使用 SFINAE 检查全局运算符<


template<typename T,class OutputStringType> inline
typename enable_if<!std::is_pointer<T>::value
                && has_insertion_operator<T>::value,
to_string( T const &t, OutputStringType *out ) {
  std::ostringstream o;
  o << t;
  *out = o.str();


struct sfinae_base {
  typedef char yes[1];
  typedef char no[2];

template<typename T>
struct has_insertion_operator : sfinae_base {
  template<typename U> static yes& test( U& );
  template<typename U> static no& test(...);

  static std::ostream &s;
  static T const &t;

  static bool const value = sizeof( test( s << t ) ) == sizeof( yes ); // line 48

(它借用了this https://stackoverflow.com/questions/257288/ and this https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4434569/.) 这似乎有效。 但现在我想要一个重载版本to_string对于类型not have operator<< but do有自己的to_string() member函数,即:

template<class T,class OutputStringType> inline
typename enable_if<!has_insertion_operator<T>::value
                && has_to_string<T,std::string (T::*)() const>::value,
to_string( T const &t, OutputStringType *out ) {
  *out = t.to_string();

实施has_to_string is:

#define DECL_HAS_MEM_FN(FN_NAME)                                      \
  template<typename T,typename S>                                     \
  struct has_##FN_NAME : sfinae_base {                                \
    template<typename SignatureType,SignatureType> struct type_check; \
    template<class U> static yes& test(type_check<S,&U::FN_NAME>*);   \
    template<class U> static no& test(...);                           \
    static bool const value = sizeof( test<T>(0) ) == sizeof( yes );  \

DECL_HAS_MEM_FN( to_string );

(这部分似乎工作正常。它改编自this https://stackoverflow.com/questions/257288/.) 但是,当我有:

struct S {
  string to_string() const {
    return "42";

int main() {
  string buf;
  S s;
  to_string( s, &buf ); // line 104

I get:

foo.cpp: In instantiation of ‘const bool has_insertion_operator<S>::value’:
foo.cpp:104:   instantiated from here
foo.cpp:48: error: no match for ‘operator<<’ in ‘has_insertion_operator<S>::s << has_insertion_operator<S>::t’

SFINAE 似乎没有发生。我该怎么写has_insertion_operator正确地确定全局是否operator<<有空吗?

仅供参考:我正在使用 g++ 4.2.1(作为 Mac OS X 上 Xcode 的一部分提供)。 另外,我希望代码只是标准 C++03,没有第三方库,例如 Boost。


我应该更忠实于this https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4434569/回答。 一个可行的实现是:

namespace has_insertion_operator_impl {
  typedef char no;
  typedef char yes[2];

  struct any_t {
    template<typename T> any_t( T const& );

  no operator<<( std::ostream const&, any_t const& );

  yes& test( std::ostream& );
  no test( no );

  template<typename T>
  struct has_insertion_operator {
    static std::ostream &s;
    static T const &t;
    static bool const value = sizeof( test(s << t) ) == sizeof( yes );

template<typename T>
struct has_insertion_operator :
  has_insertion_operator_impl::has_insertion_operator<T> {



使用 SFINAE 检查全局运算符<
