


getattr(model_class, model_attribute)







def process_general(mapping, map_keys, model_class, filter_fn, op_mode=op_modes.UPDATE):
    Creates or updates a general table object based on a config dictionary.

    `mapping`: a configuration dictionary, specifying info about the table row value
    `map_keys`: keys in the mapping that we use for the ORM object
    `model_class`: the ORM model class we use the config data in
    `op_mode`: the kind of operation we want to perform (delete, update, add, etc.)

    Note that relationships between model objects must be defined and connected
    outside of this function.
    # We construct a dictionary containing the values we need to set
    arg_dict = make_keyword_args(map_keys, mapping)

    # if we are updating, then we must first check if the item exists
    # already
    if (op_mode == op_modes.UPDATE):
        # Find all rows that match by the unique token.
        # It should only be one, but we will process all of them if it is the
        # case that we didn't stick to the uniqueness requirement.
        matches = filter_fn()

        # Keep track of the length of the iterator so we know if we need to add
        # a new row
        num_results = 0
        for match in matches:
            # and we set all of the object attributes based on the dictionary
            set_attrs_from_dict(match, arg_dict)
            model_obj = match
            num_results += 1
        # We have found no matches, so just add a new row
        if (num_results < 1):
            model_obj = model_class(**arg_dict)

        return model_obj

    # TODO add support for other modes. This here defaults to add
        return model_class(**arg_dict)


class Dataset(db.Model, UserContribMixin):
    # A list of filters for the dataset. It can be built into the dataset filter form dict
    # in get_filter_form. It's also useful for searching.
    filters     = db.relationship('DatasetFilter', backref='dataset')

    # private, and retrieved from the @property = select
    _fact_select = db.relationship('DatasetFactSelect', order_by='DatasetFactSelect.order')

    def fact_select(self):
        FIXME: What is this used for?

        Appears to be a list of strings used to select (something) from the
        fact model in the star dataset interface.

        :return: List of strings used to select from the fact model
        :rtype: list

        # these should be in proper order from the relationship order_by clause
        sels = [sel.fact_select for sel in self._fact_select]
        return sels

Calling getattr(model_class, model_attribute)将返回属性对象model_attribute指。我假设您已经知道这一点并且正在尝试访问属性对象的值。

class A(object):

    def __init__(self):
        self._myprop = "Hello"

    def myprop(self):
        return self._myprop

    def myprop(self, v):
        self._myprop = v

prop = getattr(A, "myprop")

print prop
# <property object at 0x7fe1b595a2b8>

现在我们已经从类中获取了属性对象,我们想要访问它的值。属性有3个方法fget, fset, and fdel提供对getter, settter, and deleter为该属性定义的方法。

Since myprop是一个实例方法,我们必须创建一个实例才能调用它。

print prop.fget
# <function myprop at 0x7fe1b595d5f0>

print prop.fset
# <function myprop at 0x7fe1b595d668>

print prop.fdel  # We never defined a deleter method
# None

a = A()
print prop.fget(a)
#  Hello

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