

获取或计算 pdf 中(Td、TD、Tm、cm、T*)内容流的确切位置?


在上图中,左侧框是 pdf ui 字形,右侧框包含相关内容流。在内容流中,我突出显示了两个 Td 位置。


3.321 -6.475999832 TD

Td 头寸应添加到最后的 Td 头寸中。假设x1,y1。

Current_x_pos = x1+3.321

当前_y_位置 = y1-6.475999832


在第二个突出显示的圆圈中,新的 Td 位置 (231.544 366.377990 Td) 被完全替换,如下所示

当前_x_位置 = 231.544

当前_y_位置 = 366.377990

除此之外,有时父标签是 Tm 在这种情况下,公式可能是这样的

Current_x_pos = x1+(tdx1*font_size)

Current_y_pos = y1+(tdy1*font_size)


Any help ? Thanks. enter image description here enter image description here


这很简单,对于一个Td操作你always相乘,请参阅 ISO 32000-1 规范(ISO 32000-2 中类似):

For a freshly initialized (i.e. identity) text line matrix Tlm this matrix multiplication looks like replacing its bottom row with tx ty 1.

For a text line matrix Tlm with only changes in the bottom row against an identity this matrix multiplication looks like an addition to the bottom row, e.g. x y 1 becomes x+tx y+ty 1.

For a text line matrix Tlm like in your second example

a 0 0
0 a 0
x y 1

this matrix multiplication looks like a multiplication with a followed by an addition to the bottom row, i.e. x y 1 becomes x+a·tx y+a·ty 1. If the font size parameter of the preceding Tf operation was 1, then a would effectively be the resultant font size giving rise to your assumption the font size is part of the formula.

In general, for an arbitrary, non-degenerate text line matrix Tlm

a b 0
c d 0
x y 1

this matrix multiplication looks even more complex, x y 1 becomes x+a·tx+c·ty y+b·tx+d·ty 1.




使第二个圆圈指令看起来只是替换的原因是先前的文本行矩阵是单位矩阵。但这并不是由于 François 假设的恢复状态操作,而是更简单地由于文本对象操作的开始BT:


(屏幕截图来自 Adob​​e 共享的 ISO 32000-1 副本。)


计算pdf中(Td,TD,Tm,cm,T*)内容流的确切位置? 的相关文章