如何在 Spring Boot MVC Web 应用程序中从 META/MANIFEST.MF 读取数据?


我需要读取 Spring Boot MVC Web 应用程序的 META/MANIFEST.MF 文件中提供的信息,并使用此信息来执行一些业务逻辑。我使用 gradle 将应用程序构建为 war 文件并将其部署到外部 tomcat 中。


public class AppConfig
    public java.util.jar.Manifest getManifest() throws IOException
        InputStream inputFile = this.getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("META-INF/MANIFEST.MF");
        Manifest manifestObj = new Manifest(inputFile);
        return manifestObj;


public class AppService
    private Manifest manifest;
    public String init()
        Attributes mainAttributes = manifest.getMainAttributes();
        String buildNum = mainAttributes.getValue("Build-Number");
        String customPropInfo= mainAttributes.getValue("customPropInfo");
        String systemPrp1= buildNum + "_" + "SomeBusinessInfoLogic1";
        String systemPrp2= customPropInfo+ "_" + "SomeBusinessInfoLogic2";
        //Some Business Logic with these attributes systemPrp, systemPrp2
        logger.info("System Props are updated");

我两者都为空buildNum and customPropInfo.

注意:我尝试创建 Manifest bean 类似this https://stackoverflow.com/q/72640712/9145082这是我创建的。根据 @M.Deinum 建议,我在这里创建这个新问题。我也尝试了解决方案here https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3777055/reading-manifest-mf-file-from-jar-file-using-java/3777116#3777116这对我不起作用。

@M.Deinum 建议使用 Spring Boot 的 Actuator Info 端点。但是,当我们想要访问应用程序外部的信息时,此端点非常有用,但我的要求有所不同,因为我需要 MANIFEST.MF 文件中可用的数据来在应用程序内执行某些业务操作。

当我尝试时出现以下错误这个解决方案 https://stackoverflow.com/a/26687713/9145082 "/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF".

Caused by: org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'manifest' defined in class path resource [com/abc/AppConfig.class]: Bean instantiation via factory method failed; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.BeanInstantiationException: Failed to instantiate [java.util.jar.Manifest]: Factory method 'getManifest' threw exception; nested exception is java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "java.io.InputStream.read(byte[], int, int)" because "this.in" is null

有人可以帮我从 Spring Boot MVC Web 应用程序的 META/MANIFEST.MF 中读取信息吗?

UPDATE1:当我尝试打印主要属性时,我得到以下主要属性。但问题是当我尝试将战争部署到外部 tomcat 时。

System.out.println("Manifest MainAttributes = " +manifestObj.getMainAttributes().keySet());


Manifest MainAttributes = [Manifest-Version, Implementation-Title, Automatic-Module-Name, Implementation-Version, Built-By, Spring-Boot-Jar-Type, Build-Jdk-Spec]

UPDATE2:我已更新到 AppService.java 以打印自动装配 Manifest 对象中可用的信息。像下面这样:

public class AppConfig
    public java.util.jar.Manifest getManifest() throws IOException
        InputStream inputFile = new ClassPathResource("/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF").getInputStream();
        Manifest manifestObj = new Manifest(inputFile);
        System.out.println("Manifest Manifest-Version = " +manifestObj.getMainAttributes().getValue("Manifest-Version"));
        System.out.println("Manifest KeySet = " +manifestObj.getMainAttributes().keySet());
        return manifestObj;
public class AppService
    private Manifest manifest;
    public String init()
        Attributes mainAttributes = manifest.getMainAttributes();
        mainAttributes.forEach((k,v) -> {
            System.out.println("AppService.init(): Key = "+k+", Value = "+v);
        String buildNum = mainAttributes.getValue("Build-Number");
        String customPropInfo= mainAttributes.getValue("customPropInfo");
        String systemPrp1= buildNum + "_" + "SomeBusinessInfoLogic1";
        String systemPrp2= customPropInfo+ "_" + "SomeBusinessInfoLogic2";
        //Some Business Logic with these attributes systemPrp, systemPrp2
        logger.info("System Props are updated");


AppService.init(): Key = Implementation-Title, Value = Apache Tomcat Bootstrap
AppService.init(): Key = Implementation-Version, Value = 9.0.12
AppService.init(): Key = Specification-Vendor, Value = Apache Software Foundation
AppService.init(): Key = Specification-Title, Value = Apache Tomcat Bootstrap
AppService.init(): Key = Class-Path, Value = commons-daemon.jar
AppService.init(): Key = Manifest-Version, Value = 1.0
AppService.init(): Key = Main-Class, Value = org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap
AppService.init(): Key = Implementation-Vendor, Value = Apache Software Foundation
AppService.init(): Key = Ant-Version, Value = Apache Ant 1.9.9
AppService.init(): Key = X-Compile-Target-JDK, Value = 1.8
AppService.init(): Key = X-Compile-Source-JDK, Value = 1.8
AppService.init(): Key = Created-By, Value = some xyz
AppService.init(): Key = Specification-Version, Value = 9.0

因此,仅根据上面的输出,我认为 MANIFEST.MF 不是特定于应用程序的,而是来自commons-daemon.jar.

好的 - 问题不在于您“无法从 Spring Boot MVC Web 应用程序中的 META/MANIFEST.MF 读取数据”。相反,问题在于您的代码碰巧正在读取WRONG来自类路径中其他随机 .jar 的 MANIFEST.MF。

一种解决方案可能是使用Jar类加载器 https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/deployment/jar/jarclassloader.html.

正如 M. Deinum 所建议的,另一种解决方案可能是将您希望检索的属性存储在应用程序属性 https://www.tutorialspoint.com/spring_boot/spring_boot_application_properties.htm(或其他一些“全局”属性文件)而不是 MANIFEST.MF。

还: 我假设您可能正在使用 IDE 来开发您的应用程序(Eclipse、Netbeans 等)。如果你还没有,我会STRONGLY鼓励您熟悉 IDE 的调试器:设置断点、显示变量、单步执行方法调用等的能力。


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