可以在 C++ 中创建单例结构吗?如何?



提前致谢。哦,顺便说一句,我是用 C++ 工作的。

A class and a struct除了一些小细节(例如其成员的默认访问级别)之外,它们几乎是相同的。因此,例如:

struct singleton
    static singleton& get_instance()
        static singleton instance;
        return instance;

    // The copy constructor is deleted, to prevent client code from creating new
    // instances of this class by copying the instance returned by get_instance()
    singleton(singleton const&) = delete;

    // The move constructor is deleted, to prevent client code from moving from
    // the object returned by get_instance(), which could result in other clients
    // retrieving a reference to an object with unspecified state.
    singleton(singleton&&) = delete;


    // Default-constructor is private, to prevent client code from creating new
    // instances of this class. The only instance shall be retrieved through the
    // get_instance() function.
    singleton() { }


int main()
    singleton& s = singleton::get_instance();

可以在 C++ 中创建单例结构吗?如何? 的相关文章
