

假设我有一个工作表,A 列中有多个不同的值。有没有办法创建一个宏,将列条目为 0 的所有行放入一个单独的工作表中,所有行的条目 1 都放在另一个工作表中,依此类推?我的第一直觉是创造一些东西:

1) 按相关列排序

2) 使用 IF 语句检查前一个单元格和下一个单元格之间的差异为 0 的第一个位置

3) 创建一个新工作表,复制第一个差异 0 之前的所有行,包括计算中产生差异 0 的第一个单元格

4) 选择新工作表并将数据块粘贴到

5) 继续此过程,直到与正在检查的列不同的计数器列中的空白单元格产生空白值(这是因为正在排序的列确实有空白值)



Dim lastrow As Long
Dim myRange As Long

lastrow = Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
myRange = Range("G1:G" & lastrow)

For i = 1 To myRange.Rows.Count
    If myRange(i, i+1) <> 0 then
    Sheets.Add After:=Sheet(3)
    ElseIf myRange(i , i+1) = 0
    End If
Next i


下面的脚本将在第 2 列中找到一个空白单元格(可在代码中自定义),然后根据您的规范对数据块进行操作。内置了一些健全性检查,包括唯一组的计数(您真的想要超过 25 个结果表吗?当然,该数字可以在代码中自定义),并且您是否期望对超过 10,000 行进行操作? (行检查也是可定制的。)

Option Explicit
Sub SplitDataIntoSheets()

Dim SafetyCheckUniques As Long
SafetyCheckUniques = 25 '<~ more than this number of output sheets? might be a mistake...
Dim SafetyCheckBlank As Long
SafetyCheckBlank = 10000 '<~ more than this number of rows? might be a mistake...
Dim ErrorCheck As Long

Dim Data As Worksheet, Target As Worksheet
Dim LastCol As Long, BlankCol As Long, _
    GroupCol As Long, StopRow As Long, _
    HeaderRow As Long, Index As Long
Dim GroupRange As Range, DataBlock As Range, _
    Cell As Range
Dim GroupHeaderName As String
Dim Uniques As New Collection

'set references up-front
Set Data = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Data")  '<~ assign the data-housing sheet
GroupHeaderName = "ID"                      '<~ the name of the column with our groups
BlankCol = 2                                '<~ the column where our blank "stop" row is
GroupCol = 1                                '<~ the column containing the groups
HeaderRow = 1                               '<~ the row that has our headers
LastCol = FindLastCol(Data)
StopRow = FindFirstBlankInCol(BlankCol, HeaderRow, Data)

'sanity check: if the first blank is more than our safety number,
'              we might have entered the wrong BlankCol
ErrorCheck = 0
If StopRow > SafetyCheckBlank Then
    ErrorCheck = MsgBox("Dang! The first blank row in column " & _
                        BlankCol & " is more than " & SafetyCheckBlank & _
                        " rows down... Are you sure you want to run this" & _
                        " script?", vbYesNo, "That's a lot of rows!")
    If ErrorCheck = vbNo Then Exit Sub
End If

'identify how many groups we have
With Data
    Set GroupRange = .Range(.Cells(HeaderRow, GroupCol), .Cells(StopRow, GroupCol))
    GroupRange.AdvancedFilter Action:=xlFilterInPlace, Unique:=True
    For Each Cell In GroupRange.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible)
        If Cell.Value <> GroupHeaderName Then
            Uniques.Add (Cell.Value)
        End If
    Next Cell
End With
Call ClearAllFilters(Data)

'sanity check: if there are more than 25 unique groups, do we really want
'              more than 25 sheets? prompt user...
ErrorCheck = 0
If Uniques.Count > SafetyCheckUniques Then
    ErrorCheck = MsgBox("Whoa! You've got " & Uniques.Count & " groups in column " & _
                        GroupCol & ", which is more than " & SafetyCheckUniques & _
                        " (which is a lot of resultant sheets). Are you sure you" & _
                        " want to run this script?", vbYesNo, "That's a lot of sheets!")
    If ErrorCheck = vbNo Then Exit Sub
End If

'loop through the unique collection, filtering the data block
'on each unique and copying the results to a new sheet
With Data
    Set DataBlock = .Range(.Cells(HeaderRow, GroupCol), .Cells(StopRow, LastCol))
End With
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
For Index = 1 To Uniques.Count
    Call ClearAllFilters(Data)
    'make sure the sheet doesn't exist already... delete the sheet if it's found
    If DoesSheetExist(Uniques(Index)) Then
    End If
    'now build the sheet and copy in the data
    Set Target = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets.Add
    Target.Name = Uniques(Index)
    DataBlock.AutoFilter Field:=GroupCol, Criteria1:=Uniques(Index)
    DataBlock.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).Copy Destination:=Target.Cells(1, 1)
Next Index
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
Call ClearAllFilters(Data)

End Sub

'INPUT: a worksheet name (string)
'RETURN: true or false depending on whether or not the sheet is found in this workbook
Public Function DoesSheetExist(dseSheetName As String) As Boolean
    Dim obj As Object
    On Error Resume Next
    'if there is an error, sheet doesn't exist
    Set obj = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(dseSheetName)
    If Err = 0 Then
        DoesSheetExist = True
        DoesSheetExist = False
    End If
    On Error GoTo 0
End Function

'INPUT: a column number (long) to examine, the header row we should start in (long)
'       and the worksheet that both exist in
'RETURN: the row number of the first blank
'SPECIAL CASE: return 0 if column number is <= zero,
'return 0 if the header row is <= zero,
'return 0 if sheet doesn't exist
Public Function FindFirstBlankInCol(ffbicColNumber As Long, ffbicHeaderRow As Long, _
    ffbicWorksheet As Worksheet) As Long
    If ffbicColNumber <= 0 Or ffbicHeaderRow <= 0 Then
        FindFirstBlankInCol = 0
    End If
    If Not DoesSheetExist(ffbicWorksheet.Name) Then
        FindFirstBlankInCol = 0
    End If
    'use xl down, will land on the last row before the blank
    With ffbicWorksheet
        FindFirstBlankInCol = .Cells(ffbicHeaderRow, ffbicColNumber).End(xlDown).Row
    End With
End Function

'INPUT: a worksheet on which to identify the last column
'RETURN: the column (as a long) of the last occupied cell on the sheet
'SPECIAL CASE: return 1 if the sheet is empty
Public Function FindLastCol(flcSheet As Worksheet) As Long
    If Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(flcSheet.Cells) <> 0 Then
        FindLastCol = flcSheet.Cells.Find("*", SearchOrder:=xlByColumns, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious).Column
        FindLastCol = 1
    End If
End Function

'INPUT: target worksheet on which to clear filters safely
'TASK: clear all filters
Sub ClearAllFilters(cafSheet As Worksheet)
    With cafSheet
        .AutoFilterMode = False
        If .FilterMode = True Then
        End If
    End With
End Sub

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