使用 Scalaz 7 zipWithIndex/group enumeratees 避免内存泄漏



如中所述这个问题 https://stackoverflow.com/questions/19059831/asynchronous-iteratee-processing-in-scalaz,我使用 Scalaz 7 iteratees 来处理常量堆空间中的大型(即无界)数据流。


type ErrorOrT[M[+_], A] = EitherT[M, Throwable, A]
type ErrorOr[A] = ErrorOrT[IO, A]

def processChunk(c: Chunk, idx: Long): Result

def process(data: EnumeratorT[Chunk, ErrorOr]): IterateeT[Vector[(Chunk, Long)], ErrorOr, Vector[Result]] =
  Iteratee.fold[Vector[(Chunk, Long)], ErrorOr, Vector[Result]](Nil) { (rs, vs) =>
    rs ++ vs map { 
      case (c, i) => processChunk(c, i) 
  } &= (data.zipWithIndex mapE Iteratee.group(P))


我似乎遇到了内存泄漏,但我对 Scalaz/FP 不够熟悉,无法知道该错误是在 Scalaz 中还是在我的代码中。直观上,我希望这段代码只需要(按顺序)PChunk- 大小的空间。

注:我发现类似的问题 https://stackoverflow.com/questions/16228154/scalaz-7-iteratee-to-process-large-zip-file-outofmemoryerror其中一个OutOfMemoryError遇到了,但我的代码没有使用consume.


我进行了一些测试来尝试找出问题所在。总而言之,只有当两者都存在时才会出现泄漏zipWithIndex and group被使用。

// no zipping/grouping
scala> (i1 &= enumArrs(1 << 25, 128)).run.unsafePerformIO
res47: Long = 4294967296

// grouping only
scala> (i2 &= (enumArrs(1 << 25, 128) mapE Iteratee.group(4))).run.unsafePerformIO
res49: Long = 4294967296

// zipping and grouping
scala> (i3 &= (enumArrs(1 << 25, 128).zipWithIndex mapE Iteratee.group(4))).run.unsafePerformIO
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space

// zipping only
scala> (i4 &= (enumArrs(1 << 25, 128).zipWithIndex)).run.unsafePerformIO
res51: Long = 4294967296

// no zipping/grouping, larger arrays
scala> (i1 &= enumArrs(1 << 27, 128)).run.unsafePerformIO
res53: Long = 17179869184

// zipping only, larger arrays
scala> (i4 &= (enumArrs(1 << 27, 128).zipWithIndex)).run.unsafePerformIO
res54: Long = 17179869184


import scalaz.iteratee._, scalaz.effect.IO, scalaz.std.vector._

// define an enumerator that produces a stream of new, zero-filled arrays
def enumArrs(sz: Int, n: Int) = 
  Iteratee.enumIterator[Array[Int], IO](

// define an iteratee that consumes a stream of arrays 
// and computes its length
val i1 = Iteratee.fold[Array[Int], IO, Long](0) { 
  (c, a) => c + a.length 

// define an iteratee that consumes a grouped stream of arrays 
// and computes its length
val i2 = Iteratee.fold[Vector[Array[Int]], IO, Long](0) { 
  (c, as) => c + as.map(_.length).sum 

// define an iteratee that consumes a grouped/zipped stream of arrays
// and computes its length
val i3 = Iteratee.fold[Vector[(Array[Int], Long)], IO, Long](0) {
  (c, vs) => c + vs.map(_._1.length).sum

// define an iteratee that consumes a zipped stream of arrays
// and computes its length
val i4 = Iteratee.fold[(Array[Int], Long), IO, Long](0) {
  (c, v) => c + v._1.length


  • 我的代码中有错误吗?
  • 我怎样才能在恒定的堆空间中完成这项工作?

对于那些与旧的人纠缠不休的人来说,这并不能带来什么安慰。iterateeAPI,但我最近验证了等效测试通过了scalaz-stream API https://github.com/scalaz/scalaz-stream。这是一个较新的流处理 API,旨在取代iteratee.


// create a stream containing `n` arrays with `sz` Ints in each one
def streamArrs(sz: Int, n: Int): Process[Task, Array[Int]] =
  (Process emit Array.fill(sz)(0)).repeat take n

(streamArrs(1 << 25, 1 << 14).zipWithIndex 
      pipe process1.chunk(4) 
      pipe process1.fold(0L) {
    (c, vs) => c + vs.map(_._1.length.toLong).sum

这应该适用于任何值n参数(前提是您愿意等待足够长的时间)——我使用 2^14 32MiB 数组进行了测试(即,随着时间的推移总共分配了 0.5 TiB 的内存)。


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