用作 STM32F2 微控制器上的时间戳生成器的示例。

这显示了以下功能:configureHardwareTimer() and getMicros(),上面使用:

// Timer handle to be used for Timer 2 below
TIM_HandleTypeDef TimHandle;

// Configure Timer 2 to be used as a free-running 32-bit hardware timer for general-purpose use as a 1-us-resolution
// timestamp source
void configureHardwareTimer()
    // Timer clock must be enabled before you can configure it

    // Calculate prescaler
    // Here are some references to show how this is done:
    // 1) "STM32Cube_FW_F2_V1.7.0/Projects/STM32F207ZG-Nucleo/Examples/TIM/TIM_OnePulse/Src/main.c" shows the
    //    following (slightly modified) equation on line 95: `Prescaler = (TIMxCLK/TIMx_counter_clock) - 1`
    // 2) "STM32F20x and STM32F21x Reference Manual" states the following on pg 419: "14.4.11 TIMx prescaler (TIMx_PSC)"
    //    "The counter clock frequency CK_CNT is equal to fCK_PSC / (PSC[15:0] + 1)"
    //    This means that TIMx_counter_clock_freq = TIMxCLK/(prescaler + 1). Now, solve for prescaler and you
    //    get the exact same equation as above: `prescaler = TIMxCLK/TIMx_counter_clock_freq - 1`
    // Calculating TIMxCLK:
    // - We must divide SystemCoreClock (returned by HAL_RCC_GetHCLKFreq()) by 2 because TIM2 uses clock APB1
    // as its clock source, and on my board this is configured to be 1/2 of the SystemCoreClock.
    // - Note: To know which clock source each peripheral and timer uses, you can look at
    //  "Table 25. Peripheral current consumption" in the datasheet, p86-88.
    const uint32_t DESIRED_TIMER_FREQ = 1e6; // 1 MHz clock freq --> 1 us pd per tick, which is what I want
    uint32_t Tim2Clk = HAL_RCC_GetHCLKFreq() / 2;
    uint32_t prescaler = Tim2Clk / DESIRED_TIMER_FREQ - 1; // Don't forget the minus 1!

    // Configure timer
    // TIM2 is a 32-bit timer; See datasheet "Table 4. Timer feature comparison", p30-31
    TimHandle.Instance               = TIM2;
    TimHandle.Init.Period            = 0xFFFFFFFF; // Set pd to max possible for a 32-bit timer
    TimHandle.Init.Prescaler         = prescaler;
    TimHandle.Init.ClockDivision     = TIM_CLOCKDIVISION_DIV1;
    TimHandle.Init.CounterMode       = TIM_COUNTERMODE_UP;
    TimHandle.Init.RepetitionCounter = 0; // NA (has no significance) for this timer

    // Initialize the timer
    if (HAL_TIM_Base_Init(&TimHandle) != HAL_OK)
        // handle error condition

    // Start the timer
    if (HAL_TIM_Base_Start(&TimHandle) != HAL_OK)
        // handle error condition

// Get the 1 us count value on Timer 2.
// This timer will be used for general purpose hardware timing that does NOT rely on interrupts.
// Therefore, the counter will continue to increment even with interrupts disabled.
// The count value increments every 1 microsecond.
// Since it is a 32-bit counter it overflows every 2^32 counts, which means the highest value it can
// store is 2^32 - 1 = 4294967295. Overflows occur every 2^32 counts / 1 count/us / 1e6us/sec
// = ~4294.97 sec = ~71.6 min.
uint32_t getMicros()
    return __HAL_TIM_GET_COUNTER(&TimHandle);


  1. https://www.arduino.cc/en/tutorial/BlinkWithoutDelay https://www.arduino.cc/en/tutorial/BlinkWithoutDelay
  2. 多氧:在 Doxygen 中引用参数的正确方法是什么? https://stackoverflow.com/questions/15398711/whats-the-right-way-to-reference-a-parameter-in-doxygen/56745246#56745246
  3. 用于错误处理的基于枚举的错误代码:C 代码中的错误处理 https://stackoverflow.com/questions/385975/error-handling-in-c-code/59221452#59221452
  4. C 中的其他架构风格,例如通过不透明指针的“基于对象”C:不透明 C 结构:声明它们的各种方法 https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3965279/opaque-c-structs-how-should-they-be-declared/54488289#54488289


  1. A full, runnable Arduino example with an even better version of my CREATE_TASK_TIMER() macro from above:
    1. 我对 C 和 C++ 的回答,包括微控制器和 Arduino(或任何其他系统):Full 库仑计数器使用基于时间戳、单线程、协作多任务处理演示上述概念的示例 https://arduino.stackexchange.com/a/75937/7727

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    我正在 PictureBox 控件中实现大图像的平移 并且设置适当的方向平移光标没有问题 但是 我似乎找不到用于平底锅原点的图像 内部带有箭头的圆圈 我在哪里可以找到它 我觉得image您正在寻找的内容未包含在框架中 每个应用程序都使用自己
  • 我如何将 C++ 与 VALA 混合起来

    我需要用 C 编写跨平台的 GUI 应用程序 但由于 C 的大多数 GUI 库都有点乏味 而且我对 C NET 非常熟悉 我发现使用 GTK 的代码 Vala 代码非常有趣 并且与其他方式相比有点容易 那么我该如何将 VAlA 与 C 混合
  • XslCompiledTransform 和自定义 XmlUrlResolver:“具有相同键的条目已存在”

    有没有办法调试由自定义 XmlUrlResolver 从数据库加载的 XSLT 文档 或者有人知道下面的错误消息是关于什么的吗 我有一个导入通用 xslt 文档的 XSLT 样式表
